"Okay, let's go eat, don't keep Yingli waiting."

Yukiko pushed Li Mu and then walked downstairs.

After arriving downstairs, Yukiko sat next to Fei Yingli, talking and laughing with Fei Yingli.

Li Mu was eating breakfast alone.

He didn't know whether it was over or not. How long, after finishing breakfast, Yukiko started to clear away the dishes

"Okay, Yingli, let's clean up. Li Mu - just rest here."

"So please."

Li Mu was lying on the sofa watching TV, while Yukiko and the two were washing the dishes in the kitchen, smiling happily.

"I think it’s better to give them a try."

An hour later, Li Mu left the kitchen

"correct. Fei Yingli suddenly thought of something and said quickly:"I remembered it. I have very important things to do today. I need to go back quickly.""

"Well, that's it for today, we'll separate later."

Li Mu didn't try to persuade him to stay. He has been very happy these past two days and needs a good rest.


After leaving Yukiko's house, Li Mu received a call from Xiaolan and rushed to the Mori Detective Agency.

When we arrived outside the office, Xiaolan had been waiting there for a long time.

"Brother Li, I'm really sorry to trouble you today. My dad is not free today, otherwise I would have let him go."Xiao Lan said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, where are we going? Osaka? Did He Ye invite you?"

The first thing Li Mu thought of was He Ye's invitation, otherwise Xiaolan wouldn't have thought of going.

"Yes, Heye specially invited me. She said she also invited you, but she didn't get through the phone."

Li Mu suddenly remembered that his cell phone was turned off yesterday night and he quickly turned it on and found He Ye's phone number from the address book. He made one call yesterday night and one this morning. One of the calls happened to be shortly before Li Mu turned on the phone.

"By the way, Brother Li, our things have been packed and we can set off now."

"OK, let's go."

Li Mu put the salute on Xiaolan's behalf. After arriving at the Shinkansen, Li Mu parked nearby and got on the Shinkansen.

If he drove, it would definitely take a long time. Mu didn't want to drive for that long.

On the Shinkansen, Li Mu sat on Next to Conan, he reached out and touched Conan's little head.

"Conan, how are you doing in school now? Is it okay?"

"Well, I'm always in the top three now."

Although Conan didn't like Li Mu, he still answered with a smile.

"Only the top three?"Li Mu looked at Conan with contempt.

As a high school student in the first grade of elementary school, it was really embarrassing to only get one of the top three.

Conan also noticed Li Mu's eyes, which were full of black lines.

He thought he was in the top three before. He is not that good, but now he has improved, and he is still despised

"Conan, you don’t know how to work hard. If you go back today, I will sign you up for a cram school. You must study hard."

If you enroll Conan in a cram school, Conan will have no time to follow Li Mu or disturb Li Mu.

Unfortunately, Conan is not stupid either. He quickly shook his head and said,"No, I don't want to go to the cram school. I will do it myself." One person can do it"

······Asking for flowers·······

"Really, then there is nothing we can do."

Li Mu didn't force it. He had plenty of ways anyway, and there was always a chance to deal with Conan.

Moreover, thinking about bullying Conan in the future, Li Mu still felt a little proud.

Conan also noticed Li Mu's smile, shuddered, and subconsciously pulled He opened the distance between him and Li Mu. He didn't want to be tricked by Li Mu one day, and be sold by Li Mu for a lot of money.

After a long time, the Shinkansen arrived in Osaka.


Outside the Osaka Shinkansen, Kazuha said excitedly:"It's great. I don't know when Xiaolan and Brother Li will come. I'm already waiting impatiently."

Next to him, Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha seriously. There is an uneasy feeling in my heart

"Damn it, what is going on? Why do I feel so uneasy? Why is this?"

While Hattori Heiji was thinking, the Shinkansen came over, and Li Mu and Xiaolan got off one after another.

As soon as they got off the bus, Kazuye noticed Xiaolan and waved happily.

"Hello, Xiaolan, Brother Li, I'm here."

Li Mu heard He Ye's voice and put his hands on his hips.

"Okay, Xiaolan, let's go there. It seems that He Ye is anxious to wait today."

"OK, let's go."

Xiaolan nodded, quickly followed Li Mu, and came to Kazuya's side.

Conan immediately walked towards Hattori Heiji

"Heye, we haven't seen each other for a long time"

"Yes, I miss you a little."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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