After the police arrived, they immediately investigated the scene and asked about the situation.

After asking the question, Officer Dalong, who was in charge of the case, touched his chin and thought.

"When there was a power outage, most of you were downstairs and did not go upstairs. Li Mu and Mr. Xinghe were upstairs. However, Mr. Xinghe grabbed Li Mu’s arm at that time, so he was incapable of committing crimes."

"Yes, that was the case at that time, Officer Dalong."Hattori Heiji nodded.

"That's it."Officer Dalong walked to the window on one side, looked out the window and said:"So the murderer is an outsider. It is still possible to go down through the window here."

"No, Officer Dalong, I don’t think so. Miss Zhanzi’s visit today is just a coincidence. It’s impossible for outsiders to know about it. And with so many people in the family, I don’t think anyone would break in and be killed by Miss Zhanzi. See."Li Mu objected.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu and nodded in the same way:"Police Officer Dalong, I think so too. No one knew about this case before I came here. In other words, these people are responsible for this case. , what special technique was used to do it."

Officer Dalong naturally believed in Li Mu and 16, so he did not hesitate to think in this direction. After thinking for a moment, Officer Dalong said:"By the way, Mr. Li, besides this, what other abnormalities did you find? ?"

"Abnormality, yes, when there is a power outage, the shadow of the vase is facing directly, but when the power comes on, the shadow is diagonally facing."Li Mu said

"What? Hattori Heiji exclaimed and shouted dissatisfied:"Why didn't you tell me such an important thing?""

Conan next to him touched his chin and thought, what is the reason that makes the shadow move so fast?

"Tell you, why am I telling you? You have such a hot temper and you are not a police officer. Why should you ask? I will tell you."

Li Mu turned his head and turned his back to Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and looked unhappy.

Officer Dalong smiled awkwardly and quickly dissuaded him:"Okay, Heiji, don't be angry, you know what's going on. ?"

"have no idea."

Hattori Heiji turned his head dissatisfied, but his mind was thinking quickly.

"By the way, Brother Li, do you know? Do you know what this method is?"He Ye asked.

"Oh, what a coincidence. With such an excellent mind, I just thought of a method, and the evidence seems to be available."

As soon as they finished speaking, Hattori Heiji and Conan gritted their teeth and looked at Li Mu.

They were actually a step slower, which made them very unhappy.

The murderer was very nervous. When he came, he already knew the identity of Detective Li Mu. , naturally very nervous

"Really? Mr. Li, you really know, so great, can you tell us the police."Officer Dalong said excitedly

"Of course, it would be an honor."

Li Mu nodded, walked to the door, touched the crack of the door with his hand, and then pulled hard.

Suddenly, a mirror appeared in front of everyone.

Conan and the others saw the mirror, a light flashed, and they immediately understood.

At the same time, they also regretted that they didn't know such a simple method.

Li Mu looked at Conan proudly and pointed to the mirror in front of him.

"Officer Dalong, if my guess is correct, this mirror is the key to this case.

When we came up, the lights were off, but then there was a power outage. The scene we saw was just the reflection of this mirror, so the shadow of the vase moved so fast.

As for the evidence? The blood stains on the vase in Master Ying's room are real. Moreover, if my guess is correct, there are blood stains on the murderer. Is it Mr. Xinghe?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's targets were focused on Mr. Xinghe.

Mr. Xinghe also shuddered, but did not deny it. He smiled tremblingly:"Yes, there is really no way to clean up the evidence. After all, there are... More or less blood stains"

"Galaxy, you……"

Mr. Fan Tian and Mrs. Zhengying looked at Xinghe in disbelief, unable to imagine that Xinghe could actually kill someone.

"Today, I heard that she was going to perform the witch resurrection, and I guessed what happened to the teacher. Later, I called her over to question her, and she actually mocked the teacher. I immediately became angry. When I came to my senses, she was already dead.."

As always, Mr. Xinghe confessed his reasons for killing.

Killing is always wrong, but his respect for his teacher is worthy of the respect of others.

"Okay, without further ado, you might as well go to the police station with us."

Officer Dalong took Mr. Xinghe away.

Li Mu looked at Mr. Xinghe's back and sighed:"You still have to be careful as a human being and don't offend people casually. Otherwise, you will be accidentally killed one day. That would be bad. alright."

Next to him, Conan looked at Li Mu with contempt.

In his mind, Li Mu had offended many people, not only him, but also Hattori Heiji.

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help but glance at Hattori Heiji.

At this moment, Hattori Heiji was staring closely. Looking at Li Mu, his eyes were full of jealousy.

Then Conan also joined the ranks 097, and for a while, the whole room was full of jealousy.

"By the way, it’s getting late. Let’s eat. Tomorrow we have to go to the police station to take notes."

"That's right, let's go have a meal. I haven't eaten the food cooked by Brother Li yet."He Ye said excitedly,

"Yes, I am also looking forward to the dishes cooked by Brother Li. Xiaolan also looked excited and pulled Kazuha away together.

Hattori Heiji looked at Kazuha who was so excited and became jealous and said disdainfully:"Humph, what should you expect from a meal cooked by a man? It must taste good." That's it"

"Yes, yes, it probably tastes bad."Conan also nodded.

Next to him, Mrs. Zhengying looked at the jealous two people and couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

Ten minutes later, in the living room

"Delicious, delicious, super delicious. I haven’t eaten such delicious food in a long time."

"Yes, it’s even more delicious than what Sister Xiaolan makes."

Hattori Heiji and the two were just there saying that it was not delicious, but now they are eating here.

The others did not say anything, and they were all immersed in the delicious food, unable to extricate themselves for a while.

Li Mu, on the other hand, raised his head with disdain. The two of them glanced at Hattori Heiji.

The Great Voyage of Beloved Concubine and the Invincible Shokugeki Spirit begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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