"Where should he be hiding and watching us? In that case, let's go to the window and have a look."

Hattori Heiji didn't realize what happened, and still left leisurely.

Li Mu and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were the only two people standing at the door waiting.

After Hattori Heiji left the room, he came to Mr. Tokitsu's room from outside. Right below.

Looking through the window, you can vaguely see Mr. Tokijin sitting next to the window.

"Look, this guy has nothing wrong with him. I guess he should..."

Suddenly, Hattori Heiji stopped and looked at Mr. Tokijin in the distance in surprise.

At the moment when thunder and lightning roared, he seemed to see a trace of blood on Mr. Shijin's forehead.

Another bolt of lightning sounded. This time, Hattori Heiji could see that Mr. Tokijin had indeed been hit hard.

"No, let’s go to the gate immediately."

Tan Hakuba was about to leave, but Hattori Heiji jumped to the second floor of 16, then broke the window and opened the window sill.

After Hattori Heiji went in to check, he confirmed that Mr. Tokijin was dead and shook his head.

Conan and Detective Hakuba quickly entered the room without asking any questions and came to Mr. Tokijin's door. The door of the room was opened, and Li Mu, Koshizu Nanatsuki and others entered the room together.

After entering the room, Li Mu first He saw a screw on the ground at a glance, walked over, and stepped on the screw under his feet.

No one noticed Li Mu's movements, and Li Mu also took the opportunity to put the screw into the space ring.

Hattori Heiji checked the room, and then touched He touched his chin and said:"This is homicide. I guess the murderer must be one of Mr. Kotani, Mr. Tsuchio and Ms. Koshimi Nanatsuki.""

"What? Do you mean I killed the person? How could I kill someone."Mr. Hammertail shouted angrily.

Conan didn't care about Mr. Hammertail's anger, touched his chin, and explained:"Because when he died, we were all in the restaurant, and only the three of you were not in the restaurant."

Mr. Tsutsumi was about to say something, but when he thought about it, it was true.

Unfortunately, Mr. Tsutsumi could only remain silent.

"Okay, let's go out first."

Hattori Heiji walked in front and led everyone to the restaurant.

After entering the restaurant, Li Mu returned to his seat and ate

"Everyone, you three are suspects. It's best not to go out while we go out to investigate."

Hattori Heiji and the others left the place, leaving Koshizu Nanatsuki and three others in the living room.

Li Mu did not go out to investigate. He sat next to Koshizu Nanatsuki, picked up a mobile phone, and placed it next to her..

Koshizui Nanatsuki looked at Lin Fei in confusion, but still picked up the phone.

The next moment, Koshizui Nanatsuki's face changed suddenly.

There should be screws in your bag.

These are the big words displayed on the phone, But Koshi Nanatsuki's face turned pale with fright.

Li Mu glanced at Koshi Nanatsuki, whose face was pale, put his hand into her pocket, and then took it out.

Koshi Nanatsuki may have been frightened, but he didn't stop her. , and let Li Mu take them out.

After taking out the screws, Li Mu walked to the opposite side, came to Mr. Chuwei's side, and secretly put the two screws into his pocket.

Li Mu was so fast that Mr. Chuwei didn't notice at all. After doing all this ,

Li Mu secretly took out a camera and set up a timer function.

He turned into Mr. Chuwei and took a photo. In one photo,

Mr. Chuwei turned his back to the camera. Holding the window frame and the photo of the window installation in his hand.

After everything was done, Li Mu clapped his hands and looked at the photo in the camera with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Hattori, Conan, I have to play with you this time and embarrass you."

As someone who has traveled through many worlds, Li Mu is not a bad person, but he is not a good person either.

Mr. Shijin and Mr. Tsuchio are not good people themselves, and Li Mu has a clear conscience for framing them.

After doing the good deed, Li Mu returned to the living room Inside, he put the camera under the table and gave Koshizui Nanatsuki a look.

Koshizui Nanatsuki's pupils shrank and he looked at Li Mu in surprise.

She never thought that Li Mu could actually get this photo, plus The screws just made were enough to frame Mr. Tsutsumi.

Li Mu handed the phone to Koshizu Nanatsuki again.

I also know the truth about the Lavender murder incident, but it’s a pity that I left. This is just to avenge her.

Koshizu Nanatsuki understood immediately, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

There was no evidence, and she would never be considered the murderer.

Not long after, Hattori Heiji and others arrived.

The three of them looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and others. People, very proud, obviously have their own clues

"Okay, everyone, let's go to the crime scene together, because I already know the answer."

Li Mu looked at the proud three people. He didn't know what their expressions would be when they realized that they had made a mistake.

Especially when he saw Hattori Heiji's proud eyes, Li Mu was even more looking forward to the ending.

"Then let's go, lovely Miss Yueshui, and go see the speeches of the three people."

"OK, let's go and see it together."

Koshizui Nanatsuki097 walked behind Li Mu, and he was also looking forward to seeing the expressions of the three people who discovered that their reasoning was wrong.

After arriving at Mr. Tokijin's room, Hakuba Tan was the first to speak:"I think the murderer is Tsuchio Sir, I found that he seemed to have pried open the door of the warehouse. He should have done all these things."

"No, not me, me……"

As soon as Mr. Tsutsumi opened his mouth, he was interrupted.

"No, no, not Mr. Hammertail." Hattori Heiji shook his head and explained:"This is how the murderer arranged the murder scene.

First, Mr. Tokitsu's method is as follows: remove the window and cut off part of the screws on it so that the window can be installed on it.

Therefore, Mr. Tokitsu needs a certain amount of time, because it takes about half an hour for the glue to solidify.

And within this half hour, those who can do this are those who leave about half an hour after dinner in the living room……"


Conan thought that Hattori Heiji was talking about Mr. Kotani, so he wanted to stop him, but Hattori Heiji didn't say Mr. Kotani, but reached out and grabbed Koshizui Nanatsuki's raised hand.

"Miss Koshimi Nanatsuki, the murderer is actually you."

The Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage begins in a different world from scratch!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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