After taking notes, Li Mu returned to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Li Mu, Yukiko and Fei Yingli spent a wonderful night together.

However, because of Fei Yingli and Li Mu, Li Mu had no chance to capture Xiaolan. However, Li Mu was very happy these days.

A week later, Li Mu took Xiaolan back to Tokyo.

"Sister Xiaolan, you are back. How are you? Are you doing well? Conan

's face lit up when he saw Li Mu and others coming back. At the same time, he quickly ran to Xiaolan's side and kept looking at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan touched her cheek in confusion and said,"Why?" Okay, Conan, what's on my face?"

"No...Nothing, nothing at all."

Conan shook his head quickly and muttered at the same time, not knowing what to say.

"The book said that a woman who had just lost her virginity was radiant. Xiaolan was so happy, so she was considered radiant."

Li Mu couldn't help but twitch when he heard what Conan said.

Poor Conan 16, no matter how smart he is, he doesn't know whether Xiaolan has been deprived of her virginity.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Mu smiled.

"Xiaolan, your face is so radiant, you are really happy these days, and I am also very happy."

Xiaolan didn't know what Li Mu meant, but just smiled and said:"Yes, I also feel that I am a little radiant today. I must be very happy these days. Thank you, Brother Li."

"Allow...Radiant and finished. Conan just felt like the sky was falling and the earth was falling.

Li Mu suppressed his smile and said proudly:"Okay, Xiaolan, I'm going home. You have to be careful. Goodbye, Detective Maori.""

After saying hello, Li Mu drove away in the car.

"Damn it, Li Mu, I will never let you go."


On this day, Li Mu came to Xiaolan's house again and took Xiaolan Yuanzi and Conan to a snack street.

"Let me tell you, the desserts there are so delicious and you can eat all you want. I must have a big meal today. Yuanzi said excitedly as he walked on the road.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were chatting, while Conan glared at Li Mu angrily. Thinking of what happened between Li Mu and Xiaolan, there were countless flames in his heart.

Li Mu naturally noticed it too. Conan's expression was ignored by Yuanzi.

Not long after, Li Mu and others arrived outside a cake shop.

"Great, we're finally here, Xiaolan, let's go in now. Yuanzi excitedly pulled Li Mu and quickly walked into the dessert shop of Witch Cake House.

"Alas, dessert, but not bad, some time to myself."

Li Mu thought about it. It seemed that he had been eating so freely for a long time. It would be good to indulge a little today.

After entering the dessert shop, Li Mu looked at the colorful dessert shops all around, and his eyes lit up.

"Yuanzi, I'm going to eat first. You can take a look around for yourselves."


Yuanzi didn't care too much. He took Xiaolan to the pastry chef and watched happily.

Li Mu walked aside, picked up the knife and fork and tasted happily.

Conan looked at Xiaolan and Li Mu and hesitated. After a while, he still walked to Li Mu’s side.

"Hey, Li Mu, did you do anything to Xiaolan during your last trip? Did you do anything to sister Xiaolan?"

I have to say that Conan like this is still very scary. His tone is sinister and he looks very scary.

But who is Li Mu, and does he still care about Conan?

"Xiaolan?"Li Mu suddenly paused, raised his hand, and said with a smile:"That day, my hand……"

"Your hand, what happened to your hand, what did you do to Sister Xiaolan?"

Conan suddenly became nervous and glanced at Li Mu sharply.

"Yes, that day, my ring finger passed through Xiaolan’s..."

"What did you wear?"

"passed through her hair."


Conan stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

He thought Li Mu had done something to Xiaolan, but the result was that his ring finger went through his hair, which made him very nervous.

"By the way, except for this matter? What else did you do to Sister Xiaolan?"


"What else, tell me?"Conan said nervously.

"It's nothing, but, kid, what do you mean? What are you thinking at such a young age, you little kid."

Li Mu hit Conan on the head with a finger.

"It hurts."

Conan covered his head in pain.

Li Mu ignored Conan and walked towards the garden.

Bullying Conan once a day is enough. There is no need to bully Conan many times a day. That would be too much trouble.

After arriving next to Xiaolan, Li Mu looked through the crowd and looked at a gloomy uncle who was cooking.

Li Mu looked at it for a while and murmured to himself:"Wheat flour, brown sugar……"

After talking about a lot of ingredients, Li Mu nodded and said:"This ingredient is really good, and the selection is also very good. If you bake it for fifteen minutes at 190 degrees, it will be perfect."

Cake maker Maeda The gentleman was stunned after hearing this and looked at Li Mu in surprise.

"Sir, are you also a pastry chef?"

Li Mu 097 just said a lot of ingredients, all of which were prepared by him, and they were exactly the same, which can definitely show Li Mu's ability.

"No, I'm not a pastry chef, I'm just an unknown novelist."Li Mu shook his head and said pretentiously.

Conan complained after listening to Li Mu's pretentious words, but then he thought of his people who liked to pretend, and his face became gloomy.

Now that I think about it, Kudo Yusaku is still picking up soap in prison. Well, after all, his pretty face is still very popular with other people.

Mr. Maeda looked at Li Mu silently and didn't speak.

But what Li Mu just said, he had already put it in his heart, and he was thinking about when he would try it. Li Mu’s proposal

"Okay, Li Mu, let's go see another pastry chef."

Sonoko seemed to be tired of seeing Mr. Maeda, and took Li Mu to another pastry chef, Mr. Fujino, who looked more handsome.

Of course, compared to Li Mu, this pastry chef was much worse.

"Great, is this the famous wooden cake? I really want to take a bite." Yuanzi looked forward to it.

Li Mu looked at the dessert in front of him. Although it looked delicious, it was much worse than his own cooking, but it was barely enough to eat. The

Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Food Halberd Spirit begins!

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