"Humph, you know how to talk nonsense."

Miwako snorted and turned her head shyly.

But even though she turned her head, Miwako still glanced at Li Mu secretly from time to time.

Every time she saw Li Mu's face, Miwako's face turned slightly red, and her heart felt like a deer bumping into each other. , jumping with a thump.

Especially when she faced Li Mu, Miwako felt very nervous.

"Hum, we are still talking about love now, I am waiting for you to become a pair of desperate mandarin ducks together."

Secretly, when the murderer who had been eavesdropping heard Li Mu flirting, he cursed with a sullen face.

After a while, Miwako said shyly:"Li Mu, can you defuse bombs?"

"Of course I know how to defuse bombs. I just squat next to the bomb and press E."Li Mu said confidently

"So simple?"Miwako was stunned and looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

The eavesdropping gangster sneered, his heart filled with contempt.

"Such a waste can actually be a policeman."

If a bomb can be defused by pressing E, there will be no need for a demolition team. 16 police officers can defuse the bomb."

"Of course it's simple, isn't that how it works in the game?"

Li Mu looked at Miwako with a smile and made a joke.

Miwako understood immediately, blushed and said:"Humph, you know you are joking with me, so I won't pay attention to you."

As she said that, Miwako turned her head proudly like a child.


Suddenly, a cell phone rang, and Miwako quickly connected the phone.

"Well, okay, I understand, Officer Megure."

Not long after, Miwako hung up the phone, looked up at Li Mu and said:"Li Mu, I'll come up and deliver a bomb disposal device later. Be careful then."

"Don't worry, Miwako, I won't let you get hurt."

Miwako blushed after hearing this. She looked at Li Mu who was serious and couldn't help but take another look. A serious man already has extra points, and with Li Mu, an extremely handsome man, the score is even higher.

Li Mu looked at He thought about the bomb in front of him for a while, then felt something falling from it, and quickly raised his head to look.

He saw a backpack slowly approaching Li Mu.

This huge backpack fell very slowly in the dark space, for fear of There was a sudden vibration

"Okay, that's enough."

Li Mu greeted everyone, then took the backpack and gently touched his side.

Then Li Mu opened the backpack and began to prepare to defuse the bomb without waiting for notification from the people above.

After so many worlds, Li Mu With the ability of the system, he has gained a lot of abilities, but most of them are not in combat, so they are not included.

However, Li Mu has very rich professional knowledge and can be a teacher for most purposes.

This ability of bomb disposal and reasoning is very good. Excellent, one of the best, much better than others.

Next, after Miwako answered the call from the bomb disposal team above, she also spoke out.

"Li Mu first removed the outer cover of the bomb, then took out the night vision device from his backpack and cut off the inner cover.……"

Li Mu didn't even listen to Miwako, so he directly picked up the scissors and some tools and quickly started to take it apart.

It didn't take long for Li Mu to remove only the last thin red wire. As soon as this red wire was removed, it meant that the bomb had been dismantled.

But at this time, there was an extra line of words on the LCD monitor, which kept flashing and was so dazzling in the dark night.

"Li Mu, next is……"

Miwako was talking when she suddenly saw Li Mu looking at her with a smile and couldn't help but stop.

"Li Mu, what's wrong? Is there something you don't understand? It doesn't matter. We have plenty of time."

As she said that, Miwako picked up the drawing and continued to look at it.

"Miwako, don’t look anymore, I have cut only the last red thread, and I am just missing the last step."

"What? You've cut so much. Miwako was also surprised and said quickly:"I'm only halfway through speaking, but you've already reached the last step of dismantling it.""

Looking at Li Mu who was so quick, Miwako didn't know what to say.

But soon, Miwako reacted, quickly picked up the phone and called the bomb disposal team.

Outside, the bomb disposal team also stopped. After finishing the narration, he shouted in surprise:"What, that guy has removed only one red thread."

He didn't know what to say anymore.

He demolished so much without waiting for his orders. If it exploded, wouldn't he want to take him with him?

But he didn't have time to think so much, so he quickly picked up the drawing and looked at it. It didn't take long for the bomb disposal team to react and said quickly:"Very good, he is very powerful. There is only one last step left to completely dismantle the bomb. Hurry up and cut the red wire." Miwako was also overjoyed and said quickly:"Li Mu, just cut the red thread, and the bomb will be over.""

Li Mu smiled and did not take action.

"To pay tribute to the brave police, I will 097 give clues to the next bomb in the last few seconds of the bomb. I hope you can find the last bomb."

Miwako trembled after hearing this. Matsuda Jinpei's words kept echoing in her mind and could not be erased for a long time. It took a long time for

Miwako to react and looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

"Miwako, it seems that I can't do this anymore. I can only wait until the end. I must know where the next bomb is."

"Wait, Li Mu, you can cut it off. We have more than ten hours until three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. We have enough time to find this bomb."

Somehow, Miwako didn't want Li Mu to die, nor did she want Li Mu and Matsuda Jinpei to end up together.

Li Mu looked into Miwako's tearful eyes and said deeply:"Miwako, believe me, I will be fine, and this It’s also for justice and for the safety of countless other people’s lives."

Of course this is nonsense.

He has already known where the last bomb is, so there is no need to worry.

Then he can just wait until the last few seconds, pretend to read the prompts, and cut the red line, and nothing will happen.

It's okay. Take advantage of this period to capture Miwako's heart and achieve multiple goals with one stone.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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