Li Muhe and Ye met again just a few days after they separated.

At the Mori Detective Agency, Li Mu was chatting with Mori Kogoro. Suddenly the door opened and Hattori Heiji and his two men walked in.

"Uncle, long time no see"

"It's you? That kid from Osaka?"

Moori Kogoro was also stunned, and subconsciously put down the beer in his hand.

"Yes, it's me."

Hattori Heiji smiled, and then looked at Li Mu

"Hey, Li Mu, this is for you. Take it and take a look."

"Give me? Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then picked up the envelope, walked to the window, and looked up at the window.

Hattori Heiji was stunned and asked in confusion:"What are you looking at?""

"Oh, let me see if the sun rises in the west today, and you actually gave me something."


" Mao"Zero Nine Seven" Toshikogoro couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of beer, grinned, and snickered.

Conan on the side almost laughed out loud.

Hattori Heiji's face darkened and he shouted dissatisfied. :"Is this necessary? I occasionally give things to others."

Li Mu didn't answer. He picked up the envelope and opened it.

After a brief glance, Li Mu threw the envelope aside.

"If you don’t want to go, I don’t have time. You have to go on your own."

Li Mu thought it was something at first, but in the end he was asked to participate in some kind of Eastern and Western reasoning showdown. How could he have that kind of free time?

"What's wrong, are you afraid, afraid of losing to me?"

Hattori Heiji smiled proudly.

"Yes, I'm just scared, what's wrong, can't I?"

Li Mu didn't care about Hattori Heiji's provocation.

It would be fun if Hattori Heiji could be tricked into leaving alone and Kazuha stayed. After hearing what Li Mu said, Hattori Heiji was suddenly unable to perform.

After all, Li Mu had already given up. , what else can he do?

Li Mu thought for a moment, then looked at Mouri Kogoro and said:"Detective Mouri, this is a good opportunity to become famous on TV. You must participate, and you must not lose your face."

After that, Li Mu handed the envelope to Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro just glanced at it, and his heart was full of expectations, and he started to have sexual intercourse.

"That's right, how could I not participate in this kind of person? I decided to participate in this East-West showdown as the representative of the Eastern Conference."

"What? you?" Hattori Heiji glanced at Mouri Kogoro with a look of disgust on his face.

His goal was not Moori Kogoro, but he wanted to compete with Li Mu openly.

"Detective Maori, it seems that the West is afraid of the representatives from the East, so there is no need to compare."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and started to use the provoking method.

This thing is of no use to Li Mu, but a passionate young man like Hattori Heiji can use it accurately.

And this is the fact.

When Hattori Heiji heard Li Mu's provoking method, he immediately shouted:"So what, I will definitely defeat your Eastern representatives."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji looked at Conan with provocative eyes.

"Okay, let's get started."

Moori Kogoro waved his hand excitedly, and kept muttering about Miss Yoko, Miss Yoko. The poor Mouri Kogoro subconsciously thought that as long as he was on TV, he could see Miss Okino Yoko.

I'm afraid he didn't know either. Miss Okino Yoko was already Li Mu's.

Early the next morning, everyone came to Tokyo Bay and prepared to take a boat to Okinawa.

On the side of the boat, Hattori Heiji looked at Mouri Kogoro and others and said:"By the way, why don't you come on Boat, are you scared?"

"That's all. I have something else to do today, so I won't go with you."

Li Mu took the lead and shook his head and refused.

Today he planned to be with Xiaolan Yuanzi, how could he go to that inhospitable island?

"That's right, you go ahead and I'll have a nice meal and then I'll participate in this duel."

Mouri Kogoro also smiled slightly.

"Really, you two. Hattori

Heiji gave a look of disdain, then looked at Kazuya and asked:"By the way, Kazuya, what about you?" Aren't you going?"

"No, Xiaolan and I went shopping"

"Yes, Heye rarely comes here. I'll take her for a walk."

"That's it." Hattori Heiji murmured, then grabbed Conan, and then said:"Boy, you must come with me........"

"Ah I..."

Before Conan could say anything, he was immediately taken away by Hattori Heiji.

Li Mu watched Conan and the two leave with a faint smile on his lips.

"Heye, Xiaolan, let me take you shopping"


He Ye nodded, and then followed Li Mu, left and right.

If Hattori Heiji and Heiji knew that Li Mu had just asked their childhood sweetheart away, I don't know what they should think.

"Uncle Maori, we are leaving, you have to have some fun by yourself"

"Got it, let’s go."

Mouri Kogoro waved his hands impatiently, as if he disliked Li Mu and the others.

Li Mu stayed not long after, drove a car, took Kazuya and others and left.

Not long after, Li Mu arrived in the city and looked for An underground parking lot, park your car

"Xiaolan, Heye, let's go shopping. Whatever you buy today will be on me. He

Ye's face turned slightly red, and she subconsciously thought of the things she bought when she went shopping with Li Mu last time.

Xiaolan didn't notice He Ye's face, and nodded:"Thank you, Brother Li.""

Li Mu's face was slightly happy after hearing this, and he couldn't help but take another look at Xiaolan.

In the past, Xiaolan would not accept favors from others, but now he accepts it, which shows that Xiaolan has recognized 3.5 Li Mu even more in her heart.

She left the parking lot After the show, Li Mu took the two of them to the shopping mall in Ginza.

As the most luxurious shopping mall in Tokyo, this place is naturally not affordable for ordinary people, but Li Mu is not affordable for ordinary people.

"He Ye, let's go in and take a look."

Li Mu took He Ye and took the lead into a clothing store.

There is actually nothing to do when shopping, it's just shopping for clothes.

And now that it's broad daylight, and Ye He is together again, naturally he doesn't want to go shopping. It is possible to do such a thing.

In this way, Hattori Heiji and others were busy with the case, and Mouri Kogoro was drinking. Li Mu was shopping with He Ye, and their life was very uncomfortable.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy The tail begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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