In a certain room, Conan and Teacher Judy sat together, opposite Shuichi Akai and James from the FBI.

The atmosphere in the room was very heavy.

Even though Conan discovered 'Bourbon', they were afraid that what happened during the day would happen again, so they didn't follow him.

Teacher Judy looked at the worried Conan and said quickly:"Don't worry, we have sent people over to watch, and everything will be fine.""

"Well, I get it."

Conan nodded, meditating silently, feeling very uneasy in his heart. Now, Conan's mind is full of Xiaolan's figure, and he can't get rid of it.

Especially when he just learned the information about Bourbon from here, his heart is even more... heavy.

But he knew that Bourbon was a person who was not inferior to Gin, so he was naturally more worried.

Poor Bourbon had not yet appeared, but he was already feared by Conan and others.

Li Mu secretly After leaving, he picked up Yukiko in a car and sent her back to her home.

In the room, Yukiko and Li Mu hugged each other, leaning on Li Mu intimately.

"Li Mu, if you get rid of Xiaoxin, will he come over? What if he comes over to monitor this place?"

She knows her son well. Once something is determined, she will definitely investigate it.

Now Conan may be watching her outside the villa.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and pinched Yukiko's face gently.

"Don't worry, he won't come over. I have already sent him away. I pretended to be a member of the black organization and lured Conan away."

Having been together with Yukiko for so long, she also knew that Li Mu knew about Conan, and she didn't care.

But after a moment, Yukiko's face changed slightly, she sat on Li Mu, and hit Li Mu's arm with her small hand.

"Li Mu, you are serious, that organization is so dangerous, why did you let Xiaoxin go there?"

Yukiko has always hoped that Conan would be safe and let Li Mu's men help with the investigation.

As a result, Li Mu actually tricked Conan into investigating the black organization.

"Don't worry, I'm just pretending to be someone from that organization. He is now investigating an ordinary person with the FBI. Don't worry."

"Okay, I blamed you wrongly, don't be angry"


The next day, Li Mu got up, straightened his clothes, and then came to the Maori Detective Agency.

In the office, Mouri Kogoro was holding a horse racing ticket and watching the TV.

"Win, you must win, God, you and I are such poor people."

But after a moment, Mouri Kogoro had a grimace, obviously he didn't win the horse bet.

Li Mu walked over and said with a smile:"What, Detective Li, why are you sighing like this? It's not that you didn't win the horse bet, it's nothing."

Anyway, Maori Kogoro often plays this, and has never won, so there is no need to care about it.

Maori Kogoro's face darkened, and he sighed:"But I am almost out of food. If I don't make money, this month I'm going to drink the northwest wind"

"Dad, it’s not because you gambled too much on horse racing that this situation is happening now."

Xiaolan on the side complained dissatisfiedly.

"Xiaolan, I'm not doing this for your own good. As long as I can make money, I can buy you delicious food."

Moori Kogoro explained, and then he set his sights on Li Mu.

"Li Mu, you are so rich that you won’t be able to spend it in your lifetime, so why don’t I spend it for you."

Li Mu had a dark face. Although the system provided a large company, if Kogoro Maori came to spend it, he would definitely go bankrupt. The only difference is probably a matter of time.

Xiaolan was also very embarrassed after hearing this, and said shyly:" Dad, what do you mean? How can you say that? Brother Li, that’s his money"

······Asking for flowers·······

"It doesn't matter, just treat it like selling you to him. You don't mind anyway, and I don't mind either."

Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red. She quickly ran to Mouri Kogoro and covered his mouth with her hand.

"Brother Li, don't listen to him, he is joking."

Li Mu didn't speak, just pointed at Mouri Kogoro silently.

"If you don't put him down, he will die soon."

"Ah, sorry."

Xiaolan reacted and quickly put down the blushing Mouri Kogoro.


If he doesn't let go soon, Mouri Kogoro might really die in the hands of his daughter.

After Mouri Kogoro recovered, he said happily:"Great, I thought I was finished, but I didn't expect that I could still be alive."

Ding dong... Ding dong...

Outside, the doorbell rang, and then Detective Affairs The door of the institute opened, and a blind woman walked in.

The woman is about forty years old, holding a cane in her hand, and is followed by a housekeeper wearing glasses.


Xiaolan immediately walked over with a smile on her face.

"Hello, my name is Ms. Zhuangtang. When I come here this time, I want to ask the Maori detective to help me investigate a matter."

Mouri Kogoro immediately tidied up and then sat on the main seat.

"Ms. Zhuangtang, you can rest assured and leave it to me. I will help you solve any problems."

"It’s like this, Detective Mori. Not long ago, I got a lottery ticket worth 100 million yen. I wanted to give it to the person who saved my life, but two people appeared. I hope Detective Mori can find out who really saved my life. The person who lives."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mouri Kogoro was stunned.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine, a different world from scratch and!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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