On a ship, Conan leaned on the side of the ship with a helpless expression on his face

"Hattori, you are serious, why do you want me to come over? Wouldn't it be great if I don't come over?"

"Well, don't worry about it, Kudo, just think of it as accompanying me to have a good rest." Hattori Heiji smiled.

But in his heart, Hattori Heiji was very dissatisfied.

When he thought of being with Ye and Li Mu, he felt very anxious and uneasy.

Conan noticed Hattori Heiji's expression and said solemnly:"Hattori, you……"

"What's wrong with me?" Hattori said puzzledly

"without...Nothing, nothing happened to me."

Conan didn't say it in the end.


Maori Detective Agency, He Ye waited here for a while, smiled and said:"Okay, Xiaolan, where are we going today?"

"Where to go? Xiaolan frowned slightly and said hesitantly:"But, I don't know where to go. There is no interesting place or activities here.""

She has walked around Tokyo many times and it's really boring.

"So, there is nothing we can do about it."

He Ye actually doesn't care at all. Anyway, her target is just Li Mu, and everything else is incidental.

"By the way, Brother Li. He Ye suddenly thought of something and looked at Li Mu and said,"Brother Li, how about we go to your home? I haven't even been to your home yet.""

"I don't think I've ever been to this one."

Xiaolan also remembered that she and Li Mu have known each other for so long, but it seems that she has never been to Li Mu's house.

"Well, in that case, I will take you to my home now."

Li Mu did not refuse, picked up his keys and walked downstairs.

He and Ye looked at each other and followed Li Mu happily.

Maori Kogoro glanced at the two, and then directly turned his attention to It was in the newspaper.

What was written in the newspaper was news about horse racing.

An hour later, Li Mu drove to his home.

After getting out of the car with Ye, he looked at Li Mu's huge mansion with a surprised expression.

"It's so big. Brother Li, your home is too big, isn't it so big that you won't get lost?"

"Yes, it’s no smaller than Yuanzi’s house."

Although Li Mu is fine on the surface, he is still a little proud in his heart.

After all, everyone has self-esteem, even he is no exception.

"Wherever I go, I won't get lost. After all, I am not Xiaolan."Li Mu smiled.

Xiaolan's face turned red, and she became angry and said:"Brother Li, no matter how bad you are, I will not get lost. I will never get lost."

But Xiaolan's tone is not convincing at all.

"Okay, no more talking, let’s go in."

Li Mu opened the door and walked to the room on the side.

"Xiaolan, I'm going to change some clothes. You guys can sit down and have a rest."


Xiaolan and Ye nodded, and then sat on the sofa on the side.

Not long after, Li Mu came out.

Xiaolan and Ye subconsciously looked over and saw Li Mu's figure.

In an instant, Xiaolan and Ye Her face was extremely red.

Fortunately for He Ye, she had seen it many times and she was Li Mu's, but Xiaolan was extremely shy. Li Mu walked to He Ye very calmly, and then sat next to the two of them.

".Sorry, Heye, Xiaolan, I'm a little hot today, so I can only do this. I'm really sorry."

"without...It doesn't matter, Brother Li, just do whatever you want."

Xiao Lan lowered her head shyly, not even daring to look at Li Mu.

On the other hand, He Ye peeked at Li Mu's figure from time to time.

"Brother Li, I need to go to the bathroom. I'm really sorry. (Denuo Zhao)" and Ye watched Xiaolan leave and leaned on Li Mu.

"Li Mu, I remember Xiaolan seems to like you too."

Li Mu was ashamed and wiped his forehead.

"Let me help you. With my help, you can definitely handle it."

Before Li Mu could say anything, He Ye left.

"Alas, He Ye, what are you doing? Don’t be so huge."

"What's the big deal? Let's go out together."

The bathroom door opened, and Ye and I came out together.

The Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with a life in a different world from scratch!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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