Hattori Heiji took the button-type bug given by Conan and came to the hall of Sanno Temple again.

"He Ye, give me your mobile phone. I want to borrow it."

Hattori Heiji didn't give Kazuha a chance to answer. He took the bag directly, and then pretended to pick up the phone.

When picking up the phone, Hattori Heiji accidentally put the button-type bug in the backpack.

Then he picked up the phone casually. He glanced at it.

Behind him, Conan held a mobile phone and pretended to say:"Brother Heiji, your mobile phone is here. There is no need to borrow it.""

"Ah, found it? That's great."

Hattori Heiji pretended to be happy, and then returned Kazuya's mobile phone and backpack to Kazuha

"I'm so sorry. I thought my phone was missing, so I was going to borrow yours to make a call."

"Really, Heiji, you should be more careful in the future - don't be so careless."

Kazuye didn't have any doubts and took the backpack directly.

Hattori Heiji smiled awkwardly and ran away quickly with his mobile phone.

Li Mu sneered, no one else saw it, how could he not see it.

However, Li Mu did not expose it directly. It would be too boring to expose it like this. It is better to play with them.

Thinking of this, Li Mu remained silent and sat aside, pretending that nothing happened.

Waiting until Xiaolan and Ye The two went to the bathroom. Li Mu took the opportunity to pick up Kazuo's backpack and took out the button-type bug inside.

Because Li Mu and Ye knew each other, Maori Kogoro didn't say anything.

After taking out the button-type bug, Li Mu took out I picked up my backpack and wrapped it in many layers until no one else could hear it.

"Detective Maori, I will go out for a while, and then Xiaolan will come over. You ask them to wait for me at a nearby hotel. I want to have a good time."

"Well, I get it."

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand impatiently, his mind was all about the code.

Li Mu didn't say anything, just walked nearby and looked around.

Although he had to play tricks on Hattori Heiji, he had to do it well no matter what. A little bit, it looks like a little bit, it’s best to make Hattori Heiji angry

"Hey, Heye, don't be angry"

"Huh, Bruce Lee."

He Ye.

Li Mu's eyes lit up, and he quickly turned his head and looked at the two people not far away.

One person was called He Ye, and although Li Mu didn't recognize the other person, he was actually called Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee, this sounds like Like his English name.

Li Mu flashed, changed his appearance, and then walked towards the two people in the distance

"Sorry to bother you two."

He Ye and Bruce Li stopped and looked at Li Mu.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Li Mu casually took out a nearby hotel list and handed it to Bruce Li.

"Everyone, I am the president of this hotel. I hope you can try out our hotel rooms. If you stay for one night, you can get generous prizes."

Bruce Li and Ye were about to refuse, but when they heard what they said, they subconsciously stopped.

A generous reward, what is this?

Li Mu immediately knew the greed of the two people, and quickly said:"As long as you stay for one night, you will be fine. Get half a million yen as a reward, of course, we will give 300,000 yen in advance."

Bruce Lee's eyes suddenly lit up.

In this era, the economic bubble era, the purchasing power of 500,000 yen is very large.

And 300,000 yen was given in advance. Even now, it is more than 10,000 RMB, which is a substantial sum. huge sum of money

"Okay, we agreed, when will we pay?"

"Of course you can do it now, but first go to the hotel"


Bruce and Li quickly followed Li Mu.

After arriving at the hotel, Li Mu gave 300,000 to Bruce and Li.

"The two of you must give it a try. Of course, if you can do that kind of thing and try it softly, plus three hundred thousand, you just need to record it."

The two of them blushed instantly, and at the same time they became a little wary.

After all, there must be something unusual about such a good thing, and there might be a bug.

Li Mu smiled and said with a smile:"We pay attention to couples here. If you are worried, you can also check to see if there are any bugs, so that you can rest assured.

······Asking for flowers·······

Moreover, this is 800,000 yen, which is enough for you to work for several months. What a good job."

Bruce and Li looked at each other and then nodded.

Li Mu smiled and opened a room for the two of them.

Then the two of them investigated and confirmed that there were no bugs here, and then went to take a shower alone.

Li Mule He put the bug next to the two of them, then went back, picked up Xiaolan, and hung up their cell phones.

On the other side, Hattori Heiji and Conan were investigating the case, and suddenly stopped

"Hey, little devil, what's wrong?"

Hattori Heiji suddenly became nervous.

Conan's face changed slightly and he said awkwardly:"I and Li Mu went to the hotel to book a room because of the hotel activities and to test the comfort of the hotel."


"What? Hattori

Heiji yelled and said angrily:"Little devil, what do you mean, are they going?""

"That's right, one is called He Ye and the other is called Bruce Lee. Conan nodded and said

"Damn it, Bruce Lee, isn’t that guy Li Mu? Hattori

Heiji shouted angrily, then picked up his cell phone and called.

A few minutes later, Hattori Heiji angrily threw the phone and said:"Damn it, Kazuha's cell phone is turned off."

Next to him, Conan also nodded and said:"Xiaolan's mobile phone is also turned off.""

"Hey, Kudo, aren’t those glasses capable of tracking? Go find those people quickly"

"good. Conan also remembered, quickly picked up his glasses and listened, and then quickly ran to the side.

Not long after, Conan and Hattori Heiji came to a nearby large hotel.

After entering, Hattori Heiji quickly walked to the bar and shouted:"Hey, are there people named He Ye and Li Mu here."

The bartender was stunned for a moment, but he still took out the passenger registration book.

Hattori Heiji quickly grabbed it, and then found the rooms of Bruce Lee and Kazuye

"Kudo, let's go."

Hattori Heiji pulled Conan to the sixth floor of the hotel. The hotel staff also reacted and quickly followed.

The Invincible Godslayer of The Great Voyage began to fight!_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading- Collection, recommendation

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