The next day, ding dong...Ding dong...

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Li Mu quickly cleared the table, crumpled some useless paper, and threw it in the trash can.

Fei Yingli also put on light makeup, then walked out with Li Mu and opened the door.

Outside the door, as expected, it was Xiaolan and others who came

"Mom, I'm here to cheer you up"

"Hello aunt."

Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan and the two of them, and she was glad in her heart that she and Li Mu had already recovered a long time ago, otherwise they might have been suspected.

"By the way, Brother Li, are you here too?"

Xiaolan asked curiously when she saw Li Mu's figure.

"That's right, I plan to ask Li Mu to appear in this court as a special defender."

Fei Yingli answered for Li Mu first.

Somehow, Fei Yingli was particularly worried that the matter between her and Li Mu would be exposed in front of Xiaolan.

"Special defender?"

"Sister Xiaolan, the special defender means that as long as the defendant agrees, a person with custody can help defend the case."

Conan, who is known as the humanoid encyclopedia, saw Xiaolan's doubts and helped her to answer them.

Xiaolan also understood after hearing this and did not continue to ask any more questions.


Outside the court, Fei Yingli and others had just arrived when they met Prosecutor Kujo, who was nicknamed the Madonna of the prosecutorial world.

After Prosecutor Kujo saw Fei Yingli, he came over

"Lawyer Fei, this time my opponent is you again. I hope you can give me some advice."

"No matter what, Prosecutor Kujo wants to show mercy to me."

Although there is enough evidence, Fei Yingli is still very humble.

"By the way, who is this gentleman? Seems like your assistant? I think I saw him last time."

Prosecutor Kujo also noticed Li Mu at this time.

After all, Li Mu's temperament is outstanding and distinct. It is difficult not to notice it.

"He is the special defender I invited and will be present this time."

Speaking of Li Mu, Fei Yingli didn't notice it, and there was a sincere sense of pride on her face.

It seemed that she was not saying 'special defense', but telling others that this is my man.

"Yeah, then I'm looking forward to this defense."

Prosecutor Kujo didn't say anything more. She said hello and left.

Shortly after leaving, her assistant secretly said:"Prosecutor Kujo, that man is a detective. He has helped the police solve cases many times. He is very capable."

"Is that so, detective?"

Prosecutor Kujo muttered to himself, peeking at Li Mu's back with a smile on his lips.

After entering the court for the second time, Li Mu sat in the special defender's seat.

After waiting for a short time, the court opened.

As soon as the trial started, Prosecutor Kujo walked in front of the defendant.

"Defendant, not long ago, you were suspected of entering his club, stealing finances, and having a dispute with other people. So, let me ask you, how did you choose the target of the theft? Did you choose it randomly?……"

"I have some hatred with him. He cheated on my daughter, so I wanted to steal his money, but he loves money so much."

The defendant glanced at Fei Yingli, and when Fei Yingli nodded to him, he told the truth.

This was also what Li Mu discovered during his investigation that the defendant was related to the victim, so he asked him to tell the truth.

Anyway, the murderer was not the defendant.

Prosecutor Kujo met The defendant actually said it directly, and he didn't know what to do.

It was like he raised his fist, but didn't know where to hit it.

After a moment of silence, Prosecutor Kujo continued to ask:"Then you admit that this was your deliberate revenge, and then Beating the deceased to death?"

"protest."Fei Yingli stood up and said:"Your Honor, Prosecutor Kujo exaggerated. The defendant only wanted to steal for revenge, not to kill. Having hatred does not mean that he wants to kill. This is just a guess."

The judge nodded, and then looked at Prosecutor Kujo

"Prosecutor Kujo, do you have anything else to ask?"


(Prosecutor Kujo (Dino Zhao) sat down and looked at Fei Yingli with a solemn expression.

In the first round of the confrontation, she realized that Fei Yingli was too strong.

"Now let’s give the floor to the defense lawyer."

Fei Yingli stood up and looked at Li Mu with her beautiful eyes.

"I would like to ask a special defense lawyer to help solve the case"

"It can be huge."

The judge naturally would not refuse and directly agreed to Li Mu's help.

The Kujo prosecutor on the side also noticed Li Mu and looked at Li Mu closely.

Being able to make Fei Yingli ask for help shows that Li Mu has a certain ability.

The Great Voyage The Invincible Beloved Fairy Tail begins!_To read the novel without underlining, please download Feilu Novels

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