As soon as he got home, Conan came over and coughed:"Sister Xiaolan, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry, I'm just looking for Yuanzi and the others, it's not a big problem."

Xiaolan also recovered, and the flush on her face disappeared.

Conan didn't doubt it either. He asked once and didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, it’s time to eat, so let’s eat."

Mr. Akashi said and walked to the kitchen.

After a while, Li Mu and others were sitting at the dining table in the living room, eating spicy curry and chatting while eating.

"Everyone, you can eat first, I will go and bring food to my father."

Mr. Akashi picked up a plate of spicy curry and left immediately.

Li Mu didn't care what Mr. Akashi did, and chatted with Sonoko and others while eating.

Conan next to him looked at Li Mu jealously, but there was nothing he could do. Who makes his throat sore now?

If it weren't for monitoring Li Mu, he would have gone to a place to rest a long time ago, how could he still stay here.

Especially now that his fever is getting worse and his tonsillitis has become inflamed, basically it has been said He was speechless.

But in order to keep an eye on Xiaolan, he had to work hard to hold on.

"Dad, you can eat while I go to the bathroom."

Xiaolan suddenly stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

"I also need to go to the bathroom."

Li Mu also stood up and followed Xiaolan.

Neither Maori Kogoro nor Conan paid attention. Maybe they thought it was impossible for Mu to do anything.

After a few minutes, Li Mu left the bathroom.

When he got outside, Li Mu looked He held his hand, shook his head and said:"It's actually a bathroom, is it possible that I have a relationship with the bathroom?"

Li Mu even felt that he had changed, of course for the better.

After waiting outside for a moment, Xiao Lan came out. When she saw Li Mu, her face turned red, like a ripe apple.

Xiao Lan Lan blushed, didn't dare to look at Li Mu, and ran away.

Li Mu also walked into the bathroom and washed his hands.

In the living room, Xiao Lan had just come back, and her expression immediately attracted Conan's attention.

"Damn it, didn't that guy do something to Xiaolan? I won't let this beast go."

Not long after, Li Mu also came back.

As soon as Conan saw Li Mu coming, he quickly asked:"Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?"

Conan thought something had just happened and looked at Li Mu unhappily.

This resentful look seemed as if he wanted to eat Li Mu.

But Li Mu completely ignored Conan, as if Conan was not even there.

Of course Conan Noticing Li Mu's expression, he became even more unhappy, but (De Nuo Zhao) still focused on Xiaolan's face.

"this..."Xiaolan hesitated shyly and couldn't say a word.

She had no idea what she should say about what had just happened, and she was too embarrassed to say it.

Seeing this, Li Mu covered his mouth and snickered:"Xiaolan almost fell down just now, and she was in a flat place like home." The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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