"It was my family that saw the murderer."

The young detective team waved their hands excitedly, trying to attract Miwako's attention.

Miwako did not believe them and looked at Li Mu.

Li Mu nodded, indicating that it was indeed what they saw.

Miwako had no choice but to nod and said:"Then, you guys Did you see the murderer's face? Or hear his voice?"

"this..."Gentai Mitsuhiko and the two were about to say something, but then they realized that they didn't seem to see the murderer, so they had to look at Ayumi.

Ayumi paused for a few moments and said softly:"He was wearing a raincoat at the time. I didn't see him, but I heard his voice. Also, he seemed to have picked something up and printed a logo on my hand.."

After saying that, Ayumi stretched out her hand, revealing a sign similar to 5 or s.

"What kind of symbol is this? Why does it look familiar to me?"

Miwako touched her chin and thought carefully16

"Is this the sign? I know, isn't this the logo of your car? The marks on her hands were those of car keys."Li Mu suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, that's true."

Miwako suddenly realized it, and quickly took out her key, and compared it with the marks on Ayumi's hand.

"It seems that this is the case. Then notify Officer Megure and ask him to call over all the people who have such cars and have lost their original car keys during this time period."

Miwako immediately took out the phone

"Okay, the call is over. You guys come with me in the car. Officer Takagi, you take them there and I'll take Mr. Li there."

Li Mu quickly hugged Illya and got into Miwako's car.

After getting in the car, Li Mu didn't touch Miwako. After all, there was Illya here, and he couldn't be arrogant in front of Illya.

In the car, Miwako smiled while driving:"Li Mu, I may have to trouble you this time. I hope you can help me find the murderer.""

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Li Mu patted his chest.

Behind him, Illya looked at Li Mu, and then at Miwako, with both eyes close to her.

Miwako was slightly curious and smiled:"What's the matter, kid? Why do you look like that? following us"

"Oh, I'm curious as to why you didn't move your hands or feet. I'm also going to take a look."

Cough cough cough...

Li Mu coughed and almost died.

Even Miwako almost stepped on the accelerator and let everyone fly out.

"Little sister, you can't talk nonsense. What does it mean to use hands and feet to prevent you from speaking?"

"That's right, Illya, don't talk nonsense, otherwise you'll get a spanking when you go back."

Li Mu also quickly turned his head, put it on Ilia's head, and warned him.

Otherwise, God knows what Ilia will say later.

Ilia stuck out her tongue playfully, not daring to continue. Say something.

Miwako's face turned slightly red and she didn't even dare to look at Li Mu.

Not long after, Miwako parked in a parking lot.

"Okay, you two, get out of the car."

Illya got out of the car first. When Li Mu saw the opportunity coming, he reached out and patted Miwako's body.

Miwako felt that her sensitive area was being patted. She blushed and glared at Li Mu.

After getting off the car, Miwako's cell phone ringtone When it rang, Miwako quickly answered the phone.

"Great, Officer Megure said that the suspect has been found, but there are three people and they will be here later."

"Really? That's great, Ayumi will definitely recognize him as soon as they come."

The young detective team who had just gotten off the bus shouted excitedly, as if they would catch the murderer right away.

"Yes, I will definitely be able to find the murderer by then."

Bumi also smiled, with a look of confidence.

Li Mu twitched the corner of his mouth. If these people can find the murderer, he can pick off the stars.

But he will not attack these people. Anyway, as long as he or Conan is here, all problems will be solved nothing

"No, I don't agree."Hui Yuan Ai suddenly interrupted everyone and said deeply:"If you go to identify people, if there is not enough evidence, you will definitely be retaliated by them. As for identifying people, you only need to get their photos and record their voices. That's it"

"Yes, what Haiyuan said is right. I think it’s better for you not to come out for the time being."Conan also nodded in agreement.

Not long after, three cars came over one after another and parked together.

"Li Mu, I'll ask them. You listen here and help me find out who is the murderer."

Miwako confessed to Li Mu, and then walked towards the suspects.

"Really, we obviously discovered it, why should we ask him?"

"Yes, doesn’t she believe in our young detective team?"

Li Mu looked at the unhappy little gangsters. No normal person would believe them, let alone the police. However,

Li Mu would not say anything to them, but would focus all his attention on the criminal suspects. After a while ,

Miwako came over, looked at Ayumi who entered the car again and said:"How is it, Ayumi, do you still have an impression? Which of them 097 is the murderer?"

"this...I don't know, I can't tell them apart now."Ayumi said regretfully.

Miwako was also a little disappointed, and then looked at Li Mu and said:"Li Mu, how are you? Do you have any ideas?"

"I already know the murderer, but there is no evidence yet. So, let the police do a blood reaction on their car keyhole, so I will know."

"Yes, I remembered that if the murderer fled the scene, he would definitely use the bloody key to open the door, leaving traces behind."

Miwako also had an idea and immediately ordered a policeman.

Conan looked at Li Mu's face and also looked at the murderer on the side.

Not only Li Mu, he could also naturally tell who of the three suspects was lying. Got it

"Big brother, do you really know who the murderer is? Can you tell me?"

Li Mu looked at the people who stretched their heads over and gently pushed them aside with one hand.

"Well, let me tell you, that man clearly said that he was not good at driving, but when he tried driving, he actually went to a supermarket with a lot of people, and he was clearly just talking."

Everyone listened to Li Mu's words and subconsciously set their sights on the second person in the distance.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-Eating Spirit begin!

_Fei Lu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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