It was late at night, and the moon was shining brightly.

The stars in the sky are shining like countless silver beads, densely embedded in the deep black night.

The Milky Way is like a pale glowing white band across the starry sky.

In the corridor of Yuanzi's house, Li Mu sneaked out of his room and then entered Yuanzi's room.

When Yuanzi heard the door open, he immediately understood that Li Mu had come in and sat up quickly.

Compared to Xiaolan, who is usually shy, Yuanzi is much more open-minded.

I don’t know how many hours later, Yuanzi leaned in Li Mu’s arms

"Okay, Li Mu, it's getting late. You should go back and rest early."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

Li Mu clicked on Yuanzi's face, and then left Yuanzi's room.

Of course, Li Mu would not go back. After all, there were still people waiting for Li Mu to go and comfort her.

On the other side, in Tomoko Suzuki's room, Tomoko Suzuki Instead of falling asleep, she opened her eyes with a blush on her cheeks.

Next to her, Suzuki Shiro was sleeping.

Outside the door, Li Mu took out some powder and used the wind to blow the powder into the room.

Suddenly , Tomoko Suzuki and Shiro Suzuki fell into a deep sleep together in the room.

After taking care of the two of them, Li Mu opened the door and closed it gently.


The next day, in the restaurant.

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at the somewhat happy Suzuki Tomoko and said with a smile:"Sister-in-law, you look good today. It seems that you slept well yesterday."

"Yes, now I take care of myself every day to prevent myself from getting old."

Tomoko Suzuki touched her cheek, and her heart was filled with warmth.

After being comforted by Li Mu yesterday, Tomoko Suzuki felt refreshed and very happy.

"By the way, Yuanzi, you seem to be looking very good. Were you happy yesterday?" Suzuki Shiro smiled.

He naturally knew about the relationship between Li Mu and Sonoko, so he just joked.

What a pity he didn't know that Li Mu was not only with Suzuki Sonoko but also with Suzuki Tomoko.

There was a green hat on his head , I don’t know yet.

Sonoko’s face instantly turned red, and she covered her cheeks shyly.

"Dad, you are really angry when you say this"

"Okay, okay, I won’t say any more."

Suzuki Jirokichi thought of something again, and said quickly:"By the way, Li Mu, I have already figured out the plan. When the time comes, on an airship, I want to see how Kaitou Kidd can steal my ruby."

"Well, I will bring the rubies over tomorrow. After looking at my ruby ​​Pandora, you will know that other gems are just stones."

Although Li Mu knew that it was impossible for Suzuki Shiro to protect the rubies, he was sure to protect them. Moreover

, there is Conan, Kidd's nemesis, so Li Mu didn't need to worry about this at all.

"Yeah? Do you seem very confident in your ruby? In this case, I am even more looking forward to the next action."

······Asking for flowers·······

Suzuki Jiroji saw that Li Mu was so confident in Ruby, and he also gained confidence.

As long as he can get the bait, he believes he can catch Kaitou Kidd

"By the way, uncle and aunt, I have finished eating and will leave first. Li

Mu said hello, then looked at Yuanzi and said,"Okay, Yuanzi, aren't you going to school?" I'll take you to school today"

"Hum, okay, just wait for me."

Yuanzi quickly picked up his backpack and followed Li Mu.


"Dad, mom, uncle, I'm going to school. You guys should eat early."

After saying hello, Sonoko and Li Mu left the Suzuki Zaibatsu.

Mori Detective Agency. Li Mu stopped the car, looked at Xiaolan waiting at the door, and honked the horn.

"Xiaolan, let me take you to school"

"Thank you then, Brother Li.

Seeing that Yuanzi was also in the car, Xiaolan quickly got into Li Mu's car. From behind ,

Conan suddenly became anxious and said quickly:"Brother Li, I want to take the car too.""

Li Muli ignored him and drove directly.

At the same time, Li Mu stretched out his hand and waved gently to the back.

"Conan, just go with your friends so you can exercise. Bye bye"


Conan looked at the back of Li Mu's car and gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could kick a ball.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and the two couldn't help but cover their mouths and snickered.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with!

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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