Mouri Kogoro waved his hand hard and hit Hondo Eiyu directly on the head.

"Ouch, it hurts?"

Hondo Yingyu touched his forehead with a painful expression on his face.

Li Mu turned his head and was speechless.

This is the Mouri Detective Agency, the territory of Mouri Kogoro. How could our hall Yingyou steal customers so openly?

"Okay, sir, can you tell me what your problem is?"Mouri Kogoro straightened his clothes and said.

The visitor didn't say anything, and said directly:"Hello, Detective Mouri, my name is Mr. Triangle. I am here this time to ask you to find someone.

Her name is Anmei and she is my girlfriend, but she had a fight with me yesterday. I said she could not go back to the past, so she did not come back all day. I was very worried today and wanted to ask you to come back."

"That's it, but I think he's gone out now. He'll be back soon. Just wait three days."Mouri Kogoro smiled.

Mr. Triangle frowned slightly and said quickly:"But I have to find her. In her car 097, there is also my company's plan, so I have to find it."

Everyone looked at Mr. Triangle in disbelief.

Mr. Triangle also realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing and said quickly:"Of course, I also care about her very much, so I want to find him as soon as possible."

Moori Kogoro didn't ask Mr. Triangle more about himself. He just touched his chin and thought.

"However, you have no clues, how could I know so much.

Li Mu thought about it, touched his chin and said,"If that's the case, I think you can go to the place where you first met. He might be waiting for you there.""

"But, how do you know? How did you know about this?"Our hall Yingyou said in confusion.

Li Mu directly ignored this fool and started to pack his clothes.

Conan had no choice but to explain:"Just now, this gentleman said that he could not go back to the past. That should be what he meant, right, Brother Li?"

"Yes, that should be it."

Moori Kogoro clapped his hands vigorously and fully agreed with Li Mu's words.

This guy has no skills at all. I really don't know how he raised Xiaolan.

Among them, if Fei Yingli didn't help, Xiaolan would probably be dead during the day. In class, I begged at night

"So, Mr. Triangle, please take us there, where you and your girlfriend first met. Li Mu said.

Mr. Sanjiao thought for a moment and said,"In that case, we were at a ski resort in Gunma County. Let's set off now.""

"Okay, let's set off too."

Li Mu took Xiaolan and Yuanzi and took them into his own car.

As for Conan and the others, they got into Mr. Triangle's car.

Everyone sat in the car and left Tokyo together.

After a long time, Li Mu The others left and came to the territory of Gunma County.

After arriving in Gunma County, it started to snow heavily nearby, and the snow kept falling.

Fortunately, the heavy snow stopped soon, but the wind outside was still very strong. It looked very cold.

In the car, Yuanzi looked at the heavy snow outside and hugged his body

"Really, the snow is so heavy today. If we had known, we wouldn't have come here. It looks so cold here."

"Okay, Sonoko, just think of it as passing the time."

Li Mu touched Sonoko's little head, and then continued to drive, following Mouri Kogoro and the others.

After an unknown amount of time, Moori Kogoro's car stopped in front, and Li Mu also stopped immediately.

After getting off the car , , Li Mu, Xiaolan and others ran to the car in front.

(bgdf) Next to the car, there is a car covered in heavy snow.

After Mr. Triangle walked to the car, he wiped the heavy snow on the car, and then shouted

"Anmei, Anmei, is there anything wrong with you?"

Mouri Kogoro frowned slightly and said quickly:"Okay, do you have a spare car key? Open the door quickly."

"Okay, I get it now."

Mr. Triangle frowned slightly, quickly picked up a spare key, pressed it, and then pulled the car door hard.

But no matter how hard he pulled, he couldn't open the door.

"No, it can't be pulled open at all, everything inside is sealed with tape."

Mr. Maori was about to say something else. Mr. Triangle walked into the trunk and took out a baseball bat.

"Okay, Detective Maori, please give in. I will rescue Anmei now."

After saying that, Mr. Triangle swung his right hand hard and hit the front window of the driver's seat.

Once, twice...

I don't know how many times he hit it before Mr. Triangle broke the glass.

Then Mr. Triangle quickly broke the glass. I climbed into the car and pulled the tape hard, but I couldn't pull it away.

"By the way, I remember there was a utility knife here."

Mr. Triangle didn't know where he found a utility knife. Then he cut the tape with the knife and took Miss Anmei out of the car.

Li Mu walked up and touched Miss Anmei's neck with his right hand.

"It's hopeless. She's already dead. It's better to call the police as soon as possible."


Mr. Triangle hugged the deceased and cried loudly.

Li Mu looked at the crying Mr. Triangle and frowned slightly. He always felt that this guy was very suspicious.

Even Conan on the side looked at Mr. Triangle suspiciously.

Wait. After a long time, Li Mu looked at Conan and said,"How's it going? Did you call the police?"

"this..."On the side, the main hall Eyou said weakly:"I have already called the police. There is a guy who claims to be a friend of Detective Maori. He said he will come over soon."

Detective Maori's friend.

Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro had a very bad feeling, and a person suddenly thought of them in their minds.

Not long after, the police came, and it was none other than that idiot police officer from Gunma County, a fool police officer - Officer Nakamura

"Detective Maori, what a surprise to you. This is the meeting of the two of us again. I believe that the two of us will definitely solve the case again."

Moori Kogoro's head was covered with black lines and he turned his head dissatisfied.

"To be honest, I don't want to meet you at all"

"Detective Maori, how can you say that? The two of us together have a 100% crime detection rate."

Police Officer Nakamura patted the murderer's chest and said proudly.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit begins!_

Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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