As soon as Li Mu heard that Hattori Heiji was coming, he quickly blinked at Kazuha and motioned for her to come in.

Heye reacted immediately, quickly entered the room, and quickly closed the door.

Outside, Hattori Heiji was slightly stunned and asked in confusion:"Kazuye, what's wrong with you? Are you so anxious? What happened?"

Kazuye calmed down his mood and said calmly:"It's nothing. Xiaolan is taking a bath in the hot spring. I Of course you have to close the door."

Outside, Hattori Heiji didn't care and complained:"What? I thought it was something, but it turned out to be like this, it's true."

On the other hand, Conan looked at Hattori Heiji with contempt.

Hattori Heiji immediately reacted and said quickly:"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, I don't want to see the girl from the detective agency."

Conan didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"By the way, what happened to you? Why were you injured? Could it be that you fell down accidentally while looking at a beautiful woman?"

Hattori Heiji was teasing as he walked.

Conan's face darkened, and he left silently without saying a word.

Li Mu waited until Hattori Heiji and the others left, then looked at Kazuye and said:"Kazuye, why are you here today? Okay, what's the matter?"

"Just came over to have fun and happened to meet you."He Ye said with a red face.

"Okay, don't say any more."


I don't know how long it took, but after Li Mu changed his outfit, he came to a nearby hotel.

At this moment, Mouri Kogoro, Conan and others have been waiting here for a long time.

"Li Mu, why are you here just now? Where have you been? Xiaolan hasn't come here yet."

Mouri Kogoro seemed to be drunk and was very happy. When he saw Li Mu, he shouted happily.

As for Hattori Heiji and Conan, they ignored Li Mu. They both regarded Li Mu as their enemy and wished that Li Mu would disappear. Naturally, they didn't Maybe talk to Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't care about the two of them and sat directly next to Mouri Kogoro.

"I went out for a walk. As for Xiaolan, she should still be in the hot spring."

"Tsk, are you still in the hot spring? You've been soaking it for so long, haven't you had enough? Is there anything wrong with not being afraid?"

Mouri Kogoro complained. What a pity, he didn't even know that Xiaolan and Li Mu were having fun just now, and even Kazuye joined in.

Li Mu comforted the two girls well, and the two girls were not comforted at all. Strength.

I don’t know how long it took before He Ye and Xiaolan rushed over.

He Ye noticed Li Mu for a moment, and then recovered quickly.

After recovering, Xiaolan smiled and said:"Hattori, you are here too, yes What's matter?"

"Oh, it’s nothing. I’ll ask you tomorrow. If you come here early today, you can also take a bath in the hot spring."

Hattori Heiji explained calmly, while explaining,

"Commission? Conan became interested and said quickly:"What is the commission? Can you tell me.""

I originally thought it would be a boring journey, but I didn't expect that there would be a case.

For a moment, Conan's detective soul was aroused.

"That's it, Ye, what's your purpose of coming here?"Xiaolan asked

"Me, I also came here to have fun. After all, the hot springs here are quite good."

He Ye had a smile on her face, and she was still very happy inside.

After all, she didn't expect to meet Li Mu here.

Plus she can still live here tonight, maybe she can still be with Li Mu.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. You can order lunch. I’ll treat you."

"Okay, come and treat me. Today, I will have a big meal."

Moori Kogoro became excited, as if he had been provoked to fight.

Next to him, Conan looked at Moori Kogoro with contempt and complained:"Uncle Maori hasn't ordered food yet, probably because he is waiting for Brother Li to order. Save money and get good food."

Li Mu nodded, as if that was indeed the case.

Every time he went out, he was basically the one paying the bill. Mouri Kogoro basically regarded him as an ATM machine.

Fortunately, Li Mu was not the one who suffered the loss. Every time, after Li Mu paid, he would eat Xiaolan to prevent himself from suffering a loss.

Seeing Conan ruining his situation, Maori Kogoro quickly stood up and hit Conan on the head hard.

".Damn it, you little brat, can you please stop tearing me apart?"


Conan covered his head in pain and said in pain:"It hurts so much, uncle, you hit me too much and it hurts me too much.""

Moori Kogoro simply ignored Conan, picked up the menu and looked at it carefully.

"this...this...And this, I want it too."

Moori Kogoro ordered a lot of things at once, which looked very expensive.

Xiaolan's face turned red and she quickly said:"Dad, you ordered too much, can't you order less? Have you finished eating?"

"It doesn’t matter, aren’t there still you guys? I'll definitely finish it."

Mouri Kogoro waved his hand nonchalantly.

Xiaolan was helpless and didn't know what to say.

She was embarrassed every time she ordered so many.

Li Mu secretly leaned on Xiaolan and said softly :"It doesn’t matter, we are all a family, and a little money is nothing."

Xiaolan's face instantly turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

Conan noticed the shy Xiaolan and became very jealous. He quickly pulled Hattori Heiji's clothes.

"Hattori, if you eat so hard today, you must be exhausted."

Hattori Heiji was also a little unhappy, and then nodded and agreed:"Okay, let's eat together, and we will eat the best and most expensive ones. He feels bad after eating today."

Although they knew it was impossible, the two of them still tried their best to order expensive dishes.

The invincible date battle of"The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage" begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection, recommendation

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