
In an ordinary apartment, Teacher Xiaolin took a piece of clothing and tried it on in front of the mirror.

After a long time, Teacher Xiaolin threw it aside with dissatisfaction, then took out another piece of clothing from the closet and compared it again.

"No, this won't work."

Teacher Xiao Lin threw it aside again, picked up another piece of clothing, and started gesturing.

Not long after, there were a lot of clothes on the bed not far away, all of which Teacher Xiao Lin didn't like.

Finally, Teacher Xiao Lin changed She put on a pure white dress and left home.

Outside the Mihua City Hotel, Teacher Xiaolin looked at the door of the hotel and felt very nervous."Zero Nine Seven"

"Teacher Xiaolin, you are here, let’s go in together."

At this time, Li Mu also came over, took Teacher Xiao Lin's arm, and entered the hotel together.

Teacher Xiao Lin was pulled by Li Mu's arm, and his pretty face turned red, but he still followed Li Mu and entered the hotel.

After entering the hotel, Li Mu pulled Teacher Xiao Lin into a box

"What a big box."

Teacher Xiao Lin sighed with emotion, and then said worriedly:"Mr. Li, since this place is so big, the cost must be very high. How about we go out and go to the lobby, where the cost must be cheaper."

"No need, just stay here and have dinner with the lovely Teacher Xiaolin. How can you go anywhere else."

Li Mu put his arms around Teacher Xiao Lin's waist and sat on a stool on the side.

Although Teacher Xiao Lin looked very shy, he did not speak and sat next to the dining table.

"Come, Teacher Xiaolin, let’s eat."

Li Mu picked up the vegetables and ate with Teacher Xiao Lin.

After finishing the meal, Li Mu wiped his mouth, looked at Teacher Xiao Lin and said:"Teacher Xiao Lin, it's still early, why don't we go to the movies? There should be a lot of people recently. good movie"


Teacher Xiao Lin nodded and followed Li Mu to a nearby cinema.

"Teacher Xiaolin, today’s movie is a detective film. I think you will like it."

Li Mu remembered that Teacher Xiao Lin was the assistant of the Junior Detective Team, and therefore knew that she liked detective movies.

The movie is called Detective Conan, which was adapted from the novel written by Li Mu.

"Really? Detective movies are my favorite."

Teacher Xiaolin looked at the screen excitedly, with a charming smile on his face. Li Mu looked at this smile and couldn't help but look at it more.

Teacher Xiaolin is very beautiful, as beautiful as Miwako.

Just a heroic figure. It's cool, but the other one is, and both of them have their own merits.

Two hours passed, and the movie was over.

"Great, this movie is so good. I like Detective Conan. It is said that it was written by Li Mu. By the way, you are also Li Mu. Could it be you?"

Teacher Xiao Lin suddenly thought of something and stared at Li Mu with his big shining eyes.

"this..."Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, grabbed Teacher Xiao Lin's hand and said,"Yes, this is what I wrote, don't you know?"

"Was it really written by you? It’s great, I didn’t expect to actually be able to see my idol, you know? You are my idol."Teacher Xiao Lin said excitedly.

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

He was the teacher Xiao Lin who came to pursue him. Now that Teacher Xiao Lin admires him so much, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Teacher Xiaolin, do you know? In fact, you are also my idol, my idol forever."

Teacher Xiao Lin blushed and immediately realized that Li Mu was here to pursue her, and she was actually a fan of Li Mu.

But after a moment, Teacher Xiao Lin suddenly became excited........

She likes Li Mu very much, and Li Mu also likes her very much. Doesn't this mean that she can be with her idol.

Thinking of this, Teacher Xiaolin wanted to confess, but he stopped.

Li Mu also saw what Teacher Xiao Lin was thinking and held her hand.

"Teacher Xiaolin, let’s go shopping elsewhere. This place should be very good."

Teacher Xiao Lin nodded lightly, raised his feet and followed Li Mu.

"Come on, Teacher Xiaolin, I’ll give this to you."

Li Mu bought a cheap ring from the stall and handed it to Teacher Xiao Lin.

He knew that Teacher Xiao Lin would not ask for an expensive ring, so Li Mu bought a cheap one.

"Thank you, Li Mu."

Teacher Xiao Lin nodded and reached out to take the ring.

"etc."Li Mu interrupted Teacher Xiao Lin, picked up the ring, slowly approached Teacher Xiao Lin's hand, and then put it on for her.

Teacher Xiao Lin understood immediately, lowered his head, stretched out his hand, and glanced at Li Mu from the corner of his eye.

Li Mu He put on the ring for Teacher Xiao Lin and said with a smile:"Teacher Xiao Lin, you are really beautiful. This ring really suits you. No, I should say that all rings are suitable for you.""

"Thanks...Thank you for the compliment."Teacher Xiao Lin said with a red face.

"Where, Teacher Xiaolin, you are better."

After a long time, Li Mu turned around, pulled Teacher Xiao Lin and left again.

In the evening, Li Mu drove Teacher Xiao Lin back to her home.

"Li Mu, I'm leaving first, you have to take care."

Teacher Xiao Lin arranged his clothes, said goodbye, turned around and left.

"Wait a moment."

Li Mu stopped Teacher Xiao Lin and reached out to grab Teacher Xiao Lin's hand.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-Eating Spirit begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Novel

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