Fei Yingli stood next to the window, and then saw Li Mu holding an edge of the window and stepping on the water pipe under the window.

Of course, Li Mu knew it was Fei Yingli, so he was not afraid and did not leave.

"Sure enough, I knew you must be inside, and now it seems that you are really here."

Fei Yingli saw Xiaolan's expression and roughly guessed it. She didn't expect that Li Mu was really here.

"Hahaha, I can’t help it, Xiaolan is very beautiful today, and there’s no one else around, so of course I’m here."Li Mu smiled and said

"Okay, come up, it's quite dangerous to hang here."

Fei Yingli didn't say anything. She took a step back and asked Li Mu to jump up.

Li Mu quickly pushed hard and jumped into the bathroom.

"Li Mu, you are serious, what you did just now was very dangerous."

At that moment, Fei Yingli was really frightened, fearing that Li Mu would be in any danger.

"Okay, I'm not in danger, don't worry."The corners of Li Mu's mouth raised.

Fei Yingli didn't say anything and looked at Li Mu silently.

"Go back, no, I have a better way."

Li Mu whispered in Fei Yingli's ear.

Fei Yingli's face instantly turned red and she lowered her head shyly.

"What do you think, Yingli?"

Li Mu looked at Fei Yingli expectantly.

Fei Yingli didn't speak, but nodded shyly.

"Well, that's it, I'll be right back again."

After saying that, Li Mu jumped out directly.

Fei Yingli closed the window again and walked out of the bathroom.

Xiaolan had been waiting outside for a long time. It was not until Fei Yingli came out that Xiaolan took a peek inside the bathroom.

Confirmed the bathroom Li Mu was not seen inside, and Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.


"Xiaolan, I was sweating when I came here. You go and get ready. You can wash here for a while, okay?"

"Okay, I'll get it to you right now."

Xiaolan immediately prepared something and watched Fei Yingli enter the bathroom.

Outside, Xiaolan was preparing to cook, and suddenly thought... she muttered to herself:"Wait, tell dad about mom's coming, so that he can We can come back, maybe we can be together."

Thinking of this, Xiaolan quickly picked up the phone and called.

On the other side, Maori Kogoro heard that Fei Yingli came over. Although he said he didn't want it on the surface, he was actually very sincere and gave up playing mahjong and came back quickly. On

Li Mu's side, when the bathroom window opened again, he quickly jumped up and flew into the window.

Fei Yingli waited until Li Mu came in, then quickly closed the window tightly and started to turn on the water.

On the other hand, Maori Detective Affairs Outside the office.

Mouri Kogoro hurriedly ran in, and then walked to Xiaolan's side.

"Xiaolan, where is she? Where is she now?"

"Dad, you are finally back. As for mom, she is taking a bath now. What's wrong? Is mom back, so you are back too?" Xiaolan teased.

Mouri Kogoro turned his head proudly and said dissatisfied:"Huh, it's just that the mahjong player is not free today, so I came back, not specifically for someone."

Xiaolan smiled. She didn't know the arrogant character around her.

It is estimated that his father came back just for Fei Yingli.

"Mom, dad is back and came here to see you."

Moori Kogoro's face changed slightly, and he quickly explained:"I didn't look at you. Don't talk nonsense. I just happened to come back."

In the bathroom, Fei Yingli was startled, and subconsciously grabbed Li Mu's arm.

"Kogoro, why is he back? Didn't you say he went out to play mahjong all night?"

Li Mu was also stunned for a moment, then realized and had to leave. After a while, Fei Yingli closed the window and left the bathroom directly.

Outside, Xiaolan looked at Fei Yingli who came out and said quickly:"Mom, Have you finished washing? Why didn't I see you washing your hair?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just washed it briefly and then took a bath. There was no need to wash my hair. Fei

Yingli said calmly, and then walked outside.

Xiaolan was anxious and said quickly:"Mom, where are you going? Why don't you stay for a meal?""

"No, I was just passing by and it’s time to go back now. Fei Yingli shook her head and said

"Oh, wait, mom, why don't you stay and eat instead of leaving."

Xiao Lan quickly took Fei Yingli's arm and dragged Fei Yingli to the dining table.

Fei Yingli hesitated for a while but agreed.

The Invincible Dating Battle of The Great Voyage Begins!_Fei

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