At night, the second floor of the Maori Detective Agency was still brightly lit.

Those who didn’t know better thought that the Mori Detective Agency was still open.

On the second floor, Conan looked grim, holding his quilt and placing it on the sofa on the second floor.

"Really, why do we have to sleep on the second floor when he can sleep on the first floor?"

"There is no way, who asked that boy to save Xiaolan, we can only condescend and sleep here."

Although Mouri Kogoro was dissatisfied, his men were not slow in spreading the quilt.

After all, no matter how unhappy he was, he still had to rest when it was time to rest. He could not treat himself badly. After a while, Moori Kogoro was ready, and then Lying on the sofa and resting.

Conan had no choice but to lie down and start to rest.

On the other side, after Li Mu parked the car, he came to the third floor of Mouri Kogoro's house.

As soon as he opened the door, Li Mu saw Xiao Lan Zheng is holding a red quilt

"Brother Li, this is my quilt. I can lend it to you temporarily. My father’s quilt may be a little dirty."

"Thank you then, Xiaolan."

Li Mu came to Mouri Kogoro's room, looked at the brand new quilt inside, and understood immediately.

It is probably that Xiaolan was also worried that Moori Kogoro's quilt was dirty and smelled of alcohol, so she changed it specially.

To be honest, before Li Mu was not happy to live in Mouri Kogoro's house because the smell of alcohol was everywhere in Mouri Kogoro's room. Instead of sharing a room with Moori Kogoro, it would be better to live alone on the sofa. At least the air would be fresher.

"Brother Li, it's getting late. I'm going to have a rest. If you need anything later, remember to find me."

Every time Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu, she would feel a little shy.

So every time Xiaolan peeked at Li Mu, she would quickly look away.

Li Mu did not leave Xiaolan behind, and lay down on the brand new quilt to rest.

Quilt Not only is it new, but Li Mu can also smell a hint of fragrance coming from it.

It is not comparable to that sloppy uncle of Maori Kogoro.

They are obviously biological father and daughter, but the gap is so big.

Fortunately, Maori Kogoro doesn't know what Li Mu is thinking. , otherwise he would definitely run up and fight Li Mu.

Time gradually passed, and Li Mu gradually closed his eyes to rest.

I don’t know how long it took, Li Mu opened his eyes, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and came to the bathroom on the side中.

The weather is always a little hot at night in summer.

Sometimes Li Mu can't sleep, so he will take a cold bath, so that he can fall asleep.

Before entering the bathroom, Li Mu suddenly heard the sound of water flowing inside.

At present , There were only two people in the room on the third floor of this floor. It wasn't Li Mu, and naturally it was Xiaolan.

Xiaolan also heard the movement of the bathroom door, stopped quickly, and looked outside warily.

"Brother Li, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me, but I can't sleep and want to come over and take a shower."

Li Mu nodded, continued to look at the door, and waited patiently.

"Really, Brother Li, just wait, I'll be there soon."

Xiaolan thought that Li Mu was about to take a shower too, so he lost his speed.

However, just because of his anxiety, Xiaolan became unsteady and fell to the ground.


Xiaolan screamed subconsciously.

Below, Maori Kogoro heard Xiaolan shouted and immediately woke up and ran up to the third floor quickly.

"Damn it, could this kid take the opportunity to do something evil?"

As a person who is mildly obsessed with daughters, I have already cursed Li Mu many times in my heart, and even cut Li Mu into pieces many times.

Beside him, Conan was also very resentful, with hatred in his eyes.

"Damn it, how dare you do anything to Xiaolan."

The two of them soon arrived at the third floor and hurriedly slapped the door in front of them vigorously.

"Xiaolan, what happened?"

"Sister Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Moori Kogoro and Conan shouted as they knocked open the door.

As soon as they opened the door, Mouri Kogoro and the two saw Li Mu

"Brat, did you do something to Xiaolan?"

Li Mu's mouth twitched.

He has a conscience, he has been outside and has never been in. What else is he doing?

"Detective Maori, I haven't gone in yet, what do you think I can do?"

It was only then that Maori Kogoro realized that Li Mu was outside and Xiaolan was inside, and it seemed that nothing could be done.

After thinking about it, Maori Kogoro immediately let go of Li Mu.

At this time, Xiaolan also recovered, although she was in some pain. , but thinking that his father was outside, he quickly stood up

"Dad, you don't have to worry, I just fell down accidentally."

Outside, Mouri Kogoro and Conan heard Xiaolan's voice, and they were relieved.

Listening to this voice, Xiaolan didn't have anything wrong at all. On the contrary, this voice sounded full of energy.

".Xiaolan, you should also pay attention to yourself. What should you do if you get injured in the future?"

"Yes, sister Xiaolan, you should also pay attention to yourself."

"It's nothing to me, I just fell down accidentally."

Xiaolan also felt a little sorry.

After all, she woke up her father this late at night.

"Really, Xiaolan, that's really embarrassing, I'm sorry, I'm leaving now."

Mouri Kogoro touched his head tremblingly, and then walked towards the second floor.

Conan also relaxed.

As long as Li Mu doesn't take advantage of him, everything else is easy to talk about.

After Moori Kogoro and Conan left, Xiaolan She also walked out of it.

As soon as she came out, Xiaolan saw Li Mu and was a little embarrassed.

After all, such a big person would still fall down, especially in front of the person he likes. Everyone would do it. Feel embarrassed

((Nuo Zhao)"Brother Li Mu, I'm sorry, you were misunderstood just now. By the way, don't you want to take a shower? Then go in quickly."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, walked to Xiaolan's side, and said softly said a word.

Although Xiaolan was a little shy, she nodded her head gently.

After getting Xiaolan's answer, Li Mu no longer hesitated and went directly to take a shower.

On a hot day, Li Mu even felt a little hot. Taking a cold shower felt much better.

Before he traveled through time in the past, the weather was relatively hot, so Li Mu would often take a shower.

Sometimes when he couldn't sleep at night, Li Mu would take a shower.

After taking a cold shower, Li Mu could fall asleep.

As for Xiaolan, she did not return to her room. Instead, she was still sitting on the sofa waiting for Li Muchu.

After hearing what Li Mu said, Xiaolan had been looking forward to it and felt a little uneasy.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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