Late at night, in a room.

Li Mu sat next to Conan, looking at the sleeping Conan, feeling very unhappy.

Originally, even if he was not with Xiaolan Yuanzi, he was at least alone, but now he was forced to be with this little devil.

Thinking about it, Li Mu felt a little unhappy.

After sitting like this for a moment, Li Mu looked at Conan's dirty clothes and his eyes lit up.

Li Mu picked up a small wooden stick, picked up Conan's socks, and placed them next to Conan's head.

Conan frowned slightly, but didn't sense anything. He still closed his eyes and rested peacefully.

"Eat your stinky socks."

Li Mu complained, pulled up the quilt, and rested peacefully.

Until the next day, the sky lit up, and a bright golden light shone on Conan's face.

Conan frowned slightly, his eyelashes trembled, and then slowly He woke up.

The next moment, a musty smell was introduced into his nose.

Conan's nose twitched, then he opened his eyes, and then saw the socks in front of him.

The next second, Conan reacted and glared. With big eyes, he quickly pulled away the socks in front of him and threw them aside.

What is going on? Why are the socks next to me?

Unfortunately, no one answered him. Li Mu was lying on his bed to rest, completely ignoring it. Conan.

After Conan put away his socks, he turned to look at Li Mu who was still sleeping soundly. His intuition told him that this was Li Mu's doing.

Looking at Li Mu's sleeping expression and then looking at his own socks, a treacherous look appeared on the corner of Conan's mouth. Smiling.

Conan picked up the sock in his hand and slowly approached Li Mu, intending to put it next to Li Mu.

But the next second, Li Mu suddenly turned around and hit Conan on the head with his fist.

"Ah, it hurts so much"

"Boy, you are so arrogant, how dare you tease me like this. Fortunately, I get up early every day and like to close my eyes and rest."

Li Mu clenched his fists with a sly smile on his face.

Conan's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly stretched out his hand and said:"Li...Brother Li, it's all my fault, I won't dare to do it anymore, I……"

Bang bang bang!

In autumn, the red maple leaves all over the hillside have different shapes. Some are oblong, some are oblate, and some are like five-pointed stars. They look very beautiful.

Li Mu, Xiaolan and others were walking in a fiery red maple forest.

As Yuanzi walked, he waved the red handkerchief in his hand and talked happily with Xiaolan.

On the other side of the crowd, Conan covered his head with a painful expression on his face.

After chatting for a while, Xiaolan finally paid attention and said,"Conan, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

""I'm not feeling well. I'm going to hug him if I'm not feeling well. I can't let him suffer," Li Mu said with a smile.

Conan originally planned to take the opportunity to win Xiaolan's heart, but when he saw Li Mu's smile, Conan quickly gave up his thoughts.

"No, I have nothing to do, my sister Xiaolan, don’t worry"

"Yes, Xiaolan, you don't have to worry about this little devil being fine."

Yuanzi glanced at Conan and waved the red handkerchief with his little hand.

Suddenly, a breeze came out. Yuanzi did not catch the red handkerchief for a while, and the red handkerchief fluttered in the wind.

"Oh, wait, don't go. Yuanzi hurriedly ran forward, chasing her red handkerchief quickly.

Li Mu and others could only follow her.

A few minutes later, Yuanzi stopped under a big tree and looked up at the big tree.

"My handkerchief accidentally flew up. Can any of you get it for me?"

After saying that, Yuanzi looked at Conan aside.

Yes, she was looking at Conan. Who made Li Mu the person she liked? How could Yuanzi let Li Mu get it. Conan also noticed Yuanzi's gaze, and his expression suddenly changed. He quickly shook his head and said:"Sister Yuanzi, I can't do it, I'm just a child, why don't you let Brother Li go. Yuanzi was about to say something, but Xiaolan said,"Why don't you let Brother Li go? Conan is a child after all.""

Sure enough, an angel is an angel. Even if he is worried about Li Mu, he will not let a child take risks.

"Okay, I'll go over there."

Li Mu climbed up the tree and stepped on a branch.

The next second, Li Mu's foot suddenly slipped and he fell down.

"Brother Li, are you okay?"

······Asking for flowers·······

Yuanzi and others quickly ran over and looked at Li Mu with concern.

"It doesn't matter, I'm fine, my legs just hurt a little. It seems that this glorious and arduous task can only be left to Conan."

Conan looked at Li Mu with black lines on his head. He felt that Li Mu must be faking, otherwise how could the first branch fall down. The more he thought about it

, the more correct Conan felt.

But everyone's eyes were on him. Conan could only nod and said:"I understand, leave it to me."

After saying that, Conan reluctantly climbed up the huge maple tree.

Li Mu looked at Conan from below and stepped on the corner of the red handkerchief with one foot to prevent it from being blown away.

This red handkerchief was still the same as when it fell down. I arrived, but Li Mu didn’t say anything, and I was going to watch Conan climb a tree.


Ten minutes later, Yuanzi looked at Conan on the big tree and complained:"Conan, have you found it? Come on, that handkerchief is very important to me.""

"Damn it, how can this be found?"

Conan complained, and then looked up at the maple leaves around him.

It was really not easy to find a red handkerchief among the red maple leaves.

Seeing that it was almost time to trick Conan, Li Mu pointed to the ground and said:" Sonoko, is this red handkerchief yours?"

Yuanzi lowered his head and looked at the red handkerchief on the ground, with a faint blush on his face.

"Sorry, this seems to be really mine. I'm really sorry, I didn't notice it just now."

Conan's head was full of black lines, and he had scolded Yuanzi many times in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

"Hahaha, I'm so sorry, little Conan, for keeping you busy for so long."Yuanzi said apologetically.

Conan put his head in his hands and turned his head in dissatisfaction.

"Okay, kindergarten, primary school students should exercise, otherwise they won't be able to run away if they encounter danger in the future."Li Mu touched Conan's head and squeezed it gently.

Conan's expression changed and he said with a grimace:"Brother Li is right, I'm fine."

"OK, let's go."Yuanzi didn't say anything, and happily walked forward. The

Invincible Halberd-eating Spirit of the Great Voyage's Beloved Concubine began with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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