Although Miwako was injured, she was almost healed. At least she could walk to the bathroom.

After arriving at the bathroom, Miwako was not in a hurry. Instead, she looked at Li Mu

"Cough cough cough..."Li Mu coughed and said righteously:"Miwako, don't care about me. Just do whatever you want. Treat me as a person who doesn't exist and I am transparent."

Miwako blushed slightly and said shyly:"Li Mu , you go out, I am enough alone, I don’t need you here"

"Miwako, I'm worried. After you were hit last time, I was sad for a long time. I wish I could beat that murderer into nothing."

"this...The murderer is dead."Miwako said weakly.

Doctor Fengdo had been beaten to a disability by Li Mu, and many of his bones were broken. Fortunately,

Li Mu only punched one, so the judge deemed it an excessive defense and did not pay legal liability.

Li Mu:"...……"

Can you still talk well?

"Okay, don't waste any more time."

A few minutes later, Li Mu supported Miwako and walked out of the bathroom slowly.

"Miwako, how did you get out of there?"

Suddenly, a crisp voice came.

Li Mu looked up and saw Yumi holding a fruit basket in her hand, looking at him with a surprised look on her face.

Miwako was also surprised, and then quickly waved her hands to explain.

"Yumi, tell me, the thing is like this, we have nothing at all, and he didn't help me. I did all this myself."

Miwako started talking nonsense when she was anxious. Although what she said was true, it didn't look convincing at all.

"Okay, I get it now."Yumi had a smile on her face and winked at Li Mu.

Looking at Yumi's smile, Miwako still didn't understand why she was thinking wrongly. She quickly explained:"Yumi, it's not what you think. We really have nothing to do with each other."

"I know I know."

Yumi nodded, but it could be seen from her smile that she did not believe Miwako at all.

Miwako was anxious and quickly looked at Li Mu and said:"Li Mu, please explain quickly and make it clear to Yumi."

"Don't worry, let me tell you."Li Mu clicked... and then said seriously:"Yumi, Miwako and I are innocent. I didn't help him."

After saying that, Li Mu winked at Miwako.

Miwako was almost mad to death when she saw Li Mu's smile.

"Li Mu, why do you say that?"

"What's wrong? Can I help you?"Li Mu said confusedly.

"It's not this, it's that. Why are you blinking at her? Aren't you trying to trick me on purpose?"Miwako said anxiously

"Oh, you said this, I'm sorry, it's just blepharospasm, it doesn't matter, thank you for caring about me."

Miwako staggered and almost died of anger. It was already good for her not to kill Li Mu, so how could she still care about Li Mu.

And Li Mu looked like he was lying.

Miwako had no choice but to look at Yumi and explained :"Yumi, you have to believe me, we really didn't do anything, not this time, not last time either."

".What? And last time?"

Yumi was stunned and looked at Miwako in disbelief.

Then the fire of gossip burst out of Yumi's eyes, and she asked curiously:"When was the last time and what happened?"

Miwako was startled, and she was stunned.

After a while, Miwako realized what she was doing. She quickly shook her head and said with a blush,"No, nothing happened last time. He and I didn't do anything."

I really didn't do anything last time. Except for the last step, I really didn't do anything. The two of them were still very pure.

Yumi looked at Miwako, and she didn't know that Miwako and Li Mu were really having an affair.)

"Hey, Li Mu, can you tell me what you and Miwako did last time and where they were? I can give you Miwako's explosive photo album."Yumi pushed Li Mu and asked secretly

"Hey, Li Mu, you can't say that. If you dare to say it, I will give you a slap on the back."

It's okay that Miwako didn't say anything. Saying this is equivalent to admitting that what happened last time was really serious.

And the fire of gossip in Yumi's heart became even stronger. She pushed Li Mu's arm from time to time, with endless curiosity in her eyes. Desire.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Fairy Tail begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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