In the end, Mr. Takahashi was not sent to the police, but reconciled with everyone.

Li Mu naturally didn't care about this. After attending the wedding, he returned to Tokyo.

As soon as he arrived in Tokyo, Li Mu returned home, and Illya came over

"Hey, I'm back in style again. I have something to do with you. Do you have something to do the day after tomorrow?"

"I?"Li Mu pinched Ilia's little face, then hugged her into his arms and rubbed her face.

"Illya, don't ask me if I am free. As long as it is your request, I will spare some time no matter what."

Illya was very moved, and she rubbed her little head in Lin Fei's arms.

Li Mu picked up Illya, let her sit on his lap, and pinched her cheek.

"Tell me, no matter what, I will promise you"

"Well, this Sunday is the parent-teacher meeting. Are you free to go?"

"parent meeting?"Li Mu was stunned.

They used to be his parents.He went to a parent-teacher meeting, and this time it was his turn to attend other people's parent-teacher meetings.

"Okay, is it Sunday? I will definitely go."

16"Great, Illya is really happy."

Ilia was overjoyed, stood up on tiptoes, and tapped Li Mu on the face.

On Sunday, other primary schools were already empty, but Didan Primary School had many people, most of whom were parents of students.

Li Mu arrived at the school , came to Class A of the first year and sat in Illya's seat.

Next to Li Mu, sitting was Dr. A Li

"Dr. Ali, long time no see. I didn’t expect you to be Haibara Ai’s parent."

"Yes, Li Mu, aren't you also Ilia's parent?"

Li Mu and Dr. A Li talked for a long time until the teacher from Year A arrived.


"Yes, she really looks like Officer Sato, but she is not Officer Sato, but a teacher in this school."

Li Mu also remembered that in the original work there was a teacher who was very similar to Miwako. This teacher seemed to be called Xiaolin Chengzi.

Now it seems that Teacher Xiaolin is also very beautiful. If Miwako is added to the list, she will definitely be even more beautiful.

"each...Everyone, I am teacher Xiaolin Chengzi from Class A of the first year. Please give me your advice in the future."

It seemed that Teacher Xiao Lin was very nervous, and his tone of voice was not so firm.

After a period of time, Teacher Xiao Lin started talking with a group of parents.

It was not until a long time later that Teacher Xiao Lin said:"Everyone, I'm really sorry. , sorry to bother you, the parent-teacher meeting ends here."

Of course, there is absolutely no Dr. A Li and Li Mu among them.

Before the parent-teacher meeting, Teacher Xiao Lin and Dr. A Li stayed to wait.

After everyone left, Teacher Xiao Lin came over and looked at the people.

"May I ask who your parents are? Illya, Hara Ai, or the parent of Edogawa Conan?"

"I am Illya's parent"

"I am Haiyuan Ai’s parent"

"Really, so Edogawa-san’s family still hasn’t come? He clearly said they would come."

Teacher Xiao Lin became dissatisfied.

It was foreseeable that Conan would be unlucky next.

Teacher Xiao Lin complained for a moment, then looked at Li Mu and said,"Can I ask you something, where are the families of Haihara Ai and Ilia? Why didn't they come?"

"this..."Li Mu pondered his feelings for a while, wiped his tears and said,"Illya's mother is not in this world. As for her father,..."

Li Mu didn't say any more, but Teacher Xiao Lin immediately started to make up his mind.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, and I didn't think about classmate Illya's family either...."

Teacher Xiaolin directly misunderstood and thought that Illya's parents were all dead.

Li Mu didn't say anything about the matter.

"It's okay, I've already gotten used to it."

Li Mu shook his head and wiped the tears from his eyes.

Teacher Xiao Lin didn't say anything more. He looked at Dr. A Li and said,"Dr. A Li, what's going on with Haihara Ai's family?"

"Oh, that’s it, Teacher Xiao Lin, Xiao Ai is also an orphan and has no parents, so……"

"That’s it, I understand, don’t worry, I will take good care of them in the future."

Teacher Xiao Lin suddenly became overflowing with motherly feelings and quickly promised.

"By the way, what about Edogawa-san? Are his family still alive?"


Just as Dr. A Li was about to say something, Li Mu said first,"Conan's parents are said to be abroad, but I don't know why they didn't come back."

Dr. A Li smiled tremblingly, but didn't say anything.

"Yes, I understand. This guy actually didn’t tell me or let his family come over. I must have a good talk with Edogawa-san."

Teacher Xiao Lin's face was full of smiles, but Li Mu could see the horror in this smile.

Conan is finished.

Li Mu sighed with emotion and said nothing.

"Okay, Mr. Li Mu, Dr. A Li, I’m really troubling you today, so please leave first. Dr. A

Li left without saying much.

Li Mu hesitated for a moment, but did not leave. Instead, he stayed and said,"By the way, Teacher Xiao Lin, are you free today?" Or do you have the time to do it tonight?"

"I……"Teacher Xiao Lin thought for a while, shook his head and said,"I don't seem to have any homework to correct, so there should be nothing wrong."

Li Mu's eyes lit up and he said quickly:"So, Teacher Xiao Lin, can I treat you to a meal?" A meal, and I would like to thank you for taking care of Ilia in the future."


Teacher Xiao Lin hesitated and pushed up his glasses.

"Teacher Xiaolin, please. Illya may need your help in the future."

"Well, I'm really going to trouble you tonight"

"Okay, I'll go drive and take Teacher Xiaolin with you."

Li Mu left the school and drove to the gate of the school.

At this moment, Teacher Xiao Lin has been waiting here for a long time.

"Teacher Xiaolin, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It doesn't matter, I've only been here not long ago."

Teacher Xiao Lin slowly sat in the passenger seat. Li Mu looked at Teacher Xiao Lin's side face and drove away slowly.

Soon he came to a hotel.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine and the Invincible Halberd Shogun Spirit begins! _

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