Outside the car, Fei Yingli held her backpack, glanced at Haihara Ai, and then at Li Mu

"Li Mu, it doesn't matter, she saw us, what if she tells us?"

"Don't worry, she won't tell anyone. You know her character, she's not the talkative type."

Li Mu still believes in Hui Yuan Ai.

After all, Hui Yuan Ai has a relationship with him and it is impossible to betray him. He probably won't know how it will end.

Fei Yingli still looked at Hai Yuan Ai with some worry.

Li Mu also noticed her worries and comforted her:"Don't worry, Yingli, what else can we do besides trusting her? Is it possible to kill someone and silence her?""

"Ah, how is this possible? Fei Yingli was also startled and said quickly:"Kill someone and silence them. How is this possible? It's better not to talk about it.""

"I know, I won’t do this, then I’m leaving, Yingli."

After that, Li Mu took the initiative to kiss Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli blushed and became even more shy when she thought that Hui Yuan Ai was still here.

After watching Fei Yingli leave, Li Mu returned to the car and was not in a hurry to drive. , instead he looked at Haiyuan Ai

"Little girl, you were too arrogant just now and dared to threaten me. I will definitely teach you a lesson when I go back."

Hui Yuan Ai blushed, but still raised his head proudly

"Humph, who is afraid of whom? You may not know who is going to teach you a lesson tonight."

Li Mu smiled and didn't say anything. He just drove away.

After returning home, Li Mu picked up Hui Yuan Ai.

"What's wrong, Xiao Ai, you can't help it. I've been a little hungry recently and need me to comfort you."

"I...I didn’t, so stop talking nonsense."

Hui Yuan Ai glared at Li Mu, and started hitting Li Mu with both hands.

The reason why she stayed shamelessly was because she wanted to find Li Mu, otherwise how could she stay.

After all, it was already early in the morning, and she was completely Ph.D. Resting at home.

Li Mu noticed Hui Yuan Ai, picked her up, and touched her cheek with his own.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, don't say anything. I will comfort you and make you bigger tonight."

Hui Yuan Ai's face turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

In her heart, she was still looking forward to this.

······Asking for flowers·······

When he arrived in the room, Li Mu took out a medicine and handed it to Hui Yuan Ai.

This is the medicine studied by Li Mu. It can make people recover for a short time without developing resistance. It is much better than the medicine studied by Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai took the medicine and sighed.

"If Conan knew about this medicine, he would definitely be very happy."


During this time, Conan often asked her for medicine.

It's a pity that it is impossible for Haiyuan Ai to give this medicine to Conan, and it is even less possible for Li Mu to give it to his love rival.

"Okay, don't sigh."

Li Mu took off his shoes, and then sat next to Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Li Mu who was approaching him, his cheeks were extremely red, and he lowered his head shyly, feeling very nervous.

After drinking the medicine, Hui Yuan Ai He sat there and waited, waiting for the medicine to take effect.

Not long after, Hui Yuan Ai suddenly exclaimed, and then his body grew bigger.

After he recovered, Hui Yuan Ai looked at himself and couldn't help but sigh.

She has been trying hard for so long but there is no antidote, and Li Mu actually has it.

The Invincible God-Slayer of The Great Voyage begins with!_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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