The next day, Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency again.

However, when it arrived this time, it was already evening, but who asked Xiaolan to go to school during the day, and Li Mu went to find someone else.

In the evening, when he had the opportunity, Li Mu naturally found time to come here.

Li Mu was a little confused when he just opened the door.

There are many people in the Mori Detective Agency, including Mori Kogoro and Oran Sera Masumi.

There are three women and an unknown man. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the man has a gun in his hand and a bomb strapped to his body.

Soon, Li Mu reacted, touched his head and smiled:"I'm sorry, I went to the wrong place. I didn't expect that a movie would be filmed here.

Alas, it's true that movies are made now. It's so serious. A robbery movie has... Real guns, and real"097" explosives, too hard work.

By the way, I won't disturb your filming anymore, that's it, bye."

After that, Li Mu was ready to leave.

It's a pity that this man's reaction was not slow. He quickly stopped Li Mu and said in a cold voice:"Stop and come in, or I will shoot."

Li Mu stopped immediately, then walked in with a smile on his face. look at this person

"I really didn’t expect that one day I would become an actor. Thank you."

"Thank you. Please stand by me."The man shouted loudly, and then looked at Mouri Kogoro

"How about it, Detective Maori, I have given you the information, so have you found the murderer of my sister?"

Although Li Mu didn't know what happened yet, looking at Maori Kogoro's face and looking at the gun in the man's hand, he knew something bad had happened.

Maori Kogoro was also nervous and couldn't help but look at Li Mu. He quickly said:"Wait a minute, that person is also a famous detective, why don't we two go together?"

"Is he also a detective?"The man looked at Li Mu suspiciously, feeling a little unconvinced.

"Yes, he is the great detective, and he is also a famous mystery novelist, very famous."

Mouri Kogoro didn't care so much, and praised Li Mu to the highest degree.

And he also believed that Li Mu could solve this very troublesome case.

After hearing this, the man quickly looked at Li Mu, and then said:"Then Okay, you can come too. Let me say it again. My sister committed suicide in a hotel last month. The person who killed her was the person codenamed Mouse.

"So I hope you can find that mouse, my goal is that mouse, in the end I will just kill him and then commit suicide, and you will be fine.""

Li Mu understood that he was here to entrust a task, but the entrustment fee was a bit expensive.

It was actually a pistol and a bomb.

For a moment, Li Mu also became interested and said:"Then leave this to me. I will definitely be able to solve the case. But please give me the detailed information of these three people."

"Okay, it's right there, go and have a look."

Li Mu walked aside and picked up the information for a while.

From these information alone, it is really difficult to tell anything, even for some detectives

"By the way, Mr. Zeli, can you tell me all the information about these three people and what they do at home?"


Mr. Zeli did not refuse and told Li Mu the information he had investigated.

Li Mu thought for a moment after hearing this. Although he was not sure, he still said:"I know, I already know who the mouse is, and I also know the murderer. Who is it?"

"Really? Do you really know? Mr. Zeli was overjoyed, pointed at the three women and shouted:"Then who killed my sister?" Tell me quickly."

Being pointed at by three people, the three women were filled with fear.

On the other hand, Xiaolan felt a little nervous. Once Li Mu told Mr. Zeli who the mouse was, two people would definitely die.

"So, what should you do?"

Shiliang Zhenchun looked at Li Mu's back with twinkling eyes.

Li Mu did not hide anything and said to Mr. Zeli:"If my guess is correct, your sister likes to be named after the colors of animals, then the code names of these people, It must be related to their work"

"Work? Mr. Zeli thought for a moment, then looked at the fat Ms. Guangzhu and said:"Then it's you. You are the one who killed my sister."......."

After saying that, Mr. Zeli pointed his pistol at Ms. Guangshu, ready to shoot at any time.

Li Mu suddenly took a step forward and struck the bomb line with a knife, destroying the bomb directly.

Mr. Zeli was stunned, picked up the pistol, pointed it at Li Mu, and was about to shoot.


Li Mu rushed forward again, knocked the pistol away, and then grabbed Mr. Zeli's hands.

"Hey, come quickly and tie him up for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Maori Kogoro reacted and quickly walked to Li Mu and tied up Mr. Zeli.

"Damn it, let me go, I must avenge my sister, I must kill her"

"No...I didn't kill the person, I didn't kill anyone at all, I really didn't kill anyone. Ms. Guangzhu quickly explained

"Yes, it was indeed not her who killed him. Li Mu knelt down and said with a smile:"You should have seen the things your sister left behind." She said that the fox was very annoying and made some unreasonable demands.

Then came the mice, and your sister didn't mention the annoying fox leaving, so the fox stayed in her room.

Therefore, your sister did not lend her bathroom to the mouse that came later, not because she was playing with the mouse, but because there was a fox hidden in the bathroom."

Mr. Zeli also understood and looked at the thin Yuchi woman on the side.

"So, you were the one who killed my sister, and you secretly left when I broke in?"

Li Mu didn't wait for Ms. Tangdi to explain, and picked up the signed book in Ms. Tangdi's hand.

"There are some wrinkles in your book here. It must have been touched by blood, the blood of Ms. Zeli Weihong."

After speaking, Li Mu pulled open the cover of the signed book. There was still a little blood inside.

"Look, there's still blood here. It seems like you can't even explain it. Ms.

Tangdi remained silent and did not defend herself. She nodded and admitted:"Yes, I did kill the person because I couldn't bear her anymore.""

The Great Voyage: The Invincible Concubine: A Different World Starting from Scratch!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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