Osaka Prefecture, the airship fell slowly.

As soon as they got off the airship, all the gangsters on the airship were taken away by the police.

Li Mu and others were also taken by the police to take notes.

Li Mu was sitting in a police car. Next to Li Mu, there was a middle-aged man who looked pretty handsome.

This middle-aged man is none other than Kazuha's father, Toyama Ginshiro.

Toyama Ginshiro sat next to Li Mu, staring at Li Mu with his gnashing teeth, as if he was about to eat Li Mu at any moment.

Li Mu was very calm and didn't care about Ginshiro Toyama at all.

Anyway, he has fallen in love with his daughter, so there is no need to worry about anything else.

As for the future father-in-law, Li Mu doesn't need to worry, he can just take care of his daughter.

Toyama Ginshiro became even more dissatisfied when he saw that Li Mu ignored him.

Why did his daughter fall in love with Li Mu instead of Hattori Heiji?

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Li Mu was not as good as Hattori Heiji, and the two were not on the same level.

Not long after, after getting off the car, Li Mu took notes at the Metropolitan Police Department for a while, and then left the Metropolitan Police Department.

Outside police station 097, everyone else has taken notes and is currently waiting for Li Mu here.

As soon as Li Mu came out, everyone gathered around him

"Brother Li, when you come out, why don't you go to my house and I'll treat you to dinner."He Ye took the lead in saying

"OK, let's go together."

Li Mu agreed without hesitation.

Just now Toyama Ginshiro didn't give him face, so Li Mu naturally wanted to go over and have a good meal.

Of course, the most important thing is to make him angry.

If Toyama Ginshiro sees Li Mu Being so close to He Ye would definitely make him furious.

Thinking about it, Li Mu was a little excited now.

Not long after, Li Mu came to He Ye's house.

In addition to Li Mu, there were also Xiaolan, the Junior Detective Team and all the other people he knew. Everyone came.

Of course, Hattori Heiji also came.

After arriving at Heye's house, Heye's mother looked at Li Mu and then at the others with a smile on her face

"He Ye, are they all your companions? Come on, let them sit down. I'll prepare dinner right away."

"Thank you, aunt/madam."

Everyone thanked them, then sat on the sofa nearby and waited patiently.

After Lin Fei and others sat for a long time, the door to the living room opened.

"I'm back, I'm..."

Toyama Ginshiro was about to say something, when suddenly Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

"It's you? Why are you here? Li

Mu raised the corner of his mouth and said calmly:"He Ye invited me here. How about it? My uncle doesn't seem to welcome me.""

"Of course I don't..."

Toyama Ginjiro was about to say something. Kazuyo came from a distance and stared at Toyama Ginjiro. He was so frightened that he could not speak.

"Dad, Li Mu was invited by me. Don’t you welcome him?"

Youdao is the water thrown away by the married daughter.

Although Kazuo is not married yet, Toyama Ginshiro feels that Kazuo is no longer a member of their Toyama family.

Toyama Ginshiro looks at the angry and dissatisfied Kazuo , swallowed and said nothing.

Li Mu suppressed the smile in his heart and put his hands on He Ye's shoulders.

"He Ye, okay, don't be like this, uncle is your father after all, he just cares about you, although his concern is unnecessary."

Toyama Ginjiro was about to thank Li Mu, but what he said next made his face darken instantly.

As expected, Li Mu is not a good person at all.

Toyama Ginjiro complained in his heart and left the living room with a dark face. Throughout the whole process, no one else said a word Without saying anything, she just looked at Toyama Ginshiro and Li Mu.

In the kitchen, Kazuye's mother looked at Toyama Ginshiro who walked in, reached out and grabbed his ear, and gently tugged it.

"What did you mean by that just now? Let me tell you, Li Mu is still very good. I think he is more reliable than Hattori Heiji.

Moreover, he is young and rich, handsome, and very capable. I like him very much. If I were not young anymore, I would definitely pursue him. It's a pity."

Toyama Ginshiro's head was full of black lines. He didn't expect that his wife would also like Li Mu.

If Li Mu didn't look particularly young and his wife was joking, he felt like he was being cuckolded.

"Okay, let’s not talk anymore. Anyway, let me warn you. I think Li Mu is much better than Hattori. If you dare to mess around and ruin Kazuye’s happiness, I won’t let you go."

"right...Sorry, I will never dare to do it again."

Obviously, Toyama Ginjiro is also a strict wife.

"Ah, cut."

In the living room, Hattori Heiji hit him and subconsciously touched his nose.

"What's wrong, Hattori, are you okay?"

"No, nothing. Hattori

Heiji shook his head and murmured to himself:"Is it possible that someone is thinking about me?""

Li Mu listened to the conversation between the two people in the kitchen, and the corners of his mouth rose.

As expected, he is very good. He even managed to take care of He Ye's mother. He also took care of his future mother-in-law, that Toyama Ginshiro, who was a strict wife. What else is there to be afraid of?

An hour later, with the help of Mother Ye, Xiaolan and others, the dinner was ready.

Everyone sat at the dining table, holding chopsticks, eating the dinner.

Li Mu looked at him closely. Ginshiro Toyama said with a smile on his face:"Uncle, you are a policeman. You must be very tired at ordinary times. Eat more so that you have sufficient nutrition."

Toyama Ginshiro was about to say something, and Kazuye's mother patted him gently and warned:"Xiao Li is so polite, you should be more careful."

After receiving such a warning from Heye's mother, Toyama Ginshiro immediately reacted, forced out a smile and said:"You too, after all, you are a detective, you need to use your brain, eat more, so that your brain will be smarter.

Next to him, Guangyan looked at Li Mu and said in a low voice:"Why do I feel that there seems to be something very strange between the two of them.""

Conan's head was full of black threads, and nothing could be seen between Li Mu and Li Mu.

Only the outsider Hattori Heiji looked happy.

Li Mu could not get the love of Toyama Ginshiro, which meant that Li Muhe and Ye Impossible.

Poor Hattori Heiji didn't know that Li Mu had already taken care of Kazuha, and also had taken care of Kazuha's mother.

As for Toyama Ginshiro, his opinion doesn't matter anymore.

The Invincible Date Battle of The Great Voyage Begins! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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