Near Ekota, in a coffee shop.

Kuroba Chikage is wearing a black T-shirt on the upper body and shorts on the lower body. She looks very young.

A touch of powder was applied to her cheeks, which clearly made her look prettier.

Not far away from Kuroba Chikage, Kuroba Kaito was hiding in the dark, secretly watching Kuroba Chikage, his heart full of doubts.

While Kuroba Qianying was watching, two people walked up not far away, two very young and beautiful girls.

After the two came in, they happened to see Kuroba Kaito

"Kaito, why are you here? What's going on?"

Kuroba Kaito was startled. After seeing Nakamori Aoko and Koizumi Anko clearly, Kuroba Kaito breathed a sigh of relief.

"I was scared to death. Who did I think it was, but it turned out to be you. What about you? What are you doing here?"

Before Nakamori Aoko spoke, Koizumi Anko looked at Kuroba Chikage who was standing aside.

"What's wrong, Kuroba-san, are you spying on that person?"

"What? Surveillance?"Nakamori Aoko quickly looked aside. When he saw Kuroba Qiankage, Nakamori Aoko was stunned.

"Kaito, isn't that your mother? Why are you spying on him?"

"Hush, don't say anything. Just look here and don't say anything."

Although Nakamori Aoko was confused, she still stood next to Kuroba Kaito and secretly looked at Kuroba Chikage.

Outside, Li Mu came to Ekoda, found the coffee shop, and then entered directly. When he arrived at the coffee shop, Li Mu was inside After searching for a while, I came to sit in front of Kuroba Qiankage.

"What's wrong? Don't you recognize me anymore? Could it be that I changed my appearance and you don't recognize me?"

Li Mu looked at Kuroyu Qianying in a daze and couldn't help but tease him.

Kuroyu Qianying also reacted and smiled:"I do know you, but I didn't expect you to dress up a bit, but you still look handsome."

"Yeah? You are also very beautiful, more beautiful than those big stars."Li Mu opened his mouth to praise.

Kuroba Qiankage's face was slightly red, and he touched his cheek shyly, very shy.

In the distance, Kuroba Kaito gritted his teeth and muttered to himself:"Damn it, is this the guy? How dare he lie to my mother, I must investigate him carefully. Nakamori

Aoko was stunned and said in surprise:"He deceived your mother. What's going on? Could it be that your mother was deceived into something?""

"Of course it's a scam for money and sex."Kuroba Kaito said angrily.

Next to him, Nakamori Aoko was stunned after hearing this, and looked at Li Mu in surprise.

He cheated for money and sex, is this Li Mu?

She did not doubt Kuroba Kaito, and said quickly:"Black Yu, how about I go tell my father and arrest him."

Kuroba Kaito's face darkened. His words would be of no use even if he called Nakamori Aoko's father over.

Instead, it would make his mother very embarrassed.

"Okay, no more talking, you are here, don’t let him do anything to my mother."

On the side, Koizumi Hongzi stared at Li Mu closely, her eyes full of fear.

As one of the few people on earth with magic power, she could naturally sense the huge magic power on Li Mu.

This huge magic power was even bigger than her, and the two of them Compared with the bright moon,

Koizumi Hongzi trembled and said with some horror:"Kuroba-san, I can give you a piece of advice. This guy is not something you can mess with. If you offend him, you will be finished.""


Although Kuroba Kaito doesn't believe Koizumi Anko, he also knows how terrifying Koizumi Anko is, and he feels a little more solemn in his heart.

Li Mu has already sensed the abnormality on his side, especially the magic power like fireflies in the night. , Li Mu couldn't help turning his head to look.

Seeing Li Mu's gaze, Kuroba Kaito quickly pulled Nakamori Aoko and hid aside.

Koizumi Anko also quickly got out of the way.

Although the two of them were extremely fast, Li Mu still saw this figures of two people

"Kuroba Kaito, Koizumi Anko."Li Mu was happy.

Black Feather Qianying noticed Li Mu's abnormality and quickly said:"What's wrong? Is there anything abnormal there?"

"Yes, Kuroba Kaito and two others are watching us. Should we get out of here?"

······Asking for flowers·······

"he? Spy on us?"Black Feather Qianying was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes flickered.

"Well, let's go eat somewhere else."

After Black Feather Qianying paid the bill, he quickly pulled Li Mu away.

"Sorry, we've been exposed, so hurry up and follow."

Kuroba Kaito reacted and quickly followed Li Mu.

After leaving the coffee shop, Li Mu suddenly hugged Kuroba Qiankage and walked quickly in the streets and alleys.

Kuroba Qiankage's face instantly turned red, shy. He leaned on Li Mu's shoulders and his head on Li Mu.

Not long after, Li Mu escaped from Kuroba Kaito's tracking in the blink of an eye and brought Kuroba Qiankage to a hotel.


Kuroba Kaito followed for a moment, then came to a car and looked at the transmitter on it, which was full of black lines.

He understood that his actions were seen through by Li Mu, and Li Mu gave him an army.

On Li Mu's side, after evading tracking, he came to a nearby high-end hotel, found a private room, and ordered a table of food.

In the private room, Black Feather Qianying looked at the surrounding decoration and joked:"Li Mu, you are really rich, you can be in such a luxurious private room."

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and smiled:"Yes, I am indeed very rich. But aren’t you also rich? Little rich woman"

"You are the little rich woman, I will ignore you."

Kuroba Qianying turned her head arrogantly, then picked up the chopsticks and poured herself a glass of wine.

"Come on, Li Mu, you drink some too, let’s drink together"

"OK, let's drink together."

Li Mu poured himself a glass and toasted to Heiyu Qianying.

You two took a sip while I drank.

After drinking for a while, Heoyu Qianying leaned on Li Mu drunkenly.

"Li Mu, I'm tired. Go and find a room. I want to take a rest, and you can come with me."


Li Mu opened a room, then helped Heiyu Qianying over, placed her on the bed, and covered her with a quilt.

Then, Li Mu turned around and left directly.

The Invincible Concubine of the Great Voyage: A Different World Starting from Zero!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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