Miwako was not happy with this meal.

After finishing the meal, Miwako blushed and said a little unhappy:"Li Mu, let's go, let's take a rest, and then continue swimming."

"Okay, you leave first, I'll go to the toilet first."

Li Mu wiped his mouth and walked towards the bathroom on the first floor.

When Li Mu went to the bathroom, in another corner, a man wearing a hat and"Zero Nine Seven" covering his face followed Li Mu.

The man took him to the bathroom After Li Mu approached the bathroom, he rushed out from behind and suddenly appeared in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu was also startled, but he relaxed after feeling Yumi's breath behind him.

"Yumi, it's you, why are you here too."

Yes, this person is Miyamoto Yumi from the Transportation Department.

After she knew that Miwako was taking leave, she guessed the same thing and secretly followed Miwako to the resort beach, and then happened to find Li Mu and Miwako.

"I miss you, can’t I?"

"Yumi, how did you know we were here?"

Speaking of this, Yumei became proud.

"How do I know? Do you even need to ask? That workaholic Miwako suddenly asked for leave. It would be a lie to say that it has nothing to do with you."

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched. He didn't expect Miwako to be such a person in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Fortunately, it was just Yumi, not those who were in the way.

After a long time, Yumi stopped and pulled Li Mu directly into the bathroom..After a long time

"Oops, I forgot Miwako was still outside."

Li Mu suddenly remembered that he had been away from here for a long time and actually forgot about Miwako because of Yumi.

Thinking that Miwako was angry now, Li Mu quickly walked out and soon came to Miwako.

Miwako saw Li Mu coming, He turned his head dissatisfied and shouted

"Miwako, I'm really sorry. I just had a stomachache, so I was delayed for a long time."

"It doesn't matter, I won't care."

Miwako turned her head and her little face bulged. It was impossible to tell that she didn't care.

"Miwako, you must be angry, right?"


Li Mu suddenly grabbed Miwako's hand.......

Miwako blushed and quickly pushed Li Mu away.

"Li Mu, let’s go and go swimming."


Li Mu followed Miwako to the beach.

After arriving at the beach, Miwako's blushing face recovered. She raised her head and said,"Li Mu, I forgive you for what happened just now, but in the future, without my permission, Don't do this anymore."

Li Mu looked at Miwako's side face and shook his head.

Miwako was obviously looking forward to it, but she still pretended to be at a disadvantage.

But Li Mu didn't say it out loud. Otherwise, if Miwako got angry, this date would be ruined.

"Li Mu, put on some 3.5 sunscreen for me. I don’t want me to get tanned today."


Li Mu's eyes lit up, he took the sunscreen and walked to Miwako's side.

Miwako lowered his head, lay on the beach, closed his eyes, and waited patiently.

How could Li Mu give up such a rare opportunity.

The Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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