The next morning, when Li Mu woke up, he found that He Ye and He Ye in his arms had disappeared.

Li Mu didn't pay too much attention. He went to the bathroom to wash up, then returned to the sofa and waited.

Not long after, Xiaolan and the others woke up one after another.

Afterwards, everyone had breakfast together, took the Shinkansen and left Tokyo together, heading for Osaka.

On the way to Osaka, Li Mu, Xiaolan and Ye were talking and laughing, while Conan and Hattori Heiji were gritting their teeth.

"Damn it, why did you bring him here?"

It's a pity that no matter what Hattori Heiji said, it was impossible for Li Mu to leave here.

Not long after, Li Mu and his party stood at the entrance of a large theater.

"I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of people in this theater, and it didn't look particularly boring."

Li Mu murmured"Zero Nine Seven" to himself, raised his feet and walked into the grand theater.

In this life, Li Mu has only seen the song and dance drama"Song of Everlasting Regret". Oh no, Li Mu doesn't know the specific show. He only knows that"Song of Everlasting Regret" or"Song of Everlasting Regret" It's very good.

As for this show, no matter whether it's good or not, as long as Xiaolan and the others are here, they can still stay here. After entering the theater, the person in charge saw Li Mu, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over

"Mr. Li, I didn’t expect you to come too. I didn’t greet you. I’m really sorry."

"Who are you?"Li Mu looked at the beautiful middle-aged woman in front of him with a blank look on his face.

He didn't remember that he knew this person.

The beautiful middle-aged woman didn't care and said with a smile:"Mr. Li may not know me, but I remember Mr. Li. Once I met Mr. Lee at a party of the Takasugi Foundation. At that time, Mr. Lee was with Mr. Suzuki of the Suzuki Foundation."

Although Li Mu didn't remember it, he still said politely:"I see, I have admired you for a long time."

"I'm afraid Mr. Li doesn't recognize me anymore, but that's right. I'm just the leader of an ordinary theater troupe, one that can go bankrupt at any time, so naturally I won't remember it that easily."

The middle-aged beautiful woman sighed with emotion, which made Li Mu feel particularly embarrassed.

Fortunately, the middle-aged beautiful woman did not dwell on this matter, and said with a smile on her face:"Okay, Mr. Li, why don't I take you to see the theater company? Member bar"

"Okay, okay, I also want to see the members of the troupe. They must be very beautiful."

"Yes, Xiaolan, let’s go and see it together."

Xiaolan and Ye both spoke. Li Mu naturally couldn't refuse, so he nodded directly and said:"Okay, then I'll trouble you.……"

Li Mu was suddenly stunned because he still didn't know the name of the beautiful middle-aged woman in front of him.

The middle-aged beautiful woman naturally understood this and said with a smile:"My name is Nakamura Mika. Please give me your advice.""

"Sorry to trouble you, Captain Nakamura."

After entering the backstage, Xiaolan and his party looked at the nearby scenery.

Maori Kogoro looked around and said excitedly:"There are still, with such a great reputation, you can enter the backstage at will."

"Tsk, what’s good about having money?"

"Yes, isn't it just a few stinky money?"

Hattori Heiji and the two murmured to themselves, still with a hint of jealousy.

Li Mu listened to the mutterings of the two people, and he was also dissatisfied. He was wondering if there was any way to drive these two people away.

While he was thinking, Suddenly a cell phone rang, and Hattori Heiji quickly answered the call.

"What, Officer Dalong, are you right? I know, I'll come over right now."

Hattori Heiji hung up the phone anxiously, then took Conan and ran away without leaving a word.

Li Mu:"……"

He was just thinking about how to send these two troubles away, but Hattori Heiji actually left by himself.

At this moment, Li Mu even felt that he was the protagonist

"Hattori, what happened to him? What's matter?"He Ye said puzzledly.

"I don’t know, maybe there’s something big going on."Xiaolan shook her head and said

"Okay, Xiaolan, Heye, I guess Hattori has a case, leave him alone, they will be back soon."

Li Mu is right. On the other side, at the Koshien Stadium, Officer Dalong received a call.

Someone was going to blow up the Koshien Stadium. Officer Dalong had to ask Hattori Heiji for help, hoping that Hattori Heiji could find the murderer.

Hattori Heiji Hearing this, his sense of justice was overwhelming, and he immediately ran away with this matter.

He thought about it as well. Hattori Heiji often did this, so he didn't worry and followed Li Mu with peace of mind........

After arriving backstage, Li Mu and others entered the actors' dressing room.

In the dressing room, everyone was putting on makeup and dressed very gorgeously, looking like nobles in the palace.

One of the male actors frowned slightly when he saw Li Mu and others.

"Commander, these people……"

"Oh, Yamashita, this gentleman is Mr. Li, who is friends with Chairman Suzuki of the Suzuki Foundation, and is also the president of a well-known international consortium."Captain Nakamura said first.

The man called Yamashita frowned slightly and didn't say anything.

He originally wanted to scold Li Mu and the others, but when he heard Li Mu's identity, he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, he Knowing that an unknown young actor offended a big international boss, he would die without knowing how.

Leader Nakamura looked at the shriveled Yamashita, feeling very proud in his heart.

Li Mu frowned slightly as he looked at Leader Nakamura and the others..

If his guess is correct, the relationship between the members of this troupe is not very good, or in other words, the popularity of this Yamashita is not very good.

At a glance, other people are also looking at this Yamashita angrily. It is obvious that the interpersonal relationships of this Yamashita are not very good. Like this.

Nakamura was also secretly happy, but he still introduced on the surface:"Mr. Li, this is Mr. Yamashita Kiichi, the leading actor of our troupe."

"3.5 I’ve admired him for a long time, Mr. Li."

Although this man was very unpleasant, Li Mu still said hello to him because he didn’t want to slap someone in the face.

"Mr. Li, this is the heroine Yuriko Suzumura, and this is the supporting actress Erika Momotani."

Hearing Erika Momotani, I almost didn't laugh today. Fortunately, Li Mu had strong restraint and didn't show it.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I'm sorry, they may have to perform on stage."

After Captain Nakamura finished speaking, these male and female protagonists had already left.

When leaving, Yamashita Kiichi choked with several female protagonists and even the captain.

Li Mu looked at Yamashita Kiichi's back and the familiar atmosphere, and murmured He murmured to himself:"I suddenly had an unknown premonition."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_

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