The next day, although Conan felt restless, he still went to investigate the suspects with the young detective team.

Outside Mr. Yuan's home, Conan and others rang the doorbell for a while, but received no response.

"Why don't we go in and take a look. Mitsuhiko opened the door directly and walked in before Conan could object. As soon as he entered, Mitsuhiko saw Mr. Yuan lying on the ground and ran over quickly

"Mr. Yuan, Mr. Yuan. Conan also noticed Mitsuhiko's performance and didn't care so much. He walked over quickly.

After carefully checking Mr. Yuan, Conan shook his head and sighed:"It's too late. Call the police, Genta.""

More than ten minutes later, the police cars arrived. After a thorough investigation, Officer Megure characterized the case as a serial murder"097" case. On the other side, Li Mu was about to go out for a walk when Miwako called.

"What? Mr. Yuan is dead, I know, Miwako, I will be there right away, you wait."

Li Mu hung up the phone and drove to Mr. Yuan's home.

If Officer Mu Mu knew that Li Mu agreed so happily, he didn't know what he would think.

Every time he invited Li Mu, Li Mu looked unwilling He looked reluctant, and Miwako invited Li Mu to easily agree.

But it’s no wonder that Miwako is a beauty, and he is a middle-aged uncle. Normal people know what to do.

After arriving at Mr. Yuan’s home, Li Mu directly Entered the crime scene and observed the scene

"How about it? Mr. Li, have you found anything suspicious?"Officer Mu Mu said with some anticipation.

He was also under a lot of pressure. After all, this is a serial murder case. If the case is not solved for a long time, it will definitely have a huge impact.

Li Mu sorted it out in his mind and nodded directly:"I saw it. Look, this broken wine glass should have been put on later, otherwise there would be no blood stains"

"I think so too, and our police have also discovered this."

Obviously, Officer Memu is not too bad, he can still see this bit of doubt.

"So this is not a serial murder case? It must have been the work of another murderer."

Officer Shiratori said to himself

"Yes, but this is not absolute. It is also possible that the murderer did it intentionally. In short, these must be investigated."Li Mu said

"Well, Officer Shiratori, you go investigate Mr. Yuan’s interpersonal relationships, and you must not miss any clues."

"Yes, Officer Megure"


After Li Mu, Officer Mu Mu and others parted ways, they took the young man away.

On the way, Li Mu stopped the car and looked at a few little ghosts.

"Hey, do you want to continue investigating the case, or do you want me to take you home? Ayumi and Mitsuhiko looked at each other and said,"Of course we are investigating this case. We are members of the Youth Detective Team." After bidding farewell to Little Guitou, Li Mu looked at Hui Yuan Ai who stayed behind, turned around, and said with a smile:"What's wrong, aren't you going?""

"I don't have time to play boring detective games with some kids if there's anything good to do."

Hui Yuan Ai lowered his head to read the magazine, still using the tone of a young adult.

Li Mulu was happy, stretched out a hand, put it on Hui Yuan Ai's cheek, and pinched it gently

"Xiao Ai, you are still so cute, especially with that tone just now, I think you are particularly cute."

"Can...It's none of your business whether you're cute or not....Stop meddling in your own business, Baga, Baga."Hui Yuan Ai became angry and reached out to slap Li Mu's hand away.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, come home with me today. I will take you to see your sister. He must miss you."

Hui Yuan Ai's face lit up, and she thought of her sister in her mind.

Although she often went there, but not often, she really missed her sister.

"Is it okay if I go? Now that Illya is gone, I seem to have no excuse."Hai Yuan Ai was slightly confused.

Speaking of Illya, because she was bored here, she was sent back by Li Mu and stayed with Rin, Xiaoying and the others.

"It doesn't matter, the excuse is too simple, just say you are going to my house to play, what can she ask, or say that Illya will come back temporarily for one day and leave tomorrow."

Hai Yuan Ai thought about it, so she didn't say anything. Who made her miss her sister so much?.......

In a relatively private villa, Li Mu drove in and then carried Hui Yuan Ai into the villa.

Hui Yuan Ai's delicate and pretty face had a hint of crimson, and her heart was pounding, but she did not reject Li Mu.

After entering the villa, Li Mu saw Miyano Akemi

"elder sister."

Before Li Mu said anything, Haiyuan Ai jumped down and pounced directly on Miyano Akemi.

"Xiao Ai."

Miyano Akemi also hugged Haibara Ai excitedly. The two were very excited as if they hadn't seen each other for several years.

Li Mu was immediately speechless. These two little girls actually ignored him. Li Mu was both I regretted bringing Xiao Ai here.

Fortunately, not long after, Miyano Akemi let go of Haibara Ai with a smile on her face.

"Li Mu, I'm sorry to trouble you today, but I specifically asked you to bring Xiao Ai here. I'll go cook now while you wait here."

Li Mu waited until Miyano Akemi entered the kitchen, quickly picked up Haibara Ai, pulled her into his arms, and ravaged her fiercely.

"Xiao Ai, for letting you ignore me like this, I want to teach you a lesson."

Hui Yuan Ai puffed up his face and patted Li Mu repeatedly with his little hands.

"quick...Let me go quickly, or I will call my sister and let my sister teach you a lesson."

No matter how hard Hui Yuan Ai struggled, she couldn't get rid of Li Mu's big hand.

After a long time, Li Mu put down the panting Hui Yuan Ai and gently pinched her nose.

"How about it, do you dare to use the tone of a little adult again?"

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red, and he quickly ran to the side, widening the distance between him and Li Mu, and looked at Li Mu warily.

"Humph, what's wrong with me just saying that? Why don't you hurry up and stay away from me, you big pervert."

If Conan and others were here, they would definitely be surprised, because Haihara Ai's current expression is like that of a child.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, how dare you be so arrogant, let's see how I teach you a lesson."

Li Mu pounced on Hui Yuan Ai, and they started fighting in the living room.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Spirit of the Halberd Eater begins!_Fei

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