Cocoon game, as the world’s first virtual game, has naturally attracted the attention of countless media and social celebrities.

Many celebrities in the world have tried their best to get the beta test quota of this game so that their children can participate in this game.

As wealthy people and investors, Li Mu and Yuanzi naturally had a quota.

Mihua City City Hall, countless celebrities gathered here on this day, and many reporters were outside, hoping to meet famous people.

No, after Li Mu came out, he was eagerly contacted by the media, and they all hoped to get some topics from Li Mu.

After all, Li Mu is not only the richest man in the world, but also a well-known mystery novelist.

It's a pity that Li Mu simply ignored these people. This was fake. It was better to have some fun and accept interviews. It was the most boring thing.

After arriving at the lobby of Mihua City City Hall, Li Mu not only met Xiaolan, but also met those little ghosts.

As soon as these little devils saw Li Mu, they rushed over and looked at the badge on Li Mu's body with admiration.

"Awesome, this is Pass 16 of Cocoon Game, you are indeed a rich man"

"Yes, I really want to play too"

"Yes, I wish I could play such a fun game."

Li Mu looked at these little devils with golden eyes, and he didn't know what they were thinking. They just wanted their own game badges so that they could enter the game by themselves.

It's a pity that Li Mu is also very interested in this game. , and can play games with Xiaolan, how could it be given up to them?

Li Mu pretended not to know, touched his head and smiled:"Yes, I have been waiting for this cocoon game for a long time, I have always wanted to play it."

The little devils also knew that it was impossible, and sighed, feeling a little regretful.

"By the way, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first."

Li Mu stroked Hui Yuan Ai's head, then said goodbye to the little ghosts, and walked towards the resting place at the back.

As a famous celebrity gathering, how could there be no resting place, and even one room per family.

We have arrived. Backstage, Li Mu saw a door label, his eyes lit up, and he secretly opened the door.

In the room, Okino Yoko was also stunned. When he saw Li Mu's face clearly, he immediately reacted with a look on his face. a smile

"Li Mu, you are here too."

As Li Mu's woman and adopted lover, Okino Yoko has been taken care of by Li Mu and has lived a good life since then.

Some people who are interested in her do not dare to do anything to her, even though she is just being Take care of me.

Li Mu looked at Okino who was wearing a white dress in front of him. He went over and gently took Okino Yoko’s hand.

"Yoko, how about you perform on stage today."

Yoko Okino blushed and looked at the clock on the wall in the distance with her beautiful eyes.

"It hasn't started yet, at least, plus my appearance, it will take an hour"

"Such a long time?"Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he quickly picked up the child and placed it on the dressing table aside.

"Since it takes so long, let’s spend some time together and chat about home affairs."

While Li Mu and Okino Yoko were chatting, Maori Kogoro also rushed over from outside.

As soon as he came in, Maori Kogoro ignored the others and said excitedly:"Xiaolan, you are staying here with the others. , or come with me to find the lovely Miss Yoko."

Xiaolan had black lines on her head and wanted to leave this embarrassing father.

At this time, instead of saying hello to other people nearby, Mouri Kogoro went to find Okino Yoko. This is too embarrassing.

"Dad, can you stop doing this? There are so many people here, it’s so embarrassing for you."

Moori Kogoro glanced around. Most of the people nearby he had seen on TV. They were indeed famous people.

"Indeed, they are all celebrities, such as big bosses in the financial industry, famous politicians, and deputy directors of the Metropolitan Police. They were rarely seen before."

"But what does this have to do with me? My goal is Ms. Yoko."

After that, Mouri Kogoro left excitedly.

Behind him, although Xiaolan was speechless, she was also afraid that Moori Kogoro would be too embarrassed, so she had to follow him and keep a good eye on him. When they came to the resting place, Mouri Kogoro searched from room to room.

It didn’t take long for Mouri Kogoro to find Okino Yoko’s house number.

"Miss Yoko, Miss Yoko, this is Kogoro Mori, can you open the door?"

Knock, knock, knock... knock, knock, knock... the door of the lounge rang again.

"Okay, Yoko, go open the door."

Okino Yoko didn't care so much, and quickly walked outside the door and opened it.

Li Mu sat next to the dressing table, pretending that nothing happened.

Outside, Maori Xiaowu 097lang looked at Okinawa who was guarding the door. No Yoko's eyes glowed golden and she became excited.

"Miss Yoko, that's great. I didn't expect to see you here. Okino

Yoko also smiled and said with a smile:"Yes, Detective Mori, you are here too, do you want to come in and sit down?""

"Of course, Miss Yoko."

Moori Kogoro ran in excitedly, and then saw Li Mu

"Li Mu, why are you here? What's your business here?"

"Oh, it’s nothing. I happened to come across it, so I came over to take a look."

Li Mu said casually, but did not tell the truth, otherwise Maori Kogoro would have gone crazy. Fortunately,

Maori Kogoro didn't think much about it, and didn't even doubt the truth of Li Mu's words. Instead, he happily talked to Okino. Yoko was talking.

Similarly, Xiaolan didn't know what Li Mu had done just now, so she happily came to Li Mu and talked to Li Mu.

Conan was the only one standing there and didn't know what to say, whether it was Li Mu or Mouri Kogoro. , did not give him a chance to interrupt.

Helpless, Conan could only leave here alone and find the people of the Young Detective Group.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible God-Slayer begins!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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