At the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Mumu was investigating the matter when he suddenly received a mobile phone message.

After opening the message and taking a look, Officer Megure quickly looked at Inspector Matsumoto.

"Manager Matsumoto just received news from Li Mu that the gangster's goal may be to get the Buddha statue in the temple.

The gangsters deliberately released the news in order to cause panic and then snatch away the Buddha statues in the temple. Moreover, the defense of the temple was also lax. Administrator Matsumoto thought for a moment, and then loudly ordered:"Quickly, tell the Osaka police about this matter and investigate the temples in the territory.""

"yes."Officer Mu Mu gave the order, then thought of Li Mu's information, and said quickly:"By the way, the place is still under control, and Li Mu asked us not to contact him."

"I know, I won’t inform him."

Chief Inspector Matsumoto is not an idiot, and naturally he will not contact Li Mu at this time.

Naturally, this information was set by Li Mu and will be released at regular intervals.

In the airship, Li Mu sensed the direct-rising sound behind him.Machine, corners of mouth raised

"Hey, you are here for money, right? I have a pair of Van Gogh's Sunflowers in my room. If I put it up for auction, it would fetch at least 100 million US dollars. If I sell it cheaply, it could be tens of millions. If I give it to you, will you let us go?"

The others looked at Li Mu in surprise after hearing this.

Others didn't know, and they didn't know anything. Li Mu didn't bring any words from Van Gogh at all.

However, they didn't expose Li Mu, they just thought about what Li Mu was going to do.

The leader's eyes flashed. Shrink, when I heard about 100 million US dollars, other people’s eyes lit up, except for him.

"Cat A. Cat B, go and accompany him to get that painting."


The two mercenaries followed Li Mu and escorted Li Mu to Li Mu's room.

"Quick, send that painting over."

Li Mu's figure suddenly flashed and appeared behind the two people. One by one, he completely eliminated the two people.

After taking care of the two people, Li Mu picked up the communicator and took away a gun.

Ten minutes later, Li Mu completely They took down all the gangsters except the living room.

The leader was a little worried when he didn't answer for a long time. He took out the communicator and said:"Cat A. Cat B, are you okay?""

Li Mu picked up the communicator and changed his voice and said:"It's okay, the paintings have been found, but I also found a lot of paintings, and it took me a while to move them to the entrance. They will all be moved away later."

The leader breathed a sigh of relief and ordered at the same time:"Okay, come here quickly, we will prepare to retreat later."


Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, stood outside the living room with two submachine guns, and waited for a moment. Taking a deep breath, Li Mu suddenly rushed out and fired directly with the gun in his hand, hitting the remaining mercenary in the arm.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot."

The mercenary stopped immediately, then rushed towards the mercenary, who pushed him to the ground.

Seeing that the two were dealt with, Li Mu pointed his gun at the waiter and reporter.

"Hey, these two reporters, and the waiter, don't move, or I'll shoot."

A female waiter didn't believe in evil and insisted.

Li Mu shot her without hesitation.

"If you move again, I won't be polite."

The other two reporters didn't dare to move. They didn't want to be like the waiter.

Officer Zhongmori was stunned for a moment. Although they didn't understand what happened, they still saw the waiter's gun.

Without saying anything, they directly fired The waiter was caught.

After taking care of the waiter, Officer Zhongsen looked at Li Mu and said:"Mr. Li, what happened to these two reporters?"

"It's nothing, I just think that Fujioka Takamichi is not a bacterial infection at all, but a lacquer allergy. These two people and Fujioka Takamichi are most likely in the same group. Officer Zhongmori was also stunned for a moment, but still said:"But with so many people infected, how did you know it was Takamichi Fujioka?""

Others also looked at Li Mu curiously.

"It's very simple, because if it is a raw lacquer infection, it cannot be infected on the face, so it must be that guy"

"It seems that this is really the case."

Officer Zhongsen nodded, feeling that this matter seemed normal.

"Well, you and I go to the isolation room and take a look"


Li Mu suddenly stopped Officer Zhongmori, pointed at the people on one side and said:"This is not simple yet. Take these people's guns away first. Those reporters should also have guns. Also, Consultant Suzuki must investigate whether there are weapons in the future."

······Asking for flowers·······

Suzuki Jiroji blushed. Among the people he brought here, there were actually weapons.

Without saying a word, Officer Zhongmori sent someone to pick up the weapons on the ground and went to search for the reporter himself.

Although the two reporters wanted to resist, they suddenly did not dare to resist when they saw the gun in Li Mu's hand and the murderous look in Li Mu's eyes.

Otherwise, he would definitely be hit by Li Mu.

Soon, Officer Zhongmori found two guns

"Come on, tie them up too, and the others go to the isolation room with me."

Now Officer Zhongmori also believed Li Mu and quickly led the police to find Fujioka Takamichi.


Li Mu threw a gun in his hand to Mouri Kogoro

"Detective Maori, you are a policeman, you still have a gun, just in case that guy takes the opportunity to rush in."

Mouri Kogoro did not hesitate. These are extraordinary times and he can't care about so much.

And even if he accidentally injures someone, with the financial resources of him, Officer Megure and Suzuki Jirokichi, big things will be reduced to trivial matters..

Above, Officer Nakamori went to the isolation room with a gun.

In the isolation room at this moment, Fujioka Ryūdō had not received any news from the mercenaries and his men, and was directly attacked by Officer Nakamori.

In order to prevent himself from being solved by Officer Nakamori, Fujioka Oka Takamichi surrendered.

Ten minutes later, Officer Nakamori pressed Fujioka Takamichi into the living room and tied up everyone.

After taking care of these people, Officer Nakamori thanked him and said:"Li Mu, thank you so much today. , I didn’t expect you to be so powerful, and you solved them all at once."

Yuanzi Xiaolan and everyone from the Young Detective Team also came over and looked at Li Mu with admiration.

"Brother Li, you are so awesome"

"Yes, Brother Li, you actually solved so many people by yourself."

"Brother Li, you are my idol, and I must be like you in the future."

Li Mu touched the back of his head, with a smile on his lips.

This time, he stole the show.

The Invincible Dating Battle of the Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage begins with!

_Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading - Collection, recommend

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