These three people were also surprised. They didn't expect that they would be suspected just because they were standing.

"Mr. Police Officer, you can't doubt us just because of this."

"Yes, at eight o'clock, I also knew about the event. I was just about to look for the cracker, but the cracker was not there."

"Of course you can't find it. Li Mu took a step forward and said with a smile:"Because at eight o'clock, the crackers were collected after being discharged, so they were looking for things on the ground, and you were not there.""

Officer Takagi also understood, walked forward and looked at the three people in front of him.

"Okay, you three can talk about your itinerary today? Maybe it was at that time that he had a dispute with the victim."

One of the three people frowned slightly. Although he didn't want to say it, he still had to explain.

Mr. Satsuma, the uncle with a mustache, said first:"I went to see a sumo match today, and this is the sumo match. , although I am a fan of the losing player Red Blue Dragon, it was still very exciting."

"So, you were angry and injured Mr. Kunisue 16 because Mr. Kunisue was too happy." Hattori Heiji said

" is this possible. Mr. Satsuma was anxious and quickly explained:"How could I do this? I am not such a person.""

The corner of Li Mu's mouth also twitched, and he reached out and patted Hattori Heiji.

"Hey, boy, don't think too darkly. Not everyone is like you, and they attack other people's fans just because they lost the game."

Hattori Heiji's face suddenly darkened. Is he such a person?

He is a good person, yes, a completely good person. How could he do such a thing?

"Okay, okay, sir, let me tell you, what did you do today, did you watch any sports games?"

Officer Takagi quickly interrupted Li Mu and Hattori Heiji.

Otherwise, if a fight breaks out later, it will affect their police handling of the case.

Mr. Ivy, a tall man, also quickly explained:"I will go out at around eight o'clock today. Got a phone call.

As for what kind of sports I watched, I watched beach volleyball today. Of course, if possible, I would also like to watch the exposure."

After saying that, Mr. Harute had a spring in his eyes.

Hattori Heiji came over again, pointed at Mr. Harute and said:"So, because your behavior was too obscene, you had an argument with Mr. Kunisue, and then beat him. Yes or no."

Li Mu didn't say anything. He found that he and Hattori Heiji were entangled in this matter, just being stupid again.

With this free time, Li Mu might as well ask about the last gentleman.

"Okay, sir, tell me, did you watch any games again?"

"Oh, hello, I did watch the game today, it was the Souls game, a very good game."

After hearing this, Li Mu sat aside and patiently thought about the case.

He always felt that he seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't figure it out.

Next to him, He Ye looked at the pensive Li Mu and couldn't help but said:"Brother Li, what do you think? Got it? Who is the murderer and when can I get the amulet?"

"He Ye, just wait a minute, I should figure it out right away."

Li Mu already knew who the suspect was, but without evidence, Li Mu had no choice but to think carefully.

Hattori Heiji was immediately dissatisfied. He, a famous detective like himself, and Ye Buwen actually asked Li Mu

"Hey, He Ye, can't you ask me? I'm a detective, so I must be better than him. Besides, do you think he can read minds? So quick to find out."

Kazuha glanced at Hattori Heiji, blinked, and then ignored him.

Hattori Heiji was suddenly filled with anger, a look of displeasure on his face, and even more jealous in his heart.

But Li Mu reacted and his eyes lit up.

He was If you can listen to the sounds of all things, why bother? You can just listen to the voices of these three people.

After thinking about it, Li Mu did not hesitate and listened directly to the inner thoughts of these three people.

After listening, Li Mu immediately understood , picked up the phone and started searching roughly.

Not long after, Li Mu found the video of today's baseball game and took a quick look.

At the end, Li Mu saw the figures of the two people, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"Officer Takagi, I already know who the murderer is, it's you, Mr. Kuma."

Mr. Kuma was startled and quickly explained:"No....It's not me. I'm not the murderer. Do you have any evidence?"

"Of course there is. Li Mu nodded and said with a smile:"I think you and Mr. Kunisue watched the baseball game at the same time, and then you saw Mr. Kunisue get a home run, and you were so cruel that you wanted to get this baseball." Hattori

Heiji immediately reacted and said quickly:"I see, then Mr. Kunisue's pockets are so big because they contain baseballs.""

"Then the proof of luck Mr. Kunisue said he wanted to show to his friends should be home run baseball."Conan also understood.

But after saying that, both Conan and Hattori Heiji's faces darkened at the same time. They actually lost to Li Mu again. They felt unhappy, very unhappy.

Li Mu ignored the two people 097, took out his mobile phone and said:" You see, this is the proof that you watched the baseball game with Mr. Kunisue today.

If my guess is correct, the baseball should be inside the popcorn, and you probably haven't eliminated the above evidence yet."

Mr. Kuma didn't explain, he lowered his head sadly.

"I'm so sorry, I...I just want this baseball because my dead girlfriend……"

It was another sad story. Li Mu couldn't help but want to cry. This story was really sad.

Li Mu waited for Mr. Kuma to finish speaking, brewing his interest for a while, and then looked at Hattori Heiji next to him.

"Hattori, as expected, I am a man who can read minds. Reasoning is of no use at all. I might as well go home and have a good rest."

"Damn it, Kudo, I have the urge to hit someone, don’t stop me"

"I won't stop you, just go ahead. I happen to be very unhappy too. This guy really deserves a beating."

Of course, although the two of them were very unhappy, they still did not dare to hit anyone.

When the time comes, it is not certain who will hit whom.

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage and the Invincible God-Slayer begins!_

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