By the time Li Mu left Xiaolan's room, Yuanzi had already changed into her swimsuit and was waiting in the room.

Li Mu hesitated for a moment and then returned to his room.

After changing his clothes, Li Mu knocked on Xiaolan's and Yuanzi's doors one after another, and led them to the beach.

In summer, the weather is hot, and it is still very good to play in the cold sea water at this time.

In the sea water, Yuanzi kept splashing sea water on Li Mu's body.

"Come on, Li Mu, Xiaolan"

"Okay, Yuanzi, if I don’t teach you a lesson, you don’t know how powerful I am."

Li Mu quickly ran towards the garden, splashing sea water from time to time. Xiaolan on the side was not to be outdone and splashed water together. For a while, the three of them were having a lot of fun.

After a long time, the garden begged for mercy, and Li Mu just said"zero""97" did not continue

"By the way, Li Mu, Xiaolan, let me take a photo for you."

Yuanzi held a mobile phone and winked at Li Mu.

Li Mu understood immediately, approached Xiaolan, and hugged Xiaolan's slender waist.

"Come on, Xiaolan, let’s go together."

Although Xiaolan was extremely shy, she did not refuse. Her cute little face was flushed and very cute.

"Come on, eggplant. Yuanzi took many photos in a row, and said with a smile on his face:"Great, I must treasure these photos, and these are Xiaolan's swimsuit photos.""

Xiaolan's face turned red and she quickly rushed towards Yuanzi.

"Garden, give it to me quickly, give it back to me"

"No, no."

Yuanzi was hiding while holding her cell phone, as if she was sending something.

Ding Ling Ling...Jingle Bell...

Suddenly, the phone rang. Li Mu opened the phone and saw Yuanzi's email.

Li Mu understood immediately, and without saying a word, he directly saved the photo sent by Yuanzi.

This photo will be good for angering Conan in the future. Well, that’s it.

"Wait, what is this? What's the code?"

Yuanzi suddenly stopped and looked at his phone carefully.

Xiaolan also stopped and looked at her photos shyly.

"Garden, where is it? Why didn’t I see any words on this photo?"

"Here, here, bottom left of the screen."

Li Mu also came over and took a closer look.

"It's nothing, just some words, let's continue, it's a rare holiday."

Although he said this, Li Mu suddenly felt an unknown feeling in his heart, as if Conan was here.

When he thought of Conan, Li Mu shuddered, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

Could it be that someone is going to die again!

Forget it, I don’t want to, it has nothing to do with me.

Li Mu shook his head and forced himself not to think about this matter. He is not the kind of person with a strong sense of justice. It is best not to participate in things that should not be participated in.

"That's right, it's better to leave it alone."

Yuanzi thought about it. He came here to have fun with Li Mu today, so why should he meddle in other people's business?

"So let's continue."

Li Mu splashed some sea water again and started playing with the garden.

Li Mu was very happy all day long, and Xiaolan and the others took advantage of it.

In the evening, after dinner, Li Mu and others secretly Came to Xiaolan's room.

As soon as Li Mu came in, Xiaolan's face turned red and she became nervous.

"plum...Brother Li, you...What's the matter with your coming over? I……"

"Xiaolan, you asked me to come during the day. Did you forget?"

Li Mu approached Xiaolan.


Just when Li Mu decided to go further, a startling sound spread throughout the hotel.

Xiaolan was also shocked and quickly pushed Li Mu away.

"Brother Li, let’s go out and take a look"

"OK, I'll go now."

Li Mu did not refuse. He knew that Xiaolan was an angel, the legendary Virgin Bitch. Well, she should have some characteristics of the Virgin Bitch.

If she refused now, Xiaolan would definitely be unhappy.

But although Li Mu went out, she still felt Very unhappy.

Once or twice, Li Mu himself couldn’t remember clearly.

Anyway, Li Mu was very unhappy now and had the urge to explode.

Li Mu left Xiaolan’s room, and Yuanzi also came out of his room.......

Yuanzi happened to see Li Mu and understood immediately, looking at Xiaolan who came out behind with a sinister smile on his face.

Xiaolan also noticed Yuanzi and her face turned red instantly.

"Yuanzi, explain it to me.……"

"Xiaolan, no need to say it, I understand, I understand"


Xiaolan was about to say something, but Li Mu interrupted:"Okay, Xiaolan, stop talking, there seems to be something wrong there, let's go take a look."


The two also noticed something seemed to be happening in the room not far away. A woman was sitting on the ground with fear in her eyes.

"Come on, let's go over and have a look."

Li Mu came to the outside of the room with a gloomy face.

In the room, a man's body fell on the ground, and all the glass on the windows not far away was broken.

"Haha, someone died again, it must be the curse of that little devil Conan, his uncle."

Li Mu sneered, cursing in his heart.

The people next to him also noticed Li Mu's smile, and shuddered in their hearts, with a trace of fear in their hearts.

"Hey, did you call the police? What are you doing here? Why don't you call the police quickly?"

"Okay, I get it now."

A man wearing a hat reacted and ran out quickly.

"Xiaolan, Yuanzi, don’t leave me today 3.5, there’s no guarantee there are any bad guys here"

"Okay, Brother Li, please."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi hid behind Li Mu, their little faces filled with nervousness.

Not long after, the person who called the police came back again.

"By the way, Li Mu, I remembered something. On the photo I took today, there were some blood-red words, which seemed to be a message from the deceased before his death. Yuanzi suddenly thought of something and suddenly realized.

The man in the hat who called the police suddenly became nervous, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This weak murderous intent happened to be sensed by Li Mu, and Li Mu smiled.

Now it seems that the murderer himself has been exposed I have to show myself.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begin!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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