Mr. Triangle’s reason for killing people is very simple and common. It’s just that his girlfriend cheated on her and he got angry out of humiliation, so he killed someone.

Both Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro had seen this kind of reason for killing many times and didn't care at all.

Only the sentimental Xiaolan felt a little emotional.

After Li Mu and others completed the transcript, they drove out of Gunma County and returned to Tokyo.

After arriving in Tokyo, Li Mu sent Sonoko home first, and then returned to the Mori Detective Agency with Mori Kogoro and others.

As soon as he entered his home, Mouri Kogoro stretched out his hand and sighed:"I'm finally back. It's too cold in Gunma County, but it's much better in Tokyo. At least it didn't snow."

Li Mu didn't say anything, and picked up the teacup on the side. Pour yourself a cup of tea.

Xiaolan didn't say a word. She sat on the sofa, lowered her head and thought, her face looking very ugly.

Li Mu looked at Xiaolan who was a little sad, put a hand on her shoulder, and patted her gently.

"Xiaolan, what's wrong? You seem to be in a bad mood. Tell me and I'll listen."

Conan also looked at Xiaolan, with a worried expression.

Xiaolan hesitated, hesitated a little, but still said:"Brother Li, why do you think this world is like this? Mr. Triangle is so kind to Miss Anmei, why would Miss Anmei do this?"

Li Mu paused. The world is like this. There are good people and bad people. Li Mu didn't know how to comfort Xiaolan.

After a long silence, Li Mu said:"Xiaolan, you don't have to worry about this. After all, people's hearts will always change. Yes, but my heart will never change."

Xiaolan instantly forgot the unhappy things and lowered her head shyly, with a very shy look on her face.

Conan on the side looked at Li Mu with a resentful look on his face, feeling very jealous in his heart.

Sister Xiaolan is mine.

It's a pity that no one else paid attention. When you get to Conan, do whatever you have to do.

After comforting Xiaolan, Li Mu touched Xiaolan’s head with a smile on his face.

"Xiaolan, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first. You have to be more open-minded."

"Well, Brother Li, let me send you away."

Xiao Lan followed Li Mu and watched Li Mu leave.

When Li Mu left, our hall Yingyou appeared from a corner and looked at Li Mu and others solemnly. At this moment, our hall Yingyou didn't feel at all dumbfounded. No, on the contrary, he acted like a very shrewd agent.

After leaving Xiaolan's house, Li Mu came to Miyano Akemi's home again.

As soon as he entered, Miyano Akemi saw Li Mu, and hurriedly came over and laid out the shoes that Li Mu had changed.

"Li Mu, you are back. Who has woken up? I don’t know what happened to her."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you wake up or not."

Li Mu naturally knew that nothing happened to Shui Wu Lina, so of course he didn't care.

After changing his shoes, Li Mu came to the second floor and came to Shui Wu Lina's side again.

"Shui Wuliannai, what’s wrong, you haven’t? In other words, Miss Yinghai, or the secret agent of CIA."

Shui Wu Lina's body trembled slightly, and her heart was pounding.

However, Shui Wu Lina didn't show it. Instead, it was as if nothing happened.

Li Mu smiled, sat next to Shui Wu Lian, and said to himself utterance

"Ms. Rena Minazuna, today, I met a man at Mouri Kogoro's house. His name is Hondo Eiyu. He looks very similar to you. Do you know each other? After all, your name is Hondo Eikai."

Shui Wulian was still very nervous, but he didn't wake up, and still pretended to be asleep.

Li Mula was happy, this guy was clearly challenging his patience.

But think about it, this guy had his feet pinched by the doctor, but nothing happened People who don’t have it will naturally not be so easily tempted by Li Mu.

"Okay, since you don't speak, forget it. It seems that I need to catch him before you wake up, but that is very interesting, using your brother's blood to wake you up."

Li Mu turned around and was about to leave.

Shui Wulian could no longer pretend, opened his eyes and said:"Sir, there is no need to go on like this, you can come here."

She also knew that since Li Mu already knew that this hall Yingyou was related to her, he must know the position of this hall Yingyou.

In order to protect his younger brother, Shui Wulian had no choice but to wake up.

Li Mu was happy, turned around slowly, and came to Shuiwu Next to Wu Lian Nai, Shui Wu Lian Nai looked at me with pity, and couldn't help but put his hand on her face.

"What's wrong, Miss Rena Minami, why don't you continue to sleep?"

Shui Wulian turned around and took his head away from Li Mu's hand.

"Tell me, what's going on with you? Where are you from? FBI, or someone from the organization?"

Although Shuiwu Reina didn't know where Li Mu was from, she was definitely not an ordinary person.

Because it was impossible for ordinary people to know so much. At least the ordinary people of this hall Yingyou and her name, this hall Yinghai, couldn't know.

So she guessed that Li Mu was not Ordinary people.

Now she just hopes that Li Mu is not a member of the black organization. As long as he is not a member of the organization, she does not need to worry about her brother.

Naturally, Li Mu 097 also saw Shui Wu Liannai's thoughts, the corners of his mouth raised, a look on his face with fierce eyes

"I forgot to introduce myself, Kil, my code name is Bourbon, and I am considered a murderous devil who does all kinds of evil in the organization."

Boben said that he would not take the blame. He was a good person and an undercover police officer.

When Shui Wulian heard the word"bourbon", his pupils shrank and infinite fear filled his eyes.

Although she didn't know Bourbon. , but I have also heard of Bourbon, a very powerful person in the organization, who is no less threatening than Gin.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Bourbon is a member of the organization, and it is important that she is known by the people in the organization. Li Mu looked at Shui Wu Lianna with infinite fear in his eyes, put a hand on her face, and gently slid it

"Miss Mizuno Reina, what's wrong? Are you scared? Are you worried?"

Shui Wu Liannai also recovered, suppressing panic and said:"Do you have any purpose? What do you want to know? What is the purpose of catching me here?"

Li Mu didn't say anything, straightened his clothes, turned around and left the room.

"Sorry, I'm just teasing you, just rest here."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit Begins!_

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