Beside a river embankment, Li Mu and others were sitting on a small stool, holding a fishing rod in their hands, fishing for fish in the water.

"Alas, fishing in the rain is still very interesting."

Li Mu sighed and fished boredly.

He had no interest in fishing, let alone fishing in the rain.

"Okay, fishing in the rain is still very good, let's fish together."

Mouri Kogoro didn't care at all and continued fishing with the fishing rod.

Li Mu didn't continue to talk. While fishing, he looked around boredly.

"Uncle, your fishing rod moved"

"Alas, really, my fishing rod really moved."

Mouri Kogoro also became excited and quickly pulled the fishing rod hard.

Cough cough cough...

Li Mu couldn't help coughing as he felt what Mouri Kogoro had caught in the river.

It wasn't a big fish in the water, it was his car.

Yes, it's his car.

When he thought of this, Li Mu quickly jumped into the water and said excitedly:"Damn, Detective Maoli, that's my hand, my car fell into the water"

"What? your car?"

Mouri Kogoro turned his head and looked aside, only to see that at some point, the car parked there had disappeared.

"What should we do? Otherwise, dad, go down and help. That is a very expensive car."

Xiaolan also became anxious and patted Maori Kogoro quickly.

Maori Kogoro's face also turned red. Thinking of how expensive Li Mu's car was, he almost fainted.

If such an expensive car breaks down, he can't pay for it. rise

"No need, I'll do it myself."

Li Mu refused a few people, grabbed the car, pulled hard, picked up the car, and placed it next to the river embankment.


Everyone was so surprised when they saw Li Mu's actions that they almost couldn't say anything.

How much strength was required to lift the entire car in the water.

Conan could already imagine how powerful it would be to fight. It's so painful on the human body.

Li Mu also realized it, quickly put down the car, and explained:"I'm sorry, my strength is so strong, and let's go back"

"Okay, let's go back now."

Moori Kogoro did not refuse. He sat in the car and was about to start the car.

But after a moment, Moori Kogoro stopped and said with a blushing face:"It seems...It seems like this car can no longer ignite."

"So, let's go over there.

Yuanzi waved his hand, picked up the salute from the back of the car, and wanted to

"Well, just think of it as a stroll."

Li Mu accepted the salute and followed Yuanzi.


An hour later, Mouri Kogoro held a map and muttered to himself:"We seem to be lost."

"be lost? Yuanzi's face darkened and he shouted quickly:"We are lost. Don't you know the specific route?" Then you still run so fast. Li

Mu's face darkened, and he pointed to one side and said,"Then, we can only live there and spend the rest of the night.""

"Ah, here? Are there people living in this deep mountain? Could it be a monster."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were startled, and hurriedly ran to Li Mu's side, pulling Li Mu to the left and right.

Li Mu coughed his throat, and then whispered to himself in a gloomy tone:"In this deep mountain, how can you live here? What's here must be a monster, a monster that eats beautiful girls."


Xiaolan and the other two shouted in surprise, and then moved closer to Li Mu's arm.

"Don't be afraid, I will definitely protect you"

"Ahem, Li Mu, there’s no need to scare Xiaolan like this, and don’t eat Xiaolan’s tofu."


Li Mu ignored Maori Kogoro's warning, but Xiaolan and Xiaolan quickly left Li Mu's arms.

"Okay, no need to say more, let’s go over and have a look."

Moori Kogoro walked forward, stretched out his hand and knocked gently on the door.

Not long after, the door opened, and an old man walked out.

The moment the old man came out, he scared Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro He also reacted and said quickly:"By the way, old gentleman, can you……"

······Asking for flowers·······

"Leave me alone, I don’t need to sell you here, don’t think that if you come with your children, I will believe you."

The old gentleman interrupted Mouri Kogoro and shouted loudly.

"Father, who is it?"

A middle-aged man walked out of the house again.

When the middle-aged man saw Mouri Kogoro, he was a little surprised and said:"It turns out to be you. Why are you here?"

This middle-aged man is Hiroto Akashi, and he is also the person Li Mu and others met on the tennis court today.

Kogoro Mori was also happy and said quickly:"Mr. Akashi, we accidentally got lost, can you help us? Stay here for one night"

"Well, come together."


Mr. Akashi had a hint of joy in his eyes.

Although others didn't notice it, Li Mu still easily felt something was wrong.

But looking at Conan, the God of Death, on the side, Li Mu immediately understood what happened.

After entering Mr. Akashi's home, Mouri Kogoro said politely:"Mr. Akashi, I'm really sorry. I'm really troubling you this time.""

"It's okay, it's not a big deal."

Mr. Akashi shook his head with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Mr. Akashi, can you lend me a room? I need to change my clothes."

Li Mu is still wearing relatively damp clothes at this moment.

"Well, okay, the room is right there."

Li Mu followed Mr. Akashi's gaze, raised his feet and walked over.

Sonoko held a backpack, followed Li Mu, and entered the room with Li Mu.

After entering the room, Li Mu picked up a new Then he started to change his clothes.

Next to him, Yuanzi said with a little dissatisfaction:"Really, I didn't expect to rest here tonight. I was originally planning to be with you."

As he spoke, Yuanzi's face turned slightly red, and he glanced at Li Mu secretly.

Li Mu changed his clothes, then grabbed Yuanzi's body, pressed it to the side, and leaned against her ear.

"It's okay, you and I will go out for a while, then we'll be like this……"

The Invincible Fairy Tail of the Great Voyage begins with! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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