That night, Li Mu and others stayed in Kyoto for a night, and then returned to Tokyo.

In the next few days, Li Mu continued to live his usual life.

On this day, both Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro were invited by the Metropolitan Police Department to attend a special search meeting.

After arriving at the Metropolitan Police Department, Li Mu entered the conference room directly, while Conan and Xiaolan sat outside and waited.

There were many police officers present at the venue, and most of them were known to Li Mu.

For example, the two brothers of Officer Henggou, Officer Nakamura, Officer Yamato Gansuke and his lover Officer

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Li and Detective Maori?"

In the distance, Officer Henggou saw Li Mu and ran over quickly.

"Officer Henggou, hello. You seem to be more energetic, a little more energetic than your brother."

Yes, in Li Mu's opinion, Officer Henggou, the older brother, is much better than his younger brother.

His younger brother looks like someone who owes him millions. He has a dead face all day long.

Officer Henggou, who has a flat head, frowns slightly. Wrinkled, he stared at Li Mu with fierce eyes.

Li Mu ignored it and turned his head to look aside.

"Okay, no more talk, let's sit down, the meeting is about to start."

Officer Henggou smiled awkwardly and quickly changed the topic. After everyone chatted for a while, the police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department had already arrived. 097, headed by Police Inspector Matsumoto and Officer Megure.

Although they were both in the police department, they , but Officer Megure is obviously older than the others and has greater authority.

But what Li Mu cares about most is Police Officer Matsumoto, or someone pretending to be Police Officer Matsumoto.

In addition, he is also in the crowd I sensed a familiar breath.


Yes, there was a policeman pretending to be Belmod.

But Li Mu did not expose the matter. Instead, he pretended that he knew nothing and sat silently in his seat. , Officer Shiratori took out a piece of paper and read it aloud

"Everyone, the purpose of inviting you here today is to discuss the serial murder cases that are escaping in various areas.

An item was taken away from each person who was killed, and a seven-cylinder mahjong tile was left behind. The mahjong tiles are as shown above.

In addition, before the last victim died, he once said the words Qixi and Jing. Do you have anything else to ask?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several policemen immediately asked a few questions, but they were all nonsense.

Li Mu drank tea calmly, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

After a moment, Matsumoto looked at Li Mu with alarm. , asked:"Mr. Li, what do you think? What do you think the murderer's purpose was, or the connection between these two men."

Li Mu drank a cup of tea, then stood up straight and looked at the crowd.

"These days, except for some perverts, murders are basically done for money, love and hatred.

These people didn't seem to be related, either they were killed casually by the perverted murderer, or there was some dispute between them.

As the last victim said, some people may have been involved in a major incident in Kyoto during the Chinese Valentine's Day, so someone wants revenge.

As for the seven tubes, it may represent the Chinese Valentine's Day, so I suggest investigating in this way."

What Li Mu said was reasonable and well-founded. The policemen nodded subconsciously and recognized Li Mu.

"I see. It seems to be related to the recent big case in Kyoto during the Tanabata Festival. Megure, please leave this matter to the Kyoto police." Inspector Matsumoto ordered


After the meeting, naturally no one would stay for long, and Li Mu also left the meeting room directly.

"Xiaolan, Detective Maori, I'm going out for a while. You guys wait here for me for a while."

Li Mu planned to go find Belmode, but Xiaolan and others were in his own car.

Therefore, he could only let them wait for a while, otherwise Li Mu could not be allowed to go back alone.

"Well, Brother Li, you have to be careful."

Li Mu waved to Xiaolan, then found the time (bgdf) and entered the elevator with the policeman pretended to be Belmode.

Belmode also noticed Li Mu, but did not speak. After all, she is a policeman now and cannot be exposed. Identity.

But just because she doesn’t speak, doesn’t mean that Li Mu doesn’t speak.

"Hello, lovely Belmod, what do you want when you come here?"

Li Mu's voice was very low, so low that even the monitor in the elevator could not hear it except for Belmod.

Belmod's body trembled, but he did not speak. He just stopped the elevator, walked out of the elevator, and stood outside. Looking at Li Mu with interest

"How did you figure it out?"

"Of course I could see it with my eyes. After all, how could I not recognize my woman?"

Under the human skin mask, a blush appeared on Belmod's face, and a sense of shyness emerged in his heart.

Li Mu was about to continue speaking, when he suddenly sensed that Conan was moving quickly.

Obviously, he seemed to have discovered Belmod as well. , preparing to come over to follow

"Well, lovely Belmod, remember to disguise yourself as a beauty next time, otherwise I won’t be able to eat every time I think of my woman with such a face."

"Yeah? It seems that next time you come to see me, I will disguise myself as someone else.

A strange light flashed in Belmod's eyes, and he seemed to be very interested in this idea. Li

Mulu was amused and joked:"You can try it, but I will make you beg for mercy.""

Speaking of 'begging for mercy', Li Mu also emphasized his tone.

Belmod's cheeks had a hint of blush, but when he saw that the elevator was about to come down, he hurriedly walked outside.

"If you have anything to do, we’ll talk about it later. I’m leaving first. Bye."

"Okay, I'll come find you tonight."

Belmod staggered and almost fell to the ground.

After stabilizing his body, Belmod glanced at Li Mu and felt guilty.Became extremely shy.

After a while, Belmode got into Gin's car and left.

At this moment, Conan came down from upstairs and was slightly startled when he saw Li Mu.

But then Conan set his sights on the Porsche in the distance, his expression solemn.

After coming back to his senses, Conan set his sights on Li Mu.

"Brother Li, did you see who that person was just now?"

"he? Li Mu pretended to take a look, then shook his head and said,"I don't know, I only know a few policemen.""

Even if he knew it, Li Mu wouldn't be able to tell it.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible God-Slayer begins!_

Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, Recommendation

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