Boom, boom...

The explosion resounded through the sky. No matter how strong the tunnel was built, the tunnel still couldn't withstand it.

Outside the tunnel, Li Mu stopped driving and looked at the flames behind him.

"It looks like a lot of people died this time"

"Damn it, who is it that is so crazy and blows up the entire tunnel? Is this still a human being?"

Mouri Kogoro's face was very ugly. If he hadn't been lucky just now, he might have been buried alive in the middle.

Xiaolan and Conan also didn't look very good. Both of them were basically angels, so they were naturally very dissatisfied.

Li Mu He said nothing and watched silently.

After waiting like this for a long time, Li Mu said:"Okay, let's go, the police will be here soon, so let's not get in the way."

The others didn't say anything, just looked behind them, and then left.


The next day, at the Mori Detective Agency, Officer Megure and Miwako arrived together.

After all, Li Mu called him yesterday to tell him that there was a bomb. Naturally, they had to investigate clearly, such as whether they saw the murderer's face.

Officer Mumu waited until Li Mu came over and quickly asked:"Mr. Li, you are here, can you tell me how you found out yesterday and whether you saw the murderer's face."

Others also looked at Li Mu, Miwako on the side Sitting on the sofa with a notebook in hand writing something down

"Yesterday's murderer?"Li Mu thought for a while, and it seemed that he didn't pay too much attention yesterday.

"Sorry, Officer Megure, I didn't see him wearing a coat yesterday."

This is because Li Mu didn't pay attention. Otherwise, if Li Mu could sense his aura, would he still be afraid that he wouldn't be able to catch the prisoner?

"Yeah? what a shame."

Officer Megure also has a headache. Yesterday's big explosion attracted the attention of countless people.

So many people died, and celebrities from all walks of life are paying attention to the police.

Officer Megure is also under great pressure.

"Since you don't know, I'll leave first. I still haven't investigated a lot about yesterday's explosion."

Officer Megure and Miwako left together.

But Li Mu suddenly thought of something and quickly followed Miwako and sat directly in Miwako's car.

Miwako was also stunned and said in confusion:"

"Miwako, I just remembered, is the murderer seeking revenge from Governor Asakura? So explosives were installed?

Although he didn't know why Li Mu asked, Dan Zi still looked serious and said:"Yes, we think so too, so we are investigating this matter, but there are no clues yet."

"That's it, but I do have a little clue, but I don't know what reward you can give me?"

Li Mu turned his head and turned his side to Miwako.

Miwako's face was slightly red, and she still didn't know what Li Mu meant.

But thinking about the importance of this matter to herself, Miwako still took a sneak look around, and then clicked Li Mu's cheek.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and waved his hand.

"Okay, Miwako, let's drive, we'll discuss this on the road."

Miwako didn't ask any more questions, and drove away directly.

The car was driving on the street, and Miwako asked while driving:"Can you talk now? What are your thoughts?"

······Asking for flowers·······

Li Mu put one hand on Miwako's professional skirt and leaned against the window on one side.

"I remember that Governor Asakura was most famous for building the Kitazawa Hydropower Station. I also heard that they had strongly opposed it.

You can go investigate these people and take a look at their pasts. Maybe you can find out something."

"This is indeed possible and should be a direction of investigation."

Miwako was driving while stroking her chin and thinking.

Li Mu's words can indeed be used as a basis for police investigation.


"Ahem, Miwako, I think you should watch the road, otherwise you and I wouldn’t need to investigate at all and just rush to the street."

"Ah, sorry. Miwako also reacted and quickly controlled the steering wheel to leave.

At a corner, Miwako stopped in the driveway:"Okay, Li Mu, your home is near here. You go down first. I still have a lot of things to investigate today.""

"okay, I get it."

Li Mu nodded, but did not leave Miwako.

"Miwako, I not only helped you today, but also saved you yesterday. You should thank me properly."

Miwako had a faint blush on her cheeks and glanced around, looking extremely shy.

"plum...Li Mu, didn’t I just give you a reward? Why do you want more"

"Of course, Miwako, I saved you yesterday, is this all you want? Shouldn't you thank me properly?"

"this..."Miwako blushed and finally rejected Li Mu.

The Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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