"Great, then, this hit and run happened to be someone else's conviction, I'm going to tell my mom now."

Xiaolan suddenly became excited and left the Metropolitan Police Department quickly.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli turned to look at Li Mu at Fei Law Office.

Li Mu winked at her and signaled.

Fei Yingli's face turned red, and then she recovered. He came over and said seriously:"So Mr. Takeuchi did convict others, so why didn't Prosecutor Kujo approve Mr. Takeuchi's bail?"

Fei Yingli doesn't know about this, and Li Mu naturally can't know about it.

Xiaolan is even less likely to know about it.

After a while, the few people still didn't discuss anything.

"Well, mom, I'll leave first."

Xiaolan looked at the sky outside and didn't stay long.

When Li Mu left, he turned to look at Fei Yingli and winked at her.

Fei Yingli understood immediately and lowered her head shyly.

That night, Li Mu took Xiaolan to After waiting for others to be sent back, he came to Fei Yingli's home alone. When he opened the door, Li Mu saw 097 Fei Yingli sitting on the sofa alone, with her feet together.

When she saw Li Mu coming, Fei Yingli's cheeks slightly red

"Li Mu, you’re here. Thank you so much for today. If it weren’t for you, I would have had a headache for a while."

"Yeah? Yingli, do you still remember one thing?"

Li Mu suddenly approached Fei Yingli.

"What did I forget? Is it something related to this case?"

"No."Li Mu shook his head and said seriously.

"Yingli, in addition to what happened this time, I remember that I helped you many times and defeated Prosecutor Kujo many times. Shouldn't you thank me?"

Fei Yingli's face turned red instantly.


"Li Mu, I'm leaving. You have to be careful."

"I understand, don’t worry, no."

Li Mu waved his hand and continued to sleep soundly.

After Fei Yingli left, Li Mu opened his eyes, touched his cheek, and then continued to rest.

It was almost noon when Li Mu woke up, and then he went directly to Concubine Law Firm.

Fei Yingli has to handle a case these days, Xiaolan is willing, and Li Mu has no need to go to Xiaolan's house.

Sure enough, after Li Mu came over, he happened to meet Xiaolan, and there was an unknown person from Concubine Law Office. The office went out.

When Li Mu entered, he saw that Fei Yingli and others looked bad, and they didn't know what they were angry about.

"Lawyer Fei, Xiaolan, what happened? Did that guy just make you angry?"

"Brother Li, my mother wants to help him so much, but that guy doesn't appreciate it. It's really hateful."

I don't know how that guy pissed off Xiaolan. Otherwise, how could Xiaolan be angry if she has such a good temper.

Li Mu also understood that it must be because the client had a bad temper, so he made two people angry.

"Okay, Xiaolan, don’t be angry for this kind of person, it’s not worth it, and I’ve seen too many such people, most of them were killed."

In the world of Conan, Li Mu has indeed seen many particularly arrogant people.

And most of them were killed. Especially when Conan was around, the mortality rate of these people was too high.

Xiaolan was embarrassed She smiled but didn't say anything.

Although she did not like the person just now, Xiaolan, who is kind-hearted, naturally could not want that person to die.

Li Mu didn't say much, turned to look at Fei Yingli and said :"Lawyer Fei, how is the case now? Is there any progress?"

"Not yet. Although I asked Prosecutor Kujo to release him on bail, Mr. Takeuchi didn't say anything, so there was nothing I could do."

Having said this, Fei Yingli had a headache.

The client was so uncooperative. What could she do? She couldn't force the client to do anything.

"Okay, lawyer Fei, take it one step at a time. Now as long as we find out that the hit-and-run was Mr. Takeuchi's wife, we can solve this case. How about we go investigate his relatives and friends."Li Mu said

"Well, it's still early, so let's investigate this matter as soon as possible. Li Mu, Xiaolan, I'll trouble you."

Fei Yingli looked at the sky outside and felt that she needed to investigate.

"OK, Mom."

It is naturally impossible for Xiaolan to refuse her mother's request, and it is even less possible for Li Mu to refuse. Otherwise, what would happen if Concubine Yingli did not provide him with services?

Then Li Mu and Xiaolan left the concubine's law firm together and went to After investigating Mr. Takeuchi's family and situation.

After a day of investigation, Li Mu and others found something, but it was not an important clue.

After returning to the Fei Law Firm, Fei Yingli had already stood in front of the desk and waited for a long time.

"Xiaolan, are you here? Have you investigated anything? How about Mr. Takeuchi's family?"

Maybe it's because this case is a little anxious, and Fei Yingli herself is also a little anxious.

"Mom, don't worry, we have investigated clearly, Mr. Takeuchi……"

Ding-ding-ding…ding-ding-ding… the phone suddenly rang.

The Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage begins in a different world from scratch! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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