"Mom, are you in the room?"

Sonoko and others knocked lightly outside Suzuki Tomoko's room.

But there was no echo in the room.

"not here? Then let's go to Li Mu's place and have a look, maybe it's there."

Yuanzi murmured and left with the others.

Everyone was talking and walking, and soon they arrived outside Li Mu's room.

"Brother Li, are you in the room? Is my mother here?"

Tomoko Suzuki walked over calmly and opened the door slowly.

"Is it you Yuanzi? I thought I heard it wrong?"

Sonoko glanced at Tomoko Suzuki, and then at Li Mu inside.

Li Mu was listening to music and didn't seem to notice her.

"Mom, why are you here? Also, why didn't you hear me knocking on the door just now?"

Although Tomoko Suzuki was nervous inside, she showed calmness on the surface.

"Oh, nothing, 16 was just talking to Li Mu. We were just talking about the music we like. After saying that

, Suzuki Tomoko stood on tiptoes, leaned on Yuanzi, and said softly:"I just helped you get to know Li Mu. He is indeed very good and an excellent person.""

Not only is his conduct very outstanding, but he is also very outstanding in that aspect.

Of course, Tomoko Suzuki did not say the last sentence to Sonoko.

Sonoko's face instantly turned red, and she quickly pulled away from Tomoko Suzuki and hid secretly on the other side.

"Mom, why are you like this? Isn’t Li Mu very good?"

Yeah, it's good. If possible, Tomoko Suzuki would still like to compete with Sonoko for Li Mu.

"Shouldn't I help you take a look again? After all, you are my beloved daughter."

Yuanzi's heart warmed up, and the suspicion in his heart disappeared instantly.

On the other hand, Conan's detective intuition made him begin to doubt Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko, so he quickly walked into the room and looked around.

Of course, he just suspected that Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko might be Kidd's accomplices did not suspect anyone else.

Conan searched for a while and found nothing, but he did not relax his vigilance.

Apart from Conan, only Huihara Ai suspected Li Mu.

She knew Li Mu and knew that Li Mu was definitely not What a good person, a total playboy.

In her opinion, Li Mu and Suzuki Tomoko are definitely not innocent, and maybe they have an impure friendship like Fei Yingli.

Li Mu also noticed Haiyuan Ai's suspicious eyes and winked at her He blinked.

Haibara Ai's face instantly turned red, and he gave it to Li Guang, and then turned his head arrogantly.

Sonoko and Suzuki Tomoko talked for a while, and then entered the room together.

"Auntie, thank you so much for today"

"Yes, thank you aunt for the treat."

Xiaolan and everyone in the Young Detective Team all said hello.

"No matter where you are, our home garden would like to thank you all the time."

After listening to Suzuki Tomoko's words, Sonoko muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Okay, everyone, no more words, let’s go, I’ll treat you to something good today."

Suzuki Tomoko waved her hand gently and led everyone to the restaurant.

Xiaolan stood next to her, talking to Suzuki Tomoko

"By the way, Auntie, you've been having a good time during this period. Are you looking good?"

Listening to Xiaolan's compliment, Suzuki Tomoko subconsciously covered her blushing cheeks.

"No, maybe I take better care of it."

Of course, it was actually Li Mu who took good care of her and gave her a lot of nutrition every day.

"Yeah? My aunt must tell me from now on that I also want to be as young as my aunt."

Suzuki Tomoko glanced at Xiaolan, smiled, and said nothing.

She felt that with Li Mu's help, Xiaolan must take better care of herself than her, and she will definitely have a feminine look in the future.

No, Xiaolan is already very feminine now. It tasted good and looked very mature.

Li Mu stood behind and snickered, and he would definitely help Xiaolan and his party.

After arriving at the restaurant, Suzuki Jirokichi noticed Li Mu and waved quickly:"Li Mu, do you want to Go take a look at the ruby's defense mechanism. You will definitely recognize it."

"No need, I believe you."

Li Mu is very calm. Anyway, those things will definitely not be able to prevent Kaitou Kidd, so there is no need to worry.

If Suzuki Jirokichi knew what Li Mu was thinking, he would be so angry that he would beat him up.

Li Mu actually looked down on him so much, which he never expected after all the hard work. plan

"Well, since you're not going, then try the food I specially prepared. It will definitely be very delicious."

"Okay, we'll eat here."

Li Mu sat in a place and waited patiently.

Suddenly, a man came out, looking frightened.

"quick...Come and save me, I……"

This person was one of the reporters. His hands and face were all covered in red marks, as if he had been infected by a bacterial virus.

Officer Zhongsen also thought about it and said 097 a little uncertainly:"That's right....Could it be that he was infected by a bacterial virus?"

At this moment, Suzuki Jirokichi's cell phone rang.

Suzuki Jirokichi had just answered the phone, and his expression suddenly changed.

"what do you mean? you……"

Before he finished speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

Suzuki Jirokichi hung up the phone and nodded to Officer Nakamori, his face a little gloomy.

"quick...Please help me."

The reporter, Takamichi Fujioka, slowly walked towards Li Mu and others, his face extremely ugly.

Xiaolan took a step forward, took a deep breath, and then punched Takamichi Fujioka in the abdomen.

Fujioka Takamichi's body trembled, and then He fell straight to the ground.

"Okay, send him to the isolation room, and send two policemen in to take a look."

Officer Nakamori ordered, and then took out two gas masks from Suzuki Jirokichi.

Putting on the gas masks, the two people came to the outside of the smoking room, took a deep breath, and opened the door gently.

After the door opened , Officer Nakamori investigated inside and found a bottle for bacteria.

Officer Nakamori picked up the bottle, then took a photo and sent it to the

Metropolitan Police Department. The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins!_Watch

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