In a certain car, everyone in the young detective team was chatting and laughing happily.

In the driver's seat, Li Mu sat with black lines on his head.

He was speechless, why did he send the people from the Youth Detective Corps to the police station to take notes.

If Kogoro Moori hadn't been away, Xiaolan had to go to class, and Dr. Ali had a cold, how could Li Mu have sent them off.

In the passenger seat, Hui Yuan Ai glanced at Li Mu and said with a smile:"What's wrong? I feel very unhappy because you came to see me off?"

"No, that's not the reason. Li Mu shook his head, and then said with a dark face:"I just want to think about what kind of evil a certain person did to end up in another case."

I wonder if one day I will be killed somewhere because of someone."

In the back parking space, if Conan doesn't know who he is, then he can't be a detective.

But the other members of the Young Detective Team were a little confused and looked at Li Mu in confusion.

"What's wrong? Who are you talking about?"

"Is it possible that someone wants to kill you? Then leave it to our young detective team"

"That's right, our young detective team can seek justice for you."

A few people still didn't understand the meaning of Li Mu's words, and thought that Li Mu said someone was going to kill him.

Conan's face was covered with black lines, and he covered his forehead speechlessly.

Li Mu didn't say anything, and directly took out a ten thousand yuan bill and handed it to him. Several people

"I'm just kidding, you should take a break and use the money to buy the food you like."

"Really? That's great. Thank you, brother Li Mu."

Everyone was overjoyed and quickly accepted the 10,000-yuan bills.

Perhaps because Li Mu often gave them money, even if Li Mu often criticized them, they would not be angry.

Conan looked at the little devils who were bribed so easily and became even more worried. Speechless.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu stopped the car and sat on the steering wheel speechlessly.

"Okay, Conan, you take them there, I won’t go. By the way, make notes and buy some food. Don’t disturb me."


Conan didn't say much, got out of the car and took everyone out of the car.

Not long after everyone left, an old red car stopped not far away.

This car looked familiar to Li Mu, as if...It's Miwako's car.

As soon as Miwako got out of the car, Li Mu opened the car door, waved his hand and said,"Miwako, am I here?"

"Li Mu, why are you here?"

Miwako looked along the sound and saw Li Mu waving.

"There is no other way. The Youth Detective Team came over today to take notes. Since they had time, I had no choice but to send them over."Li Mu was helpless again.

Miwako also thought of something, touched her chin, and said seriously:"You said that, I think about it, those people seem to be cursed, especially the little boy wearing glasses, who walked to Where, where to die."

The protagonist of the world, the famous Death Elementary School, will die wherever he goes.

"By the way, Li Mu, I still have something to do, so I’ll leave first. Goodbye.

Miwako looked at the time and suddenly became anxious.

That is to say, Li Mu got up early, otherwise Miwako would have already gone to work, unlike now, when some police officers just came to work.

Li Mu did not retain Miwako.

But when I saw a box on the car on the side, I remembered a necklace I bought randomly and quickly took it out.

"Miwako, I gave this to you. It can ward off evil spirits. Take it and use it."

"Exorcism?"Miwako opened the box and looked at a necklace inside, her pretty face flushed.

Although she was very shy, Miwako still took the necklace and put it around her neck.

"plum...Li Mu, me...I still have to work, so I’ll leave first. Goodbye."

After saying that, Miwako ran away in a hurry.

Li Mu watched Miwako leave, but he did not leave. He sat calmly in the car.

Half an hour later, the young detective team had not returned. Li Mu had no choice but to go to the police station. After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department,

Li Mu felt a murderous aura shrouding Li Mu.

This murderous aura still came from these policemen.

Every time they came, these policemen used a 'grand welcome ceremony' Come and welcome Li Mu.

If Li Mu hadn’t been able to withstand a lot of mental stress, he might have been frightened by these people. However,

Li Mu was very calm and walked towards the fifteenth floor arrogantly.

When he arrived at the fifteenth floor, Li Mu Knowing that the people from the Youth Detective Team had made notes, they left together.

After hearing this, Li Mu was speechless.

Although he was speechless, Li Mu had no choice but to leave, otherwise what else could he do.

But before Li Mu left, there was A policeman blocked Li Mu.

This policeman was Officer Shiratiao.

After blocking Li Mu, Officer Shiratiao smiled and said,"Li Mu, does that necklace of Officer Sato belong to you?""

The other police officers also pricked up their ears and glanced at Li Mu with sharp eyes. Their ferocious eyes wanted to swallow Li Mu.

Li Mu hugged him calmly and touched his chin.

"this one? I don’t know who gave it to her, and I also want to know if someone in the Metropolitan Police Department poached 097."

While speaking, Li Mu deliberately used an innocent expression.

But the other police officers believed it, and they all thought hard and racked their brains, but they couldn't think of it.

Li Mu smiled, shook his head and left.

Have you left yet? After a while, in the dark, Yumei walked over quickly and gently pushed Li Mu's shoulder.

"Li Mu, was that necklace you gave Miwako? Don't lie, I believe you, this must be a gift from you."

Looking at Yumi's serious look, Li Mu didn't lie and nodded.

"Yes, this is indeed a gift from me. By the way, I have also prepared one for you. It is at home and will be given to you later."

Li Mu still didn't know what Yumi meant. He just hoped that she could get one too.

Sure enough, Yumi was overjoyed after hearing this and said a little excitedly:"That's great. It seems like you understand quite a bit. That's it.."

Yumi hummed excitedly and left happily.

Li Mu shook his head and left the Metropolitan Police Department. When he arrived at the underground parking lot, he happened to meet the young detective team who had just got on the car.

Then Li Mu sent these little devils back Home, I found a place to kill time.

The Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage begins in a different world from scratch!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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