After Xiaolan returned to the tent, she couldn't help but secretly take a photo of her little baby, looking very worried.

Yuanzi looked at the nervous Xiaolan and couldn't help but joked:"Xiaolan, you don't have to be so scared. It's nothing, and no one will notice.""

"No, you don’t know. In fact, just now we were……"

Xiaolan blushed and recounted what had just happened.

"What? Have you been seen? Yuanzi couldn't help but exclaimed and looked at Xiaolan in disbelief.

She was just talking casually, but Xiaolan was actually seen.

"Yuanzi, please keep your voice down."Xiaolan was startled and quickly covered Yuanzi's mouth.

Yuanzi also reacted, covered her mouth and whispered:"Yes, you should indeed keep your voice down."

But after a moment, Yuanzi asked quickly:"Xiaolan, you were discovered by the little ghost head, is everything okay?"

Xiao Lan thought of Hui Yuan Ai, and said with a strange expression:"It's okay, but that little girl asked me for a Cartier three-color ring."

"The little ghost head now is really too evil."

Yuanzi was also very speechless. Children nowadays actually know how to blackmail.

"Okay, no more talking, let’s take a good rest."

Xiaolan pulled the quilt and covered her head.

Yuanzi didn't say much, closed his eyes and continued to rest.

On the other side, after Haiyuan Ai returned, he kept listening to the tent next door.

He saw that Xiaolan had also come back. , waited for a while, secretly walked out of the tent and came to Li Mu.

Li Mu glanced at Hui Yuan Ai next to him, and said speechlessly:"Little girl, what's wrong? Could it be that you want something again and now you're here to blackmail me?" Yet?"

Hui Yuan Ai didn't say anything and walked directly to Li Mu.

The next day, at dawn, everyone in the Youth Detective Team got up.

Together, a group of little devils laughed happily.

On a big tree, Li Mu lay down On the branch, he closed his eyes and meditated.

Not far from the big tree, people from the Youth Detective Team came over and looked at Li Mu.

"Oh, it’s true. I said it was a night watch, but I fell asleep on the road. It’s true."

"Yes, with people like this watching, I am worried about the danger I faced yesterday night."

Li Mu:"……"

These days, he was just taking a break, but he was actually ridiculed by a group of people.

Li Mu jumped down from the top and sighed:"Oh, I have worked so hard, some people eat and use my things, and now they actually talk about me. It seems that they don't want to eat my things anymore."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young detective team suddenly changed.

This time when I came to camp, Li Mu bought food, drink, accommodation and clothes.

If Li Mu doesn't give it, what will they eat?

In an instant, Ayumi smiled immediately

"Brother Li, you are so kind. I really worked hard for you yesterday."

"That's right, your brother, you are such a good person. You must have been tired yesterday evening. Go and have a good rest."

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched. These little devils are so powerful. They will definitely be flatterers when they grow up.

But after a moment, Conan touched the back of his head and said with a silly smile:"Brother Li, you can go and have a rest. Leave breakfast to us. Sleep. Just sleep and continue traveling."

Conan also abandoned his moral integrity in an instant and began to flatter himself.

Otherwise, he would eat and drink whatever he wanted today. As for the moral integrity guy, would it be possible for him to be his own bread? He wouldn't believe it anyway.

Li Mu looked at the people who had no moral integrity. , feeling a little proud

"Very good, in that case, then go prepare breakfast, and remember not to drug me, otherwise I will be angry."

When it came to drugging, everyone focused their attention on Conan.

They were present at what happened last time, so they naturally knew who Li Mu was talking about, and it wasn't them anyway.

Conan felt the eyes of everyone, and the corner of his mouth twitched. It really has nothing to do with him, well, probably

"Cough cough cough... Hattori brother did this. I have warned him sternly. Naturally, I will not do such a thing."

Conan abandoned Hattori Heiji without moral integrity.

Instead of being harshly accused by others, it is better to let Hattori Heiji bear this pain.

If Hattori Heiji were here, he would definitely slap Conan to death.

This matter is, Although he is the mastermind, Conan is not bad either. The two of them are basically on a 50-50 basis.

".Okay, I still believe Conan, it must not have been done by Conan, it must have been because Hattori brother was jealous, so he did it."

Li Mu, Xiaolan and others smiled awkwardly.

The little devil is so precocious now that he actually knows about jealousy.

But thinking about it, Hattori Heiji seems to be really jealous, and it has nothing to do with Conan.

Conan also felt uncomfortable in his heart He was a little speechless. In fact, he was also jealous. Otherwise, how could he and Hattori Heiji frame Li Mu. But for the sake of his own reputation, Conan could only nod his head and said:"I don't know the specifics, but Hattori brother usually says Brother Li is so hateful. He always eats Sister Ye's tofu and looks very unhappy."

Li Mu was speechless. Conan usually seemed very honest, but now he directly betrayed Hattori Heiji. It was so unscrupulous.

Wait, should he tell Hattori Heiji about this?

Of course, Li Mu just I was just thinking about it in my mind, and didn't notice that I actually planned to tell Hattori Heiji.

And even if Li Mu told him, Hattori Heiji probably wouldn't believe him, so why would he tell it? Isn't that stupid?

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage The Invincible Date A Live Begins!

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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