"Okay, Brother Li, you go and take a rest, I have to take a rest too."

Xiaolan glanced at Li Mu beside her, with a smile in her eyes.

Li Mu picked up the cup on the side and poured Xiaolan a cup of tea.

And taking advantage of the darkness, Li Mu put a sleeping pill in it.

"Xiaolan, have a cup of tea and have a good rest."

Xiaolan did not doubt Li Mu and drank all the hot water.

After drinking the hot water, Xiaolan fell into a drowsy sleep.

"Xiaolan, Xiaolan."

Li Mu pushed Xiaolan, confirmed that Xiaolan was asleep, and then walked behind Fei Yingli,

"Yingli, you can get up. I know you are not asleep. There is no need to keep pretending like this."

Fei Yingli didn't continue to pretend at this time. She opened her eyes directly, then sat up and looked at Li Mu with a little dissatisfaction.

However, Fei Yingli didn't say anything. Even if he said something, Li Mu probably wouldn't listen. So Fei Yingli didn't say anything.

Li Mu directly pulled Fei Yingli and walked into the bathroom on the side.

Because the two of them needed to talk next, and if they were next to the hospital bed, they might disturb Xiaolan, so they could only go to the bathroom on the other side. In the bathroom.

This way, you don’t have to worry about disturbing other people.

At the same time, Kogoro Mori, who just came back from Gunma Prefecture, came to Mihua Central Hospital immediately

"Nurse, where is Mao Lilan?"

"Maorilan? Let me see. The nurse took a look and then said:"Mao Lilan is in ward 806. You can……"

Before the nurse could say anything, Mouri Kogoro ran out excitedly.

Fortunately, he knew this was a hospital and didn't shout loudly, otherwise he would have been jointly complained.

As soon as he arrived at Xiaolan's ward, Mouri Kogoro couldn't bear it anymore and shouted softly:"Xiaolan, are you okay?"

Xiaolan was resting at the moment and did not answer Moori Kogoro.

But Fei Yingli in the bathroom heard it

"Damn it, why did this damn ghost come back so late?"

"How do I know, how did he come here."

Li Mu was also speechless. In the evening, Mouri Kogoro actually came over to see Xiaolan. He couldn't come in the morning, and he couldn't come in the evening. But it happened at this time.

After Moori Kogoro confirmed that Xiaolan was okay, he murmured to himself:"Too. Okay, luckily Xiaolan is fine and I can go to the bathroom without any worries. It made me hold it in for so long today."

"Hey, Detective, please lower your voice so as not to disturb Xiaolan's rest."

Outside, Mouri Kogoro was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and said with an awkward smile:"I'm really sorry, are you also using the bathroom? You use it first."

Fei Yingli frowned slightly. If Maori Kogoro stayed

, it would be really inconvenient.

So we must let Maori Kogoro leave.

"Detective, I may have a bad stomach today. Can you go buy some medicine for me?"

"Okay, you wait here."

Moori Kogoro didn't even bother to go to the bathroom and left the ward quickly.

Fei Yingli breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at Li Mu with beautiful eyes.

"Li Mu, you can leave. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave."

Li Mu thought about it. This is a hospital. It won't take long to buy a medicine. He can't stay here for a long time.

".OK, I'll leave right away."

Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan who was sleeping, then turned around and left the ward.

After Li Mu left, Fei Yingli sat calmly next to Xiaolan, keeping her attention on Xiaolan.

Outside, after Li Mu left , noticed Maori Kogoro, but Maori Kogoro did not notice Li Mu, and was beating happily.

In the ward, after Maori Kogoro came back, he handed the medicine to Fei Yingli

"Thank you. Don't you want to go to the bathroom? You can go now"

"Yeah, I forgot about it."

Moori Kogoro reacted and hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

As soon as he entered the bathroom, Maori Kogoro smelled a special smell, a fragrant fragrance.

"Wait, why does this smell like perfume?"

Mouri Kogoro suddenly became suspicious, but after a moment, he touched the back of his head and smiled.

Maybe he sprayed perfume to prevent the smell.

In the ward, Feiying saw that Moori Kogoro didn't react at all, so she relaxed after saying more. Take a breath.

It was full of smell just now, so she specially sprayed perfume to cover up the smell. Now it seems to be successful. The

Invincible God-Slayer of The Great Voyage begins!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection ,recommend

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