"I see, Lieutenant General Crane, come with me."

  Magellan nodded, then walked ahead.

  After walking a few steps, Magellan suddenly turned his head to look at Li Mu and said, "Li Mu... Deputy Marshal, can I ask why you attacked the advance city in the first place?"

  This is a question that Magellan has been curious about recently. Since Li Mu is a member of the navy, why did he attack the advancing city? This is completely unreasonable.

  Li Mu was also stunned, then covered his head and smiled: "Actually, there was a very important person at the time, and I needed to rescue him, but I can't say who that person is for the time being, I'll find out later."

  Magellan didn't ask any further questions after hearing this, and continued to look ahead.

  Not long after the two walked, they saw a special cell. There were several navy members standing there, looking at Lieutenant General He with excitement.

  "Lieutenant General Crane, is it true what the newspaper said, we are going to take action against the world government."

  "Yeah, will we kill those bastards from the Tianlong people?"

  Admiral Crane looked at these thin and weak navy, his eyes were red, and he said with some self-reproach: "Don't worry, now you are no longer criminals, we don't need to compromise with the world government, Tianlong people are no longer the world noble."

  "Woooooo..." After hearing Lieutenant General He's affirmation, everyone couldn't help crying loudly.

  They have been imprisoned here for so long because they offended the Tianlong people, and they have suffered a lot of inner torture.

  Although with the help of Sengoku and others, they have an oversized cell, sufficient food and water, and can read newspapers, but they have lost their freedom.

  But today, their suffering is finally over, they are finally free, they are finally freed.

  Everyone cried for a while, and Lieutenant General He couldn't help comforting: "Okay, everyone, don't cry, here we welcome everyone to rejoin the Navy."

  "Yes, Lieutenant General Crane." Everyone nodded and immediately decided to join the navy again.

  Of course, it's just them, those who hate the navy don't have such treatment.

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Chapter [-] World Government Edition Top War (one more)

  At the headquarters of the Navy, all the admirals are already sitting here, waiting for the battle to come.

  On the main seat, Li Mu sat there, watching the crowd.

  Because these people worshiped him, Li Mu didn't need to keep a secret, and sat directly in the position of the Warring States Period, ready to arrange tasks.

  After waiting for a long time, he entered and looked at the crowd and said, "This time, our opponent is the world government, and our helper is the revolutionary army, and we will fight together with the revolutionary army.

  At the same time, in this naval headquarters, we will conduct a war on the top. As long as we defeat the world government, we will be able to obtain absolute autonomy. Do you have any comments _? . "

  This war, Li Mu didn't think much about it, and just named it the top war.

  After listening to it, everyone thought for a while, and then looked at Li Mu and said, "Marshal Li Mu, I don't know if we need to broadcast live broadcasts to let the world know our strength, or not to inform the king of Qiwuhai and let them come out too."

  "No need, we need to carry out this war in secret, lest the world government see that they are at a disadvantage, and then send people over. As for the king's down to Qiwuhai, let them rest at home, anyway, they are all grass."

  These kings descended into the Seven Martial Seas, maybe there are people from the World Government, and maybe they will attack, and it is always a scourge to stay, it is better not to let them come here.

  The other navy nodded after hearing this, and agreed with Li Mu's opinion.

  "Okay, that's it, I will arrange the defense weapons of Nine Snake Island in the naval headquarters. You go down and prepare. In a few days, you will officially invite the World Government. Instead of them fighting over, it is better for us to invite the war."

  "Yes, Marshal Li Mu."

  Everyone shouted, then stood up and walked out.

  At the same time, several people have a little more confidence in their hearts.

  They know the defense of Nine Snake Island, and they also know that the defense is strong, so they have a layer of confidence.

  The next day, after the World Government received an invitation from the navy to fight, it also agreed to fight and set a time for the fight. A month later, the navy headquarters would conduct a decisive battle.

  After all the big and small forces in the world knew the news, they also began to arrange closely, kept inquiring about the news, and some people were ready to come to participate in the top war to see the victory of this war.

  Because this is a battle to decide the future, they need to know the outcome in advance and make decisions for the benefit of the future.

  Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was a month later.

  The headquarters of the navy is already full of soldiers at this moment, and the naval officers of all levels have long been prepared, and the revolutionary army is also hiding somewhere, waiting for the start of the war.

  Every navy looked at the sea nervously, daring not to be careless.

  This is a battle that will determine the future of the navy, and both admirals and ordinary navies are particularly concerned about it, even more so than those pirates.

  Even Garp, who has always been big, was very nervous, and even forgot to eat donuts, let alone other people.

  Of course, Li Mu was also a little nervous. After all, the world government is so strong, maybe a peerless powerhouse will emerge from somewhere.

  In every corner of the naval headquarters, there are red defense towers everywhere, especially on the sea, erected one by one.

  It can be said that if the world government attacks from the bottom of the sea, it is estimated that it will be hit directly, and some devil fruit ability users are estimated to be dead.

  Li Mu also hoped that the World Government would arrange this way, so that some of the four emperors could be eliminated and the casualties of the navy would be reduced.

  After waiting for a while, Li Mu suddenly opened his eyes and looked ahead.

  The others also quickly looked ahead, constantly using the sense of sight to sense the front.

  However, in the scope of their knowledge and color, there was only an empty sea, and they found nothing.

  In disbelief, they continued to sense the front and sensed it again, but they still found no trace.

  Just when they were puzzled, Garp also opened his eyes and said: "Yes, it is indeed here. There are ten warships, full of people, and many strong ones."

  After speaking, Karp's face was very solemn, and at the same time he couldn't help but glance at Li Mu one more time.

  He also sensed it just now, but Li Mu was more than a few minutes longer than him. It can be seen that Li Mu's knowledge and domineering are stronger than his.

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  Karp didn't know, Li Mu had actually sensed it long ago, how could he know that their domineering was too different from his own, even if he deliberately delayed for a while, few people didn't sense it.

  The others listened to Karp's words and believed Li Mu's words, and watched the sea in the distance vigilantly.

  Warring States also came out at this time, looked at the crowd, and shouted: "Everyone, the people of the World Government have arrived, right in front, everyone must be vigilant, the honor of the Navy, the battle is here."

  After the Warring States period, he took a deep breath, waved his hands and shouted, "Everyone, for the glory of the navy, defeat the world government."

  "Defeat the World Government for the glory of the Navy."


  "Defeat the World Government for the glory of the Navy."

  The navy listened to the encouragement of the Warring States period, and was also exaggerated by the Warring States period. They raised their sweaty right hands and shouted loudly.

  Seeing such morale, those admirals breathed a sigh of relief.

  Those who admired Li Mu naturally wouldn't be afraid, but they were afraid of the ordinary navy.

  Now that the morale of the navy is high, they don't need to be nervous.

  Li Mu looked at the navy below, also a little annoyed, he actually forgot to let these navy worship him.

  But now is not the time, he can only look at the sea in the distance.

  After a while, many tiny black spots appeared on the sea.

  Gradually, these black spots slowly grew larger, and huge warships appeared in the sight of the navy.

  Looking at the warship in front of them, the navy became nervous again, holding the gun in his right hand tightly, sweating non-stop in his palm.

  They knew that what followed was the final war, and the war for the life and death of their navy.

  Not only these ordinary navies were nervous, but other admirals also stood up and looked up at the sea in the distance. On the shimmering sea, there were huge warships.

  And those battleships drove for a while, but also stopped immediately, and did not continue to move forward.

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Chapter [-] The top war (two more)

  On the warship of the World Government, the Five Old Stars and an unknown Tianlong person stood on the bow of the warship, glanced at the Warring States in the distance, and then set their sights on the defense tower.

  Originally, the Five Old Stars would not come, but considering that the other top-level combat powers are relatively poor, there is no absolute certainty, so they came.

  After all, Li Mu and Garp were the top powerhouses, and only they had the absolute strength to suppress Li Mu and a few others.

  "This is the defense tower that Nine Snake Island said before. It is said that the power is particularly strong, and ordinary people can't resist it."

  "Indeed, the navy is said to have said so, but I doubt his authenticity now."

  In the past, the five old stars might still believe the words of the navy, but now that the navy has rebelled collectively, he would be an idiot if he still believed in the navy.

  Several other people couldn't help but nodded, not believing that this thing was so powerful, it was just a tower at most.

  "Forget it, I'll give it a try. If it's true, it won't be very good."

  The sword-wielding Wu Lao Xing thought for a while, but he still jumped forward, used the Navy Sixth Form to come to the range of the defense tower, and then ran inside.

  As soon as he entered, a laser was shot at him, and the sword-wielding Wu Lao Xing quickly retreated and hid aside.

  The laser hit the sea, and it exploded immediately. Countless seawater splashed up and wet the clothes of the sword-wielding Wu Laoxing.

  "It's true, it seems that we can't force it directly, we can only use the method that the navy said."

  The sword-wielding five old star nodded, then looked at the Warring States in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Warring States, since I am here, it is up to you, tell me, are you surrendering? Or are you fighting? I It can give you a chance to choose again."

  "Needless to say, I will not join forces with the World Government and the Tianlong people." The Warring States said righteously.

  Wu Laoxing's face became gloomy after hearing this, and he looked at Zhan Guodao fiercely: "Since you guys want to fight, then let's go, I'll let you know of despair~¨."

  When Warring States was about to say something, Li Mu grabbed him, then walked out and said, "Wu Lao Xing, if you are afraid, just say it, do you need us to go? But since you begged me so much, we can only do it. ."

  After speaking, Li Mu ignored the ugly five old stars, looked at the navy below and said, "Everyone, leave this battle to our generals. You can just watch us here, and just call 666 when you have time."

  For these ordinary navies, Li Muke never planned to let them do it.

  This is a top-notch battle, the outcome depends on them, those navies are useless at all, it is better to let them watch.

  "666?" Everyone looked at Li Mu suspiciously, not understanding what Li Mu was talking about.

  "Cough, cough..." Li Mu looked at the puzzled crowd, coughed, and explained, "The so-called 666 is to ask you to cheer me on, and there is no other meaning."

  The navy also understood, and immediately waved their hands and shouted: "Come on, the navy will win, the navy will win."

  Looking at the shouting crowd, Li Mu took off his jacket, threw it aside in a dashing manner, and shouted solemnly, "Everyone, the battle has begun. Today is the beginning of a new era and a new beginning of the world."

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