The next day, after Li Mu got up, he got on the boat back to Tokyo with everyone, and went to look for Kasaka Natsumi's villa.

When talking about Natsumi Kasaka, we have to mention her.

Miss Kasaka Natsumi is the owner of another memory egg, so Li Mu and others decided to go to Miss Kasaka Natsumi's villa.

On the cruise ship, Li Mu sat on a sun lounger, wearing sunglasses and basking in the sun leisurely.

Beside Li Mu, others were chatting about this egg of memories.

Not long after, Li Mu and others returned to the room.

In Xiaolan's room, Li Mu and his party stayed here.

Click, click, click...

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Li Mu walked over and opened the door."097"

"Great, I actually managed to take photos of some beauties. Mr.

Hanchuan held a camera and took pictures of Li Mu and others.

Before Li Mu could speak, Mr. Hanchuan took the lead and said,"Sorry, everyone, I'm disturbing you.""

After that, Mr. Hanchuan left.

"This guy must have left because he felt ashamed of my handsomeness."

Li Mu shook his long hair and said somewhat narcissistically.

Conan on the side looked at Li Mu with dead fish eyes after hearing this, and felt a burst of contempt in his heart.

But looking at Li Mu more carefully, Li Mu is indeed very handsome. At least he is a little jealous. Li Mu

"Okay, handsome guy, let's go and find another beauty."

Yuanzi took Li Mu's arm and walked to another room not far away.

After entering the room, Li Mu saw Pu Siqinglan sitting there wearing a fiery red cheongsam.

"Miss Qinglan, you are so beautiful. Can we come in and sit for a while?"

"Of course, please come in."

Pu Siqinglan took a step back and pointed to his room with his right hand.

Li Mu and others were not polite and entered the room directly to chat with Pu Siqinglan.

However, most of them were nutritional problems, and Li Mu just talked with They chatted and passed the time.

At night, it was Li Mu's time.

At night, Li Mu took the key to Yuanzi's room and secretly walked into Yuanzi's room.

The next day, when Li Mu woke up, he heard Mr. Nishino, the Suzuki assistant, knocked anxiously on his door.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Li Mu rubbed his eyes, which were sleepy.

He played for a long time yesterday and was woken up early in the morning, so he was naturally unhappy.

But Mr. Nishino didn't notice Li Mu's situation, shouted:"Mr. Li, it's not good, Mr. Hanchuan was killed in his room.""

"Oh, isn't this normal? With that kid, it's hard not to kill anyone, so go find Mr. Mori."

Li Mu said impatiently, then closed the door and continued to rest.

Anyway, the person who died was not one of his own, and he had been struggling for so long yesterday, so he had time to investigate the case.

Mr. Nishino was stunned, with an incredible look on his face. He looked at Li Mu's door.

Even though he was dead, he could still be so calm.

However, he didn't think much about it and quickly went to wake up Mouri Kogoro.

Two hours later, at eight o'clock, Li Mu got up. , and saw that Officer Mu Mu and others were all here.

Officer Mu Mu also noticed Li Mu, and quickly said:"Mr. Li, although I don't believe you did it, but I can ask you about what happened yesterday around 11 o'clock What are you doing? Why are you so calm this morning?"

Yuanzi on the side blushed after hearing this and looked at Li Mu shyly.

What can he do at eleven o'clock? At this time yesterday, he was just being fucked by Yuanzi and then fucking Yuanzi.

"Oh, yesterday I was processing company documents at eleven o'clock. As for why I didn't get up in the morning, I went to bed after one o'clock. He called me at six o'clock, and there was a certain death student. Isn't this kind of misfortune normal?"

Li Mu's words immediately aroused the eyes of a certain primary school student........

On the other hand, Officer Memu nodded seriously and glanced at Conan from the corner of his eye.

No matter where Conan goes, death is always with him.

He used to doubt Maori Kogoro, but now after Li Mu's last reminder, he discovered that the God of Death has someone else.

"That's right, this kid is the God of Death."

Mouri Kogoro immediately climbed up the pole and threw all his faults to Conan, once again attracting Conan's contempt.

"Okay, Mr. Nishino, can you tell me why your pen is in his room, and why Mr. Samkawa's things are here with you."

Officer Mu Mu ignored Li Mu and focused on the key suspect, Mr. Nishino.

"this...I really don't know. I'm really not a murderer. Officer, you have to believe me."

Mr. Nishino was also anxious and anxiously explained, but could not give a reasonable explanation.

"Okay, Officer Megure, don’t ask. Mr. Samukawa is indeed not the murderer. I can prove this."

Li Mu suddenly interrupted and said

"Really? How did you know?"

"It's simple, because Mr. Nishino has a feather allergy, so he couldn't have made Mr. Samkawa's room look like that."

Li Mu thought for a moment and told what he knew 3.5.

Mouri Kogoro was just about to say that Mr. Nishino was the murderer. When Li Mu said this, he happily shut up.

"Yes, I can prove this. Nishino does have feather allergies."

Suzuki Shiro on the side also nodded and said

"I see. Officer Megure nodded and muttered:"So, Mr. Nishino really can't be the murderer, so who is the murderer and why is his pen there?""

Li Mu also closed his eyes and thought carefully.

Mr. Hanchuan is dead. Naturally, it is impossible for him to listen to the heart of a dead man. He can only find a way by himself.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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