Chapter 1113 Saved Xiaolan

"There used to be a mechanism designed by the master here, so you'd better be careful."

The housekeeper walked towards Mr. Qian, picked up the key, and opened the handcuffs for Mr. Qian.

Mr. Qian was paralyzed on the ground, with a look of joy on his face.

"By the way, Mr. Butler, is there a place for your master on this floor, such as an office? Li Mu suddenly asked

"This does exist."

The housekeeper nodded, and then walked ahead to lead the way.

After a while, several people came to an office.

After arriving at the office, Mouri Kogoro picked up a cigarette and started smoking.

Looking at the floating smoke, Conan's eyes widened. Liang, just about to grab the cigarette, but Li Mu beat him to it

"There should be a basement here."

Li Mu picked up the cigarette and looked at the ground carefully.

After a while, Li Mu saw a hole on the ground that could be pulled out. When he stretched out his hand, he saw a password electronic screen.

"This should be in Russian. Gentleman, I would like to trouble you to enter it."

Li Mu looked at the first-class secretary and said


The tall clerk didn't refuse. He took a step forward and was about to start typing.

"By the way, the password should be Memory Egg, it must be 097."Moori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and this was the first thing that came to his mind.

The clerk thought for a moment, and then started typing.

After a while, after the clerk finished typing, there was no movement at all.

"By the way, it must be Mr. Xiyi’s name."

The clerk entered again, but there was still no movement.

"So...What about magicians at the end of the century? I remember that Natsumi’s novel said something in Russian, which was very similar to The Magician at the End of the Century, and Kaitou Kidd seemed to know it too."

"The magician of the end of the century."

The secretary muttered, and then started typing according to Li Mu's answer.

Rumble, rumble...

There was a sudden sound on the ground, and then it slowly parted, revealing a staircase.

"Okay, let's go down."

Li Mu picked up a flashlight and walked downstairs.

After walking through a long basement, Li Mu suddenly heard a sound.

Conan ran directly over.

Not long after, Conan ran back again, followed by Four elementary school students seeking death (bgdf).

Seeing these brats, Li Mu sighed with emotion. Mouri Kogoro and Conan nodded subconsciously, with approval on their faces.

In the original work, these brats profoundly understood what the halo of the protagonist is, and it doesn’t matter if they seek death in all directions..

But Li Mu didn’t think too much and continued walking forward.

It didn’t take long for Li Mu to reach the end.

After reaching the end, Li Mu looked at the murals on the wall and suddenly thought of something. He quickly picked up the flashlight and shined it on the crown..

Although the others were curious about why Li Mu did this, they didn't ask any more questions and looked patiently.


The light shone on the crown, and the ground cracked again, and part of the ground sank, revealing a huge coffin.

Li Mu took a step forward, looked at the lock on the coffin, and turned to look at Natsumi Kasaka

"Miss Natsumi, where is the key?"

"Oh, here it is."

Kazaka Natsumi immediately came over, picked up a simple key and opened it.

"Miss Natsumi, can I open it?"

"sure."The corners of Natsumi Kasaka's mouth were slightly raised with a kind smile on her face.

Li Mu did not hesitate and opened the coffin directly, and saw a red egg inside.

After taking out the red egg, Li Mu opened it and saw that there was Empty, nothing

"How is this going? How could it be empty inside?"

Moori Kogoro looked up and down with curiosity in his eyes.

"By the way, Officer Shiratori, bring me the memory egg. I know how to use it."

Li Mu waved to Officer Bainiao.

Officer Bainiao quickly came over, opened his backpack, and placed the egg of memories in Li Mu's hand.

Li Mu took the egg of memories and put it into a larger egg. Then he walked to a stone pillar on the side.

He placed the flashlight in a hole on it, and placed the Egg of Memories on top of the flashlight.

"Everyone, please put out the candles."

Although several people were confused, they still extinguished the candles.

The moment the candles were extinguished, the basement became dim, a ray of light shot out from the Egg of Memory, and then the outer eggshell became transparent, and the statue inside could be seen..Suddenly

, a ray of light shot out from the egg, and a large number of shadows floated in the sky.

"Great, that’s it, this is a photo album, no wonder it’s called Egg of Memories."

Seeing the photos in the sky, even Mouri Kogoro, a fool, understood it and couldn't help sighing.

Others were even more immersed in the photos and watched them carefully.

Most of these photos were of Ni Family photo of Nicholas II, and Miss Kosaka Natsumi’s great-grandmother was the daughter of Nicholas II.

This is also a memory photo of Nicholas II and Natsumi Kosaka’s great-grandfather, and is therefore called the Egg of Memory.

Everyone appreciates it After a moment, the photo slowly disappeared, and the basement became dark again.

Suddenly, a red dot appeared on Mouri Kogoro's face, but he didn't know it

"Uncle Maori, be careful."

Conan yelled and threw the flashlight in his hand at Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro was also frightened for a moment and quickly ran away, just in time to avoid Shi Kaobing's sniper.

"Brat, what are you going to do?"

Conan ignored Mouri Kogoro and looked at Xiaolan who was about to pick up the flashlight in horror.

"Xiaolan, don't pick up the flashlight."

Li Mu took the first step and pounced directly on Xiaolan, pushed Xiaolan away, and avoided Shi Kaobing's fatal blow.

Shi Kaobing missed the hit and did not continue to attack. He turned around and ran away quickly. opened

"Damn it, don't run."

Conan yelled angrily, and then ran away quickly.

Li Mu looked at Conan leaving, with the corners of his mouth raised.

Let Conan catch the murderer, and just stay and protect Xiaolan. The Invincible

Fairy of the Great Voyage The tail begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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