On this day, Li Mu had just arrived at the Maori Detective Agency when he saw an unexpected person.

Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji also saw the unexpected expression on Li Mu's face, and felt a little dissatisfied.

He hasn't disliked Li Mu yet, but Li Mu actually dared to dislike him

"What, what’s that look in your eyes? Can’t I be here?"

Li Mu didn't even look at Hattori Heiji and entered the Mori Detective Agency directly.

"Damn it, this guy actually dares to ignore me. Hattori Heiji gritted his teeth and said.

On the other hand, Conan smiled awkwardly.

He was also happy because he often felt depressed. Now that Hattori Heiji is feeling depressed, he feels balanced.

"Hattori, it's useless. The more you quarrel with him, the angrier you will become."

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu and reached out to pick up Conan's clothes.

"Hey, Kudo, how are you? You solved a few cases this month. How about him?"

"I? I have solved five cases, as for him……"Conan looked at Li Mu and said with a grimace:"Although he has less time than me, he solves cases much more efficiently, and he doesn't like solving cases."

Although Conan disliked Li Mu in his heart, he still had to admit that Li Mu was better than him. Much more powerful.

Hattori Heiji also had a grimace on his face, very unhappy.

Being compared to anyone is better than being compared to Li Mu.

In the office, after Li Mu entered, He Ye discovered Li Mu and hurriedly came over.

"Brother Li, we are going to Inufushi’s house today to solve the case. Do you want to come with us? Li

Mu looked at Xiaolan, who had expectations in his eyes, nodded and said,"Okay, let's go together. It just so happens that I also plan to go on a trip." On the other hand ,

Mouri Kogoro said with a bitter face and dissatisfaction:"Let's go together. Doesn't that mean I have to go too?""

"Dad, what’s wrong? We can go and have some fun together."

"Okay, okay, I agreed."Moori Kogoro reluctantly agreed.


In the morning, I didn’t know what Conan and Hattori Heiji were doing, so they had no choice but to leave in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, outside the Maori Detective Agency, Maori Kogoro got into Li Mu's car first and occupied the driver's seat.

"Okay, let me drive today."

Moori Kogoro excitedly patted the steering wheel of the car, wishing that this car was his.

Li Mu didn't say anything and just got in.

Xiaolan and Ye also sat on the back driver's seat, one on the left and the other on the right. , both sides of Li Mu were like bodyguards.

The expressions of the remaining Conan and Hattori Heiji changed slightly, and they looked at Li Mu jealously.

Hattori Heiji wanted to say something, but in the end he sat in the driver's seat.

"Sister Xiaolan, I also want to sit."

Conan wanted to sit in the back with his child's figure, but not to mention Li Mu, not even Hattori Heiji would agree. Hattori Heiji even grabbed Ke and pulled him into the passenger seat.

"Okay, stop squeezing in the back and sit with me. I have enough room here."

"Damn it, Hattori."

Conan glared at Hattori Heiji with dead fish eyes. Not only did Hattori Heiji not pay attention, he hugged Conan tightly and refused to let him leave.

Not long after, the car drove away.

Along the way, the car bumped from time to time. , Li Mu's arm accidentally hit the two of them.

In front, Hattori and Heiji saw Li Mu in the rearview mirror, and they became jealous and wished they could replace Li Mu.

Li Mu felt the jealous looks of the two people, and the corner of his mouth twitched, completely I don’t know what there is to envy.

Two idiots.

But Xiaolan and Sonoko were very excited, with a touch of blush on their faces.

Hattori Heiji and the two in front seemed to notice something unusual, and quickly turned their heads to look at Li Mu.

What a pity. Li Mu didn't do anything, he just accidentally hit the two of them with his arm when the car was bumpy, so Hattori Heiji naturally didn't notice anything.

Li Mu was speechless, what's so good about this?

After a long time, the sun was going down, Li Mu Sensing the cliff ahead, the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Detective Maori, I remember there is a cliff ahead. Do you still want to drive over?"

"What? cliff?"

Mouri Kogoro's expression changed, and he quickly stepped on the brakes, and the car stopped immediately.

After stopping, the car happened to be one meter in front of the cliff. A little later, Mouri Kogoro would drive down.

Behind him, a motorcycle He rushed over and looked at Li Mu and others happily.

"Great, you are all fine. I was just about to remind you, but you were too fast."

Moori Kogoro was just about to complain, but when he saw that the person coming was a beautiful woman, he immediately forgot about it.

"It doesn't matter, we have nothing, and it's just thanks to you. If it weren't for you, we would be finished."

On the side, Hattori Heiji looked at Mouri Kogoro with contempt.

He was still complaining just now, but now he saw the beautiful woman, he actually forgot about his worries.

But Hattori Heiji set his sights on the cliff on the side again, and reached out to touch it. He touched his chin and began to think.

In the rear driver's seat, Li Mu looked at the two people getting out of the car and couldn't help but shake his head.

".It’s true that Detective Maori didn’t know how to pay attention when driving. The car kept vibrating, which made me feel sick to my stomach."

He Ye also nodded and agreed:"Yes, it almost happened, it's true."

If it weren't for Li Mu, maybe they would have fallen into the cliff this time.

Xiaolan also looked lucky. If they fell accidentally, Xiaolan and others would probably be dead.

And she and Li Mu also They will definitely become a team of desperate couple, and then they can only fall in love in the underworld.

Not long after, Mouri Kogoro sat in the driver's seat of the car.

Li Mu also quickly sat back in his car position, pretending that nothing happened

"Okay, this beautiful lady happens to be from the Inubushi family, let’s go there with her."

"It doesn't matter, just follow them."

Li Mu doesn't care where he goes. Anyway, his purpose is to spend the spring night with Xiaolan and He Ye.

As for the curse of the Quanfu family and the murders, they have nothing to do with him.

"Well, let's go together now and follow the lovely Miss Yukihime."

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand happily, then reversed the car and drove away from the cliff with Moori Kogoro.

Not long after, Moori Kogoro and the others drove to a nearby ancient castle.

A very luxurious one in modern times. House.

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine, a giant from another world starting from scratch!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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