"Understood, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Qingzhi nodded and was about to leave.

  Just as he turned around, the Warring States suddenly stopped him and said, "Qingzhi, go and take a rest, you won't have to attend the general school meeting later, and it's not too important."

  "No, Marshal Warring States, let me participate, I have nothing to do."

  "Alright then, you can participate if you want."

  Aokiji turned his head and left after hearing this, and no one noticed the gleam of light in the corner of Aokiji's eyes when he left.

  After leaving the Warring States Office, Qingzhi came to the kitchen, walked over to the chef and said, "Chief, is there any dessert or tea here, I'll take some with me for a meeting later."

  "Hello, General Qingzhi." The head chef saluted immediately, and then pointed to the tea ceremony that was burning on the side: "That is the tea that is burning, and it can be delivered later."

  "Really, let me see." Qingzhi took a step forward, opened the teapot, lowered his head and sniffed it, and threw a pill into it when everyone was not paying attention.

  "Let's try it." After speaking, Aokiji poured a cup of tea in front of everyone and drank it.

  "Well, yes, that's all, how about dessert?"

  "Dessert is being made, it will be ready in a while."

  "Oh, I see, you can do it quickly, I just came back and I'm already hungry."

  "Yes, General Green Pheasant." The head chef nodded, and immediately ordered.

  For a time, everyone in the kitchen was busy. Aokiji looked at everyone, sneaked to the water's edge, poured a medicinal powder, and then left.

  No one saw the whole process.

  After Aokiji left, the chefs took the water with the medicinal powder and made many desserts.

  On the other side, after Aokiji left, he glanced at Kizaru outside and nodded.

  Kizaru also understood immediately, followed behind Aokiji, and came to Warring States' office.

  At this moment, the office of the Warring States was full of people, and almost all the officers above the admiral level were here, waiting for the start of the conference.

  It can be said that this time, once Li Mu's plan is successful, the entire navy will basically be wiped out. Except for the three generals, Li Mu will be admired in the future.

  After Aokiji and the two sat in the Warring States' office, after waiting for a while, a bunch of cooks brought a lot of food and drinks.

  At the same time, many navies started to eat, and when they saw these navies start to eat, the eyes of Aokiji and Kizaru lit up at the same time.

  However, there were still many navies who didn't eat it. Kizaru hesitated, picked up a piece of food, ate it, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

  "Yo, it's delicious, isn't the food today made by the same chef? It's much better than before."

  "Really, I'll try it." Qingzhi also cooperated with the yellow monkey, picked up a piece of food, ate it in one bite, nodded and said, "It's really good, this tastes much better."

  Seeing Kizaru and Aokiji say so, the other navy ate, and even Garp ate.

  After chewing for a while, Karp shook his head and said, "What, I thought it was delicious, that's all."

  Kizaru didn't care either, and said with a smile, "Maybe we have just returned from the sea, so our appetite has improved a lot."

  "That's true, the sea is too boring." Karp nodded with a look of approval.

  In the following period of time, Kizaru and Aokiji looked around from time to time, watched several other people, and wrote down those who didn't eat or drink.

  I don't know how long it took, but after seeing what everyone, including the Warring States, had eaten or drank, the two also let out a sigh of relief.

  At the same time, Li Mu, who had just arrived at Nine Snake Island, heard a series of electronic sounds in his ears and couldn't help laughing.

  "Ding, the Warring States period took the host's special medicine, and the host obtained the A+ level of the Buddha's fruit ability.

  Ding, Warring States took the host's special medicine, which had side effects. In the future, he would admire the host very much. He would rather betray the world government and listen to the host's opinions.

  Ding, Garp ate the host's special medicine, the host obtained Garp's ability for the third time, and obtained A+ level of domineering.

  Ding, Garp took the host's special medicine and had side effects. In the future, he will admire the host very much. He would rather betray the world government and listen to the host's opinions.

  Ding, Lieutenant General Crane ate the special medicine of the host...

  Ding, the host has obtained the animal system recovery ability A-level...

  Ding, the host has obtained the animal system recovery ability A-level...


  Ding, so-and-so has had side effects. In the future, he will admire the host very much. He would rather betray the world government and obey the host's opinions.

  Ding, so-and-so has a side effect..."

  PS new book for a reward!Ask for flowers!Ask for a great review!Ask for a great review! .

The two hundred and nineteenth chapter win over the revolutionary army (one more)

  "I smiled proudly, hahaha, I am so happy today."

  After Li Mu heard the series of rewards, he couldn't help laughing.

  This time can be said to be the most rewarding one, not only controlling the entire navy, but also gaining a lot of abilities.

  More importantly, many of these abilities have been upgraded and become more powerful.

  For example, seeing, hearing and coloring, he upgraded, not only covering a wider range, but also getting Roger's listening to the voice of all things.

  Just like now, if Li Mu didn't take the initiative to turn it off, he could hear the sounds of fish, insects, beasts, flowers, birds and trees around him.

  Other basic attributes have increased a lot, strength and speed have become more powerful and faster, especially endurance, he has been upgraded.

  As for the rest, I am afraid that he has obtained too much resilience of the animal-type devil fruit, and his resilience has also reached A++ level.

  Coupled with Kaido's special talent and super recovery ability, Li Mu's recovery ability can be said to be stronger than Kaido's, the only flaw is the consumption of physical strength.

  However, Li Mu's stamina has increased now, so he doesn't have to worry about the consumption too much.

  In general, Li Mu can now say that although he has not surpassed the Fourth Emperor level, he can still achieve a decisive victory in the Fourth Emperor level without using the Noble Phantasm to liberate.

  On the other hand, when Li Mu was laughing, Nami pinched Li Mu's face suspiciously and said, "Li Mu, what's wrong with you, why are you snickering here? There won't be anything wrong, right?"

  Li Mu also came back to his senses, looking at Nami on the side, listening to the voice of all things and using it instantly.

  "It's not good, Li Mu shouldn't be sick again, great, so I have another chance."

  Li Mu's face darkened when he heard Nami's thoughts. He didn't expect that Nami actually wanted him to get sick.

  But after thinking about it, Li Mu couldn't help but glance at Nami, and when he looked at her bumpy figure, his eyes lit up.

  "Nami, I'm feeling a little sick right now, can you help me~".

  "Really." Nami's eyes lit up, then she pulled Li Mu and said, "Come with me, I'll help you take a look."

  After Nami finished speaking, she pulled Li Mu and walked to her room.


  After a while, Li Mu left Nami's room refreshed, while Nami went to brush her teeth.

  "By the way, the navy alone is not enough. We need more experts to resist the first attack of the world government."

  Li Mu knew that once the navy betrayed, the world government would definitely clean up the navy, and it would be the first thing to do with the navy.

  And as long as the navy can repel the first wave of the World Government's attack, everything will be easier in the future.

  As for the navy not betraying the world government openly, although it is beneficial, it is not conducive to future development, such as not being able to openly recruit troops and the like.

  Only when the navy is openly betrayed, can the world recruit troops wantonly, and win over those powerhouses who are hostile to the world government and hate the Tianlong people.

  As for worrying about those people who have second thoughts, Li Mu can teach you what is the side effect of the magic medicine, and let him worship Li Mu willingly.

  In general, the navy is openly rebelling, which is more pros than cons.

  "Let me think about it, the four emperor-level masters, I, Garp, and the revolutionary army dragon should be able to do it, the Warring States period is still good from his attributes, but it is estimated that Kaido can ask him to come over for 'trouble', other I also have a Summoner's Rift, and the top combat power is enough."

  After thinking about it carefully, after confirming that the high-end combat power is sufficient, Li Mu clapped his hands and said firmly, "It's decided like this, and I will betray the World Government."

  After making the decision, Li Mu came to a room, took out a long-cherished phone number, and dialed it.

  "Hey, I'm a dragon, who are you?"

  "It's me, Li Mu."

  "Li Mu?" The opposite Long Yi was stunned, then reacted and said with a smile, "It turned out to be Li Mu, you called me today, what's the matter?"

  "Of course there is something, a big vote, do you want to participate together?"

  "Big things." The first thing that came to Long's mind after hearing this was the revolution, and he said quickly, "Mr. Li Mu, have you decided to join the revolutionary army? It's great, as long as you join, the revolutionary army will definitely successful."

  "Long, your vision is too small. What I'm talking about is a bigger thing, a big thing enough to change this ugly world, and a thing enough to last forever."

  As soon as the words fell, the dragon fell silent, but Li Mu could hear the heavy breathing from the dragon's side, and it was obvious that the dragon was very excited at the moment.

  "¨'Mr. Li Mu, what's the big deal, tell me."

  "Long, do you have anyone else there? Let them all leave. This is too big for no one to know."

  No wonder Li Mu was careful, if the world government knew about this, it would be over.

  After listening to Long, he also understood, glanced around, and then said: "I have seen and heard here all the time, so tell me."

  "Well, let me tell you, in fact, the Navy has long wanted to get rid of the World Government and the Tianlong people. It has been developing before and cannot leave the World Government.

  But now the Navy has reached a bottleneck. Without conscription, it will not be able to continue its development, so the Navy intends to take the lead, but in this case, the World Government will definitely take action against the Navy, so I plan to unite with us. What do you think? "

  The dragon was silent again, and the hands holding the phone bug kept shaking.

  When he betrayed the navy, he couldn't accept the darkness of the navy. How could he know that the current navy army actually planned to become independent and get rid of the world government.

  After a while, Long asked tremblingly, "Mr. Li Mu, are you kidding me? How could the Navy betray the World Government? This is totally unreasonable."

  "Long, if you don't believe it, you can ask Lieutenant General Garp and he can tell you.

  In addition, as long as you agree, the navy can be independent and aboveboard. At that time, we can form a new navy. As long as we can defeat the first attack of the world government, we can get rid of the restrictions of the world government. What do you think? "

  "This..." Long hesitated after hearing it, and after thinking that victory seemed to be in sight, he nodded and agreed: "I will go to Karp to confirm, as long as it is true, I will agree to join forces with the Navy to fight against the world. government."

  "That's it."

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The [-]th chapter of the navy's collective mutiny (two more)

  A few days later, when Li Mu was resting, Long called and said with suppressed excitement, "Mr. Li Mu, I promise, when will we start?"

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