In a luxurious room at a hotel in Huis Ten Bosch.

Li Mu and Yuanzi rested for a while.

I don’t know how long it took, Yuanzi looked at Li Mu

"Okay, it's time for us to go."

Yuanzi glanced at Li Mu shyly, changed out of her wedding dress, and then followed Li Mu out of the room. As soon as she left the room, Li Mu saw Xiaolan sitting on the sofa on the side, resting with her eyes closed.

Yuanzi's eyes lit up, Pointing to Xiaolan on the side, he winked at Li Mu.

Li Mu understood immediately, walked forward slowly, looked at the sleeping Xiaolan, and lowered his head.

Xiaolan woke up immediately, raised her feet without hesitation, and faced Li Mu kicked him hard

"Xiaolan, it’s me."

Li Mu quickly reached out to block Xiaolan's hand.

"Brother Li, is that you?"

Xiaolan reacted, but after a moment, Xiaolan saw that she was caught by Li Mu and pressed her foot on Li Mu's shoulder, and her face suddenly turned red.

"plum...Brother Li, can you 097 let me go?...This is not good, is it?"


Yuanzi quickly interrupted Xiaolan, quickly ran to Li Mu's side, and grabbed Xiaolan's feet.

"Xiaolan, you have to repay Li Mu, otherwise I will not agree to Li Mu letting you go."

"That's right, Xiaolan, you have to give me some reward, otherwise I won't let you go."

Li Mu nodded, with a serious expression on his face.

Xiaolan blushed, lowered her head, and said shyly:"Li...Brother Li, I..."

Li Mu closed his eyes and turned his head.

Xiaolan understood immediately, closed her eyes helplessly, and slowly approached Li Mu.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and immediately turned his head

"plum...Brother Li, you..."

Li Mu did not continue to hold Xiaolan and let go of Xiaolan.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let’s go, no, we are here to attend a wedding today."


Xiaolan didn't dwell on this matter. She just lowered her head shyly and followed Li Mu quietly.

Several people left the room and came to Miss Katori's room.

As soon as they arrived in the room, Li Mu saw Oga Shinya holding his hand. The old lady left the room

"What's wrong? What happened?"Yuanzi asked with concern.

"without...It's nothing. Don't worry, Miss. I'm just not in good health. I'll be fine after a while."

The old lady waved her hand and left slowly.

Sonoko didn't pay attention and followed Miss Katori into her room.

After entering the room, Li Mu looked at the ring box on the dressing table and was slightly stunned.

"Miss Katori, your ring is gone. Have you put it on?"

"ring?"Miss Katori (bgdf) was stunned and quickly looked around.

She saw that the ring that was supposed to be on the dressing table disappeared at some point, leaving only an empty box.

"Ring, where is my ring?"

Miss Katori was anxious and quickly looked for it anxiously.

"Xiaolan, let’s help too."

Sonoko quickly searched in the room.

After searching for a long time, Li Mu and others could not find Miss Katori's ring.

"It's over. Without the ring, today's wedding will definitely not be held."

Miss Katori sat on a stool and covered her face with her hands, tears streaming down her eyes.

Sonoko felt a pain in her heart and said with some dissatisfaction:"They must have hidden it. We should go find them and ask them to hand over the ring.."

With that said, Yuanzi was about to leave.

Li Mu looked at the leaving Yuanzi, turned around, and walked to the other side.

Li Mu already had a clue about the ring. As long as Li Mu was given a certain amount of time, Li Mu would definitely be able to find the ring..

But just after leaving the hotel, Li Mu saw Ohga Shinya’s sister Ohga Mika sneaking around, as if she had done something wrong.

"It looks like there's no need to look for it."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and followed Dahe Meihua secretly without disturbing Dahe Meihua along the way. When he came to a fountain, Li Mu hid aside and watched with his own eyes as Dahe Meihua put the ruby ​​ring on a statue. Above.

After Da He Meihua left, Li Mu stepped forward, put away the ruby ​​ring, and returned to the hotel again. The

Invincible Fairy Tail of The Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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