On the deck, Conan sat helplessly on the sofa, looking very powerless.

Conan was also very unlucky today, being tricked by Li Mu twice in a row.

Of course, he didn't doubt Li Mu, he just thought it was accidentally said by Li Mu accidentally, and then he was unlucky.

Not far from Conan, Xiao Ai stood next to Li Mu, looking very pitiful.

"Conan, you must have tricked me. How did you know that it was a watch-type satellite phone?"Hai Yuan Ai asked.

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth, looked at the unlucky Conan, and joked:"Yes, don't you think bullying Conan occasionally is a beneficial activity for the body and mind?"

The corners of Hui Yuan Ai's mouth twitched. Only Li Mu could make fun of Conan in such a funny way.

But thinking about it, Hui Yuan Ai also found this matter very interesting.

Li Mu and Hai Yuan Ai talked. After a while, he watched Xiaolan leaving in the distance and followed her secretly.

After entering the cabin, Li Mu strode to Xiaolan's side.

"Xiaolan, how are you? What can you do?"

Xiaolan was startled. When she saw Li Mu's face, Xiaolan's face turned red instantly.

"Brother Li, why are you here? What's the matter?"

"It’s nothing, I’m just accompanying you, I’m afraid you’ll get lost, but what’s the matter with you?"

"where...No way, I...I won't get lost."Xiao Lan said with a blush.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth, and without saying anything, he put his arms around Xiao Lan's waist and pulled her into his arms.

Xiao Lan's body trembled and she struggled slightly, but she didn't break free. So she didn’t continue to struggle.

After walking a few steps, Xiaolan suddenly stopped and turned to look around.

"Brother Li, where is this place? I can't find the bathroom. Can you help me find it? Li

Mulu was amused and joked:"Looks like you're lost again and don't know where to go to the bathroom.""

Xiaolan's white cheeks turned red again, and she quickly covered her face. She glared at Li Mu in shame.

"Brother Li, you are so bad, you don’t want to help me, but you still bully me."

"Okay, Xiaolan, I'll take you there."

Li Mu pulled Xiaolan and walked in one direction, then came to the bathroom.

More than ten minutes later, outside, a female officer wearing self-defense force uniforms came in.

This female officer was the same female officer who had just been with Li Mu and others. Nanami Fujii took the photo.

After Nanami Fujii came in, she came to the outside of Li Mu’s bathroom and stretched out her hand to gently pull

"Is anyone here?"

Fujii Nanami murmured, and then walked to the bathroom on the other side.

In the bathroom, Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously exhaled


Fujii Nanami outside subconsciously became vigilant.

After all, Nanami Fujii was investigating something, and she was particularly nervous about some things, such as Xiaolan's breathing.

Even though she was just breathing, she was still particularly vigilant.

Fujii Nanami stood secretly outside Li Mu's bathroom, slowly bent down, and looked into the bathroom from below.

Except for a pair of feet, Fujii Nanami didn't see anything.

Fujii Nanami breathed a sigh of relief, and then realized that those feet were more than 40 yards long and could not be women's feet.

And this is a women's restroom, how could there be men here.

Fujii Nanami immediately thought that Li Mu was the spy X. He quickly took out his gun and pointed it at the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Li Mu sighed, not knowing that people outside had discovered it.

Helpless, Li Mu could only open the door so that Fujii Nanami could see him outside.

Outside, Fujii Nanami was nervous, and suddenly saw Li Mu and Xiaolan, and was stunned for a moment.

Fujii Nanami's face turned red when she saw it

"What are you doing?"

"this...You know."

The Beloved Concubine of the Great Voyage, the invincible slaying of the red pupil begins!_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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