On Sunday, Li Mu put on a formal suit and came outside the Mihua City Hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel, Li Mu saw Mouri Kogoro, Fei Yingli and others.

Fei Yingli naturally noticed Li Mu

"Brother Li, you are here too."

Xiaolan also saw Li Mu, and a trace of joy also emerged in her heart.

"Xiaolan, Maori Detective, Lawyer Fei, hello."

Li Mu also greeted a few people, and then took another look at Fei Yingli.

Although he was basically wearing the same professional attire as before, he never got tired of it.

Fei Yingli naturally noticed Li Mu's gaze, and felt a little more in her heart. of pride

"By the way, Li Mu, why are you here? Could it be that you are also attending the wedding ceremony of Officer Shiratori’s sister?"Mouri Kogoro asked curiously

"Yes, I was naturally embarrassed to refuse the invitation."

Li Mu naturally came because of Meihezi. Who knew that Fei Yingli was also here, but Li Mu is a chain-linked person, so naturally he won't be afraid.Boat

"Really? Then let us 097 go in together."

Mouri Kogoro didn't say anything more and walked into the elevator on the side.

Li Mu and others also followed and entered the elevator.

In the elevator, Mouri Kogoro and Xiaolan stood at the front, and Li Mu and Fei Yingli stood at the front. At the very back, Conan stood in the middle.

Other than that, there was surprisingly no one else in the elevator.

After walking out of the elevator, Fei Yingli glared at Li Mu, and then followed Xiaolan and others.

As soon as she walked out There was a sea of ​​people inside the elevator, but most of them looked very fierce, especially when they saw Li Mu.

"Why are these people so weird? Are they all friends of the bride and groom?"Moori Kogoro said with a little doubt.

"No, with such fierce eyes and such a strong sense of oppression, these people should be police officers."

Li Mu looked at countless fierce eyes and couldn't help but joke.

The police also noticed Li Mu's calm eyes (bgdf) and complained in their hearts, but did not continue to look.

"That's Officer Megure, let's go take a look."

Moori Kogoro tidied up his clothes, and then walked towards Officer Megure.

Seeing that Fei Yingli and others were passing by, Li Mu hesitated for a moment and followed.

"Officer Megure, hello."

"Oh, it’s Brother Maori."

The two greeted each other, and then Mouri Kogoro secretly asked:"Officer Megure, that case?……"

When it came to that case, Officer Megure's expression turned gloomy, and then he said gloomily:"Brother Mouri, our police will handle this case, so don't worry about it."

Although Kogoro Mouri was dissatisfied, he had no choice but to I can turn my head, but I'm still thinking about something

"By the way, Li Mu, don’t you want to know something?"

Maori Kogoro suddenly pushed Li Muchao

"I? Li Mu was stunned for a moment, then touched his chin and said seriously:"I really want to know if Officer Bai Niao's sister is his biological sister.""

"ah..."Officer Bai Niao was about to rebuff Li Mu righteously, but who knew that Li Mu would actually ask this question.

Although he didn’t know why, Officer Shiratori still said:"Oh, that’s not my biological sister, she’s just my mother’s sister’s daughter."

"Oh, no, that's okay."

Officer Bai Niao was suddenly stunned and had no idea what Li Mu was talking about.

Only Conan next to him turned his head very fast and couldn't help but give Li Mu a dead eye.

"Hey, Li Mu, I'm not asking you this question, I'm asking you, don't you want to know about this case?"Mouri Kogoro said dissatisfied

"How could this be so simple? I already knew the general idea, so why did I need to ask the police?"Li Mu said very calmly.

"knew?"Moori Kogoro was stunned, and then asked secretly:"Li Mu, can you tell me then."

Li Mu didn't refuse and said directly:"First of all, for the police, they hope that many detectives will help them solve the case, especially people like Officer Mu Mu. If they don't want to tell you now, they probably can't. For example, the suspect is a policeman, and another example That fierce-looking Director Oda"

"Varied...What?"Mouri Kogoro shouted in surprise, instantly attracting the attention of countless people.

"No...Sorry to bother you, I'm really sorry."

Mouri Kogoro also noticed Officer Megure's face, apologized quickly, and then didn't say a word.

This matter involved too much, and there was no need for him to get involved in it.

On the other hand, Officer Shiratori looked solemnly. Looking at Li Mu, he murmured to himself:"Is this guy really a detective? Being a police officer is in vain."

Officer Mu Mu smiled awkwardly, obviously shocked that Li Mu had guessed so much.

"Everyone, here comes the bride and groom."

The master of ceremonies above shouted, and the lights gathered in the aisle on one side.

Then the two held hands and walked under the lights.

Li Mu looked at the two people walking out and couldn't help but joked:"The bride is very nice. , what a pity, a flower stuck in cow dung"

"I think so too, the bride is indeed beautiful, but is the groom official?……"

Mouri Kogoro also nodded in agreement.

"Brother Li, Dad, and Officer Shiratiao are still here."

Xiaolan couldn't help interrupting the two of them, and looked at Officer Shiratiao with an apologetic look.

"Xiaolan, don’t be like this. To be honest, I don’t think the groom is very good either. It’s a pity that my sister insists on marrying him."




The Great Voyage: The Invincible Fairy Tail begins! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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