"Yingli, I'll go back first. You have to be careful and don't be too tired."


Time gradually passed, many days had passed since Fei Yingli's court showdown, and Li Mu also returned to his daily life.

That night, at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Li Mu sat on the sofa in an interstellar hotel, drinking red wine from a wine glass.

Next to Li Mu, Ilia was holding a video game, playing it happily and shouting from time to time.

After playing for a while, Illya put down the game controller and looked at Li Mu with bright eyes.

"Li Mu, why don't we go home today and have to stay in the hotel."

Li Mu's face darkened, he put down his wine glass, and looked at Ilia with black lines on his head.

"You still have the nerve to accuse me, don’t forget, who is eating so happily, even if you say you have to eat this, you have to eat that, it’s only to the detriment of us eating until now"

"You, aren't you very happy eating? You eat a lot of the food, and you are to blame."

Ilia pointed at Li Mu and said that Li Mu was speechless.

Just talking about other things, Li Mu did eat the most.

After all, Li Mu's current body shape does require a lot of ability to replenish his energy.

Ilia saw Li Mu stopped talking and said triumphantly:"Look at what I said, all this is your fault, and why are you going home? Is it possible that you, an unscrupulous father, should be left at home while you go out and have a good time? ?"

"Cough cough cough……"

Li Mu coughed, quickly came to Ilia's side, and grabbed Ilia's body.

"You little girl, if I don’t teach you a lesson, you don’t know how powerful your father and I are."

As he spoke, Li Mu taught Ilya a lesson.

Ilya can't survive without fighting now, otherwise he will talk nonsense in the future, and his reputation will be ruined.

Although those things seem to be true.

Ilya Ya blushed and kept struggling, hitting Li Mu on the back with her little hands.

"Let me go, or I will tell Irisviel when I go back and say you bullied me."

"Yo, tell me, I want to see if your mother can help you."

Li Mula was happy, and the strength in her hands gradually increased.

Illya was also stunned and didn't know what to say.

Irisviel was already pretty good if she didn't bully her, let alone help her.

"Woo woo woo...My father bullied me and betrayed me."

Seeing that the threat was ineffective, Ilia covered her eyes and started crying.

"Okay, I won’t hit you anymore, come down and let Tian play with you."

Although he knew that Illya was just pretending to cry, Li Mu still let go of Illya.

After all, his daughter called him 'dad' so much that Li Mu was reluctant to beat her.


After Ilia stood up, she stuck out her tongue at Li Mu and ran to the balcony on the side.

Suddenly, a white voice fell on the balcony.

Li Mu turned his head to look, his eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a hint of laughter in his eyes. With a smile on his face.

Not far away, a large number of police cars could be heard vaguely. As they gradually approached, the sounds became louder and louder.

Kaitou Kidd.

The person who landed on Li Mu's window sill was not someone else. It was someone under the moonlight. Kaitou Kidd, also known as the magician.

After Kaitou Kidd landed on the balcony, he also saw Li Mu and Illya, and there was a strange light in his eyes.

"Li Mu, there is a pervert here who comes to peek at us at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night."

Illya suddenly turned her head, pointed at Kaitou Kidd and shouted.


Li Mu couldn't help spitting out the red wine in his mouth.

Kaitou Kid almost fell down after listening to Illya's words, and even almost fell off the balcony.

Cough cough cough...

Kaitou Kid coughed, then landed next to Illya, and said softly:"Little girl, I am not a pervert, my name is Kaitou Kid, and I am a magician.

" After that, Kaitou Kid took Illya's hand.


Illya suddenly waved her hand and hit Kaito Kidd in the face.

"Uncle, please, what age is this? I still use such a vulgar way of picking up conversations, and I am a lady, why would I look at you, a voyeur?"


Kaito Kidd was stunned. He subconsciously touched his cheek, and his heart seemed to be broken.

"Hey, I'm not an uncle, and I'm not a bad person either"

"Don't say it anymore, the bad guy these days will say that he is a good guy, and judging from your appearance, you might have the body of a shot and the heart of an uncle."

Illya put her hands on her hips and talked eloquently, leaving Kaitou Kid speechless for a while.

Although his face was covered, you could still tell that he had the face of a big brother, and he actually turned into Shota's body. uncle's heart

"This girl must be a little devil."

Kit thief Kidd muttered, already thinking of Illya as a terrible person in his heart.……

"Hey, open the door for me quickly, Kaitou Kidd, please stay here."

Suddenly, there were shouts and knocks on the door from outside.

Kaitou Kidd reacted and said quickly:"You two, I'm leaving first. Goodbye."

After saying that, Kaitou Kidd jumped down directly.

"Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet, how can you leave?"

Kidd, the thief, staggered as he listened to Illya's shouting, and almost didn't open the hang glider. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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